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51 Cards in this Set

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Book of Essays

skepticism towards accepted belief

condemned superstiontion and intolerance

urged man to live nobly
August Comte
The Course of Positive Philosophy

dividid history into 3 stages
1. theological- works of God's will

2. metaphysical- works by natural law

3. scientific- foget generalizations and stick to the facts
Francis Bacon
Novum Organum
progressionist bias

science has a practical role in human development
Letter Boccaccio: Literary Humanism

believed in reviving interest in the classics, wrote sonnets expressing romantic love

appreciation of nature

works portrayed lecharous friars, ambitious merchants and a frankly acquisitive, sensual and secular society
Baruch Spinoza

"in the light of eternity"

all determination is negotiation
George Hegel
Philosophy of the Right

thesis vs. antithesis= synthesis
Pico della Mirandola
Oration on the Dignity of Man

mans place within the universe lies somewhere between beasts and angels, but there are no limits to what he can accomplish
Thomas More
Utopia- believed that problems in society were cause by greed

law should exalt mercy over justics

citizens who live by reason live a nearly perfect life
Alfred Mahan
Influence of Seapower on History

Future of the Military lay in the navy
Herbert Spencer
Liberal Philosophy

believed that human society progresses through cmopetition

if the weak receive too much help the rest of mankind was the loser

this concept was applied to (not) aiding the poor
2 Chief Systems of the World
E pur se muove (it still moves
heliocentric theory of the universe
Thomas Aquinas
Summ Thologica

believed that Christianity's premises and date came from divine revelation rather than imperical observation

theology was considered a science, and he a scholastic
Jeremy Bentham
Principles of Morals and Legislation

believed in the greatest good for the greatest number

colonies were a burden for the mother country
In Praise of Folly

although he was catholic he believed in teaching simple view of Christ

admire clear and honest thinking and disliked intolerance and persecution
The Prince

chief foundations of state and good laws and good arms

deception, unscrupulous, cunning
Das Kapital

Believed in the rise of the proletariat
Immanuel Kant
Critique of Pure Reason

the categorical imperative, transcedental logic; 'thing in itself'

best gov was enlighteneed monarchy since human beings are rarely worthy to govern themselves
On the rev of heavenly spheres

heliocentri theory
Leopold Ranke
Criticism of New Historians

purpose of historian is not to judge the past, in order to instruct the present, but only to show what actually occurred

on should not praise or condemn an epic

'every age is immediate praise to God'
Thomas Malthus
Essay on the Principle of Population

pop would exceed food production leading to faminne, pestilence and war
Mary Wallstonecraft
Vindication of the Rights of Women

believed that a woman's mind was as good as a man's
Charles Darwin
Origin of Species

originality lay in suggesting how biology might have ocurred

argued that hcance difference among a member of species help some to survive while others die
Rene Descartes
Discourse of Method

Cogito ergo sum (i thiink therefore i am)
David Ricardo
Principles of Political economy and taxation

rising wages favor capital intesive production over labor intesive production
Louis Blanc
Organization of Work

wanted to give the vote to the working class

a state controlled wroking class could finance workshops to employ the poor
Charles Fourier
Theory of Four Movements

advocated the construction of communities called Phalanxes in which liberated living would replace boredom and dullness of industrial life

agrarian rather than industrial
The WIll to Power

traxvaluatino of values

God is Dead
Thomas Hobbes

sovereignty derived from the people, who transfer it to monarch by implicit contract

rule of the monarch is absolute, but not by divine right
Johann Goethe
Dr. Faustus
his work deomnstrated deep spiritual problems that euros would encounter as the traditional moral religious values were abandoned

man should be artisitc, talented, linguisitc, intellectual, dancer

Jacques Boussuet
Politics Drawn of Holy Scripture

held fast to Old Testament belief that rulers were divinely appointed by and answerable only to God
John Locke
2nd Treatise of Civil gov

konwlege is perception of the agreement or disagreement of 2 ideas

wrote to justify revolution

and man's right to overthrow unjust govs

tabula rosa
John Stuart Mill
On LIberty

advocated education of the working class as a means of raising their standard of living
Jean Jacques Roussea
Social Contract

believed that individuals would surrender their natural liberty to one another, fusing their wills into a General Will which would be the true sovereign power

the majority is always right
Abbe Sieyes
What is the third Estate?

nobility is useless,

"confidence from below, authority from above"
Hugo Grotious
Law of war and peace

tried to prove that natural law existed and that states were bound by it

first to propose a concept of UN
believed war should be outlawed
Spirit of the Law
geography and climate determine the form of government

believed in separation of powers
Lorenzo Valla
False Donation of Constantine

exemplifies application of critical scholarship to old writings, as well as new secular spirit of renn
Our Program

in his intepation of marxism, allowed for an elite party and dual social revolution of the proletariat and the peasantry
Spiritual Excersises

Catholic soldier for god

set forth system for disciplined prayer and asceticism to guide the members of society

single set of explanations for motion both on earth and skies

synthesis prevailed until the 20th century
Blaise Pascal

believed that gap between Christianity and natural science was great

man was not physical center of the world, but his mind had penetrated world's laws
An Essay on Crime and Punishment

attacked torture and capital punishment

wanted speedy trial and sure punishment which was intended to deter further crime

law was greatest good for greatest number
Gargantua and Pantegruel
satirical fantasy

considers questions of phiolosphy edu and politics

expressed faith in individuals and their ability to lead good lives
John Calvin
Institutes of the Christian Religion

Bible is the sole word for God

Marx and Engels
the Communist Manifesto

Economic conditions determined the nature of everything in society

class conflict would lead to a bourgeosis revolution
Rerum Novarum

condemned socialism and Marxism for atheism and oppos. to private property

isisted on moral obligation of employers to pay a living wage to worker
Count of Saint Simon
The New Christianity

gov should be directed by scientists, not politicians, who understand the operation of modern industrial economy

gov should serve interests of people
Adam Smith
Wealth of Nations

Competition acts as the invisible hand serving to regulate the markeplace

lessaiz faire