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26 Cards in this Set

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Sex in America Chapters 1, 2, 7, 8


A Billion Wicked Thoughts Chapters 1, 2, 4


Sex at Dawn Part 1


Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Report


- interviews thousands of people to get their "sexual histories"

- there was a contradiction between what people say publicly and what they do privately

- interviewes sex criminals, filmed people having sex

- did not use random sampling

Heterosexual anal sexuality and the anal sex behaviors

McBride, Fortenberry

- asymmetrical with heterosexual- 4 % homosexual (there are more women than gay men so heterosexual couples have more anal sex than gay men)- associated with being young, alcohol, negative mood, higher sexual interest, not having had sex in the past week, having had anal sex before

Sexual transformations and intimate behaviors in romantic relationships

Burke, Young

- social interdependence theory

- repeated interactions of sex- sex with the same person more than once

- having sex when you "don't want to"

- couples who transform from sex for me to sex for us

- what should i do now based on what i did in the past and what i'll do in the future

Typing, doing, and being


Typing: behavior

Being: who we are, identity

What was illistrated by the Masters of Sex clip

6 problems when collecting data about sex:

1. self awareness

2. deception

3. defining what normal sex is

4. surveys vs in-depth interviews

5. ethical issues in recording data

6. accurate recall

What was illistrated by the Sweet Charity "Hey Big Spender" clip

social exchange

What was illustrated by the Beautiful minds clip

Game Theory

doing what's best for the group is what is best for you

What was illustracted by the Love Bite clip (barista)

- What is sex?

- physical cheating vs. emotional cheating vs. mental (fantasy) cheating

- sex is thoughts, actions, and feelings

- porn star fantasy vs. best friend/barista

compare kinsey to masters and johnson

- (M&J) relied on physiological data rather than self-report measures

- (K) worked with portistutes and then randomly paired "everyday" people, sex history

Four stages of sexual response

1. excitment

2. plateau

2. orgasm

4. refractory period

Simon and Gagnon (non-biological perspective)

- how does society perceive sex?

- sexual script: cultural, interpersonal(between people) , intrapersonal(inside self)

What is sex? Is there a conciseness?

rule 34: if you can think of it, there is porn of it

kinks: something you like that's different

squicks: something you don't like that someone else likes

How much time do we spend having sex in a life time?

60sec.x7min.x3/wk.x52wk/yr.x60yrs= 3, 931, 200 seconds/2,515, 968,000 (sec. of life)= 0.0015625= 0.15% of our life

Theoretical perspective:

Social construction (symbolic interactionism)

- looking-glass self: look to others to determine who you are

- signs: peices of evidence about something

- symbol: arbitrary representation of something

- basic unit of analysis

- sex has no meaning except the meaning we give it

Theoretical perspective:

Game Theory (social exchange)

- economics about people lives

- reciprocity

- prisoner's dilemma: together promising to keep quite gives you an incentive to talk because you trust that person will keep quiet, but they are thinking the same thing

Evolutionary Psychology

- natural selection

- sexually antagonistic selection: red queen problem

- sexual selection; possessing characteristics desired by sexual partner

- Three stages of females: receptivity, attractivity, proceptivity

- 80% women 40% men reproduce

Prefactual thinking

thinking of endings before actions is taken

simulation heuristic

if i go this way instead of that way....

counterfactual thinking

thinking about how an ending could have been altered after it has happened

if only i had gone that way.....

changing routine causes more regret


Male- short, sexually charged words

Female- longer, mood setting, feelings

paradox: short term gain, long term loss

Taxonomy of fantasies

instrumental(realistic): help you accomplish a task

reinforcing(fantastic): stimulate or distract you


- women do it less than men

- evolutional: some people have higher sex drive

- social exchange: "clearing the chamber"- fresh supply

- game theory: stay monogamas

Sex with other people

- sex positions: do they have meaning?

- preparing your body: grooming, hygiene, shaving (sex and the city- carrie pubic hair)

turning down sex

- no longer interested

- sign of infidelity

- fear of negative snowball effect

- threat to self-concept

- relationship sacrifices

- frequency of sacrifices, type of sacrifice (sexual or not), reciprocity