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15 Cards in this Set

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How common are adhesions as a cause of SBO?
most common cause 15-42%
Difference in clinical presentation between a proximal and a distal SBO?
proximal tend to present early (within a day)
Distal- more subacute, 2-3 day course (crampy abdo pain prior to vomiting, distension and constipation)
Bowel sounds initiallyu hyperactive and hight pitched and later reduced
hernias tend to present early and more acutely, neoplasm: slow, adhesions: intermediate
What does colonic gas indicate in a small bowel obstruction?
An incomplete obstruction or an adynamic ileus rather than a complete mechanical obstruction
What are the signs of a small bowel obstruction on an AXR?
Dilated loops of small bowel (>3cm)- disproportionate to more distant small bowel oe colon
Small bowel air fluid levels that exceed 2.5cm in length
Air fluid levels at different heights in the same loop
Small bybbles of gas trapped between folds in dilated, fluid filled loops
What kind of contrast radiography is done for an SBO
Use gastrograffin rather than barium
Also forms part of conservative management of SBO: gastrograffin is hyperosmolar and may stimulate peristalitic activity, as well as decreasing interstitial wall oedema
Caution in dehydrated patients as gastrograffin may exacerbate dehydration by sequestering third space fluid in GI lumen
When is non-operative management of SBO appropriate
No signs of intestinal strangulations on repeated eval of abdomen
If there has been no significant improvement for 48 hours operative management is generally indicated
When is operative management indicated for a small bowel obstruction?
Patients suspected of having complete or closed-loop obstruction with fever, leukocytosis, tachycardia, metabolic acidosis, continuous pain or peritonitis warrant prompt exploration
In patients being managed conservatively: If there is concern that the patient has increasing pain, distension and persistent high NG output, surgical exploration should be considered.
1/4 will eventiually require operation
What kind of pain suggests bowel ischemia
constant rather than intermittent pain
Management of a closed loop bowel obstruction
find loop and free it
assess viability
if necessary: place warm pack over bowel then re-examine several minutes later
if not viable: perform simple resection and primary anastomosis
Recurrence rate after initial adhesiolysis after obstruction
20%Manage recurrent obstructions non-operatively as much as possible (unless evidence of bowel compromise e.g. increasing pain, fever, leukocytosis, high NG output and increasing bowel dilatation on plain films)
May consider long intestinal tube through gastrostomy for three months- but incomplete evidence that this is effective
When are post-op adhesions most extensive after a laparotomy?
10-21 days

suspect SBO rather than ileus if bowel function absent >5d
Management of post-operative ileus
Strangulation is uncommon
Manage with careful observation: unless complete obstrucion, intra-abdominal sepsis
AXR. If diagnosis is uncertain- use dilure barium/gastrograffin follow-through to determine severity of obstruction/relieve the obstruction
consider parenteral nutrition if NBM > 7d
Management of SBO caused by malignant metastases
Rarely strangulate
Manage with low residue diet/NG decompression
If good prognosis- operative intervention with resection or bypass
Management of SBO due to crohns
Initially non-operative
steroids and metronidazole
surgery if persists
resect phlegmatous segment and manage fibrotic stricture with stricturoplasty
Management of gallstone ileus
usually >2.5cm,impacts 60cm from ileocecal valve- subacute SBO in elderly
will see gas in the biliary tree on AXR
At surgery: crush gallstone and empty into lg bowel/enterotomy
Leave gallbladder alone