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47 Cards in this Set

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Gender Expression

external characteristics & behaviors defined as masculine or feminine

Sexual orientation

physical and emotional attractions to people of a particular gender

Gender identity

deeply felt identification as a man, woman, or another gender.

May not correspond to the sex assigned at birth


people whose gender identity/expression differ from those typically associated with sex assigned at birth


person who identifies with the sex/gender assigned at birth


sexual or romantic thoughts/relationships are normal only when between people of different sex and genders


incorporation of soe LGBTQ peoples into hetero-normative society


biological differences that separate males from females


social position & set of arrangements built around normative sex categories

Gender Roles

behaviors that accompany and support one's status as male or female


social system that subordinates femininity to masculinity

Gender Maneuvering

performances that manipulate meanings of femininity and masculinity within interactions

Hegemonic Femininity

legitimates the gender order by positioning women as objects of desire


socially unacceptable performances that challenge the dominant gender order


raises social awareness of gender

pursues gender norms that accord women and men equal opportunities and respect


ability to impose racial indentities on groups

inscribes physical bodies with symbolic meaning and organizes them into hierarchies


An attitude that is positively or negatively biased toward or against a particular group


Harmful or negative acts towards a particular group viewed as inferior or deviant


A system of beliefs, practice, and relationships that (re)produce hierarchies based on racial categories

limits access to resources, rights, and privileges

Double Consciousness

Marginalized groups maintain two scripts

Dominant normal script; second script considers the gaze or prejudiced onlookers

Colorblind Racism

racial outcomes can be explained by non racial factors

ex, dress code directed towards specific group even though we do not say it


events, observations, and experiences that communicate exclusionary messages to marginalized social groups

non-verbal (body-language)



Consequences that reinforce socially expected behavior


an attribute that is deeply discrediting

Labeling Theory

Behaviors are deviant only when labeled as deviant


pressure to discipline ourselves, control our behavior, and manage our identities in order to avoid negative sanctions, labels, and stigmas

Legitimate Authority

power exercised with the consent of those subject to those individuals, norms, rules, laws, or institutes

ex, police


Any Transgression from social norms

Social Fact

values, beliefs, and structures that originate in society rather than individual preferences or material realities

any aspect of social life that shapes individual behaviors

Social Structure

Organized patterns of social relationships that influence or limit the choices and opportunities available to individuals

Social Location

A collection of social demographics and personal identities that define our place in a community or society in relation to others


Process through which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society in order to function as members of that society


Rules of conduct that specify appropriate behavior in social situations

helps maintain social order through routinized interactions

Presentation of self

Idea that social life is a theatrical performance

We have a front stage, and a backstage where we can be 'ourselves'


a recognizable social positive

ascribed, achieved, master


The duties and behaviors associated with a status


Study of all dimensions of human life with particular emphasis on groups, interactions and institutions through which society is built


How do we use and interpret symbols to communicate with each other?

Micro level


How is social order maintained?

Behaviors, which side to drive on, maintains social order

Conflict theory

How does the social order create and reinforce inequalities?

Ex, devaluing women

Sociological Imagination

Ability to see connections between our intimate personal experiences and the impersonal forces of history

Social Capital

networks & relationships that an individual can use as a resource in order to achieve goals

Cultural Capital

Situationally specific knowledge that enables success in particular social situations


the belief that our class position is a direct function of individual talent& work ethic


Idea that society is organized according to intersecting systems of oppression


An economically-based hierarchical system characterized by a set of cohesive & oppositional groups & the possibility of social mobility


Working class youth feel marginalized in ways that are consistent with other stigmiatized groups