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54 Cards in this Set

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sex vs. gender

Sex-biological characteristics

Gender-behaviors and attitudes a group considers proper for its males and females

Gender stratification

males and female's unequal access to property, power, and prestige

Minority group

people discriminated against on the basis of physical or cultural characteristics

Rise of Feminism

1st wave-voting rights

2nd wave-work conditions

3rd wave-least industrialized nations, societal values

Glass ceiling

an unseen barrier that keeps minorities from rising to upper rungs of corporate ladder

Race categories




Dominant group

group with the most power, privileges, and highest social status

Minority group

people singled out for unequal treatment


cultural factors-assimilate-become like the people, and pluralism-stay separate through common ancestry, cultural heritage


White Anglo Saxon Protestants-other whites considered inferior-Naturalization Act of 1790-only white immigrants could apply for citizenship

Subordinate group

disadvantaged and subjected to unequal treatment


marrying within your group


marrying outside your group

Prejudice vs. Discriminate

Prejudice-attitude-pre-judged feeling based on generalizations

Discriminate-action-to sort our and take something away from people


overgeneralization about members of particular categories

Theories of Prejudice

1. Frustration-aggression hypothesis-frustrated with efforts to achieve a goal, show aggression towards others

Authoritarian Personality(Adorno)-excessive conformity, high level of superstition, rigid stereotypic thinking

Adorno's scale

F scale-Facisim

E scale-Ethnocentrism

A scale-Anti semitism-high score on one, high score on all

Life expectancy vs. Life span

Life expectancy-number of years one can expect to live

Life span-maximum length of life possible

Symbolic Interactionist

ageism-prejudice and discrimination against people because of their age-meanings with growing old have shifted over time

Functionalist Perspective

age cohorts-people born roughly at the same time pass through life course together-elderly cohort transition out of jobs, younger cohort takes over

Disengagement Theory

how society has set up a mutually beneficial system of getting elderly to "disengage" and leave their jobs behind-pensions and social security are incentives

Activity theory

level of activity that correlates to happiness-satisfied level of activity differs between individuals

Conflict perspective

social security-less elderly are living in poverty than before


people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption

Nuclear family

husband, wife, and children

Family of orientation

family you are born into

Family of procreation

family formed when couple has first child

Extended family

immediate nuclear family, as well as relatives

Fictive kin

nonrelatives whose bonds are strong and intimate

System of descent

way in which people trace kinship over generations-bilateral, patrilineal, or matrilineal

Mate selection

each human group establishes norms to govern whom has relations with whom

Romantic love

mutual sexual attraction and idealized feelings about one another


union between people with similar backgrounds and social channels-age, education, social class, and race ethnicity


Geographic closeness


group's mating arrangements marked by a ritual of some sort-Advantages-better psychological well being, better health, and economic advantages


married to one person at a time


more than one spouse

Civil union

public policy designed to extend some benefits to partners who are not legally married


arrangement in which two individuals in a relationship live together without being married


couples should have kids

Love language

different ways we want love, and different ways we show love

Blended families

family that contains members that were once part of another family

Boomerang kids

kids return home at a later age

Functionalism on Family

family serves as mechanism for maintaining social order family in decline? yes

Conflict theory on family

marriage is a struggle for control in the relationship Family in decline? somewhat

Symbolic interaction on family

concentrates on statuses and roles within a family, family is successful when members fulfill roles expected of them Family in Decline? no

Ethnic work

activities designed to discover, enhance, or maintain ethnic and racial identity

Split labor market

division of workers along racial-ethnic and gender lines

Reserve labor force

those who don't have jobs are hired and then laid off when no longer needed

Selective perception

labels we learn can affect the ways we perceive people-lead us to see certain things while they blind us to others


separate acts of cruelty from sense of being good and decent people

Population transfer

indirect-making life so miserable for members of a minority that they leave "voluntarily"

direct-dominant group expels a minority

Internal colonialism

how a country's dominant group exploits minority groups for its economic advantage

rising expectations

sense that better conditions are soon to follow, which, if unfulfilled, increases frustration