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37 Cards in this Set

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What is Pyoderma?
bacterial infections that involve the skin
clinical signs of pyoderma
-red, moist with pus like exudate
-hair loss
-scratching and moist area
-painful and febrile
Treatments of pyoderma
-clean with chlorhexiderm
-treat primary case (fleas, parasites)
-Prednisolone, Tiamcinalone (Vetalog)
-Nolvasan shampoo
Deep suppurative infections
A collection of pus. causes swelling and inflammation around it
-cat fights
-penetrating wounds
-self infliction (skin infections, dermatitis)
-aerobic, anaerobic organisms
Clinical signs of abscess
-tissue edema and swollen region
-ruptured purulent discharge
Treatments of abscess
-surgery (debride necrotic tissue, providing drainage w/ penrose drain)
-supportive care (fluids, nutritional support)
Anal sac disease

-large quantity thick secretion
-small ducts
-poor grooming
Clinical signs of anal sac disease
-scratching, licking, dragging anal region
-tail chasing
-tenesmus (painful defecation
Diagnosis of anal sac disease
-palpate distended anal sacs
-look for fluid color
-abcess seen
Treatment of anal sac disease
-flush with dilute nolvasan/ betadine
-topical anti-inflammatory (Panalog, Otomax)
-infection of keratinaceous structure (hair, nails, skin) by parasitic fungi
Etiology of dermatophytisis
- Microsporum canis
- Microsporum gypseum
- Trichophytan metagrophytes
Clinical signs of dermatophytosis
-irregular or circular areas of skin with alopecia and scales
Diagnosis of dermatophysis
-fungal culture (dermatophye test media DTM)
-Woods lamp (black light)
- Skin biopsy
Treatment of dermatophysis
-TOPICAL: antiseptic bath (Ketoconazole/miconazole)
-SYSTEMIC: Griseofulvin
+side effect: hepatoxicity, teratogen, cats extremely sensitive
Ketoconazole, Itraconazole
-infects hair follicle and caused by immunosupression
-caused Demodex canis / Demodex cati (mites)
-NOT contagious to humans and other animals
3 forms of demodicosis
-localized demodicosis (looks exactly like ringworm)
#animals <1 year, resolves spontaneously in 4-8 months
- non parasitic
-lesions on muzzle, head, ears, forelegs
-begins local & spreads
- diffuse, alopecia, scabs and erythema
-pyoderma, puritus
- generalized lymphadenopathy
Diagnosis of demodicosis
- skin scrape
- skin biopsy
Treatment of demodicosis
LOCALIZED: -bathing w/ Nolvasan shampoo
- mitaban dip ++side effect: toxic to cats, sedates the animal
GENERALIZED: - mitaban dip
- skin scrap every 2-4 weeks, continue 3-4 weeks after negative scrape
- Ivermectin (usually doen't work)
Sarcoptic mange
- burrowing mite
- caused by Sarcoptes scabiei*
- Notoedres cati (cats)
- Cheyletiella
-Highly CONTAGIOUS, pruritic
-transmission by CONTACT
-Mites cause intense pruritis by mechanical irritation
Clinical signs of sarcoptic mange
- intense pruritis
- alopecia
- scabs, crusts, pyoderma
Diagnosis of sarcoptic mange
- Skin scrape (50-70% of scrape may be neg. need to find area that mite is hiding)
- lime sulfur dip (young animal)
- mitaban dip every 2 weeks
- Ivermectin every 2 weeks for 2 treatments
Otitis externa
-ear infection

-foreign body
- atopy
-food allergy
- neoplasia
- Cocker spaniels, laborador retriever, most spaniels
-fungi (Malassezi pachydermitis)
Clinical signs of Otitis externa
- pruritus and head shaking
-painful ear and head tilt
- discharge or foul odor from ear
Diagnosis of otitis externa
- otoscope exam
- ear culture
- cytology of ear canal exudate
Treatment of otitis externa
- ear cleaning
-otomax , panalog ointment
- antibiotics, corticosteroids, antifungal (Ketaconazole)
- lateral ear resection
- total ear ablation & bulla osteotomy
Corneal Ulcer
-corneal damage/ abrasion

caused by :
-foreign body
-chemical burn
Diagnosis of corneal ulcer
- corneal stain
Treatment of corneal ulcer
- antibiotics
- Atropine (eye drops to stop ocular pain)
- Surgery of 3rd eyelid flap, conjunctival flap
- inward inversion of eyelid margins causing conjunctivitis and corneal ulcer

- congenital
- Breeds: brachycephalic ( chows, shar pei, rottweilers, english bull dogs)
Clinical signs of entropion
- epiphora
- conjunctivitis
- chemosis
- corneal ulcer & scarring
-ulcerative keratitis
Diagnosis of entropion
- ocular exam
- ulcer treatment
- lubrication
-Surgery: corrective entropion surgery preferred to prevent secondary eye damage
- inflammation of ocular mucous membranes
-red eye/ pink eye

Causes: -infectious
- foreign body
- trauma
- irritants
- immune mediated