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16 Cards in this Set

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age related sleep changes

time to fall asleep increases

less time in stage 3 and 4, less restorative sleep

less time in REM sleep

total sleep time and efficiency are reduced

circadian rhythm changes- go to bed earlier & get up earlier

longer to fall asleep

factors correlated with insomnia are:

4 or more medical conditions

female gender

use of psychotropic drugs

Insomnia is prevalent issue that is often underdiagnosed

Females more likely to have sleep problems

depression and sleep are.....

highly correlated

major depression are most strong correlated

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea: repetitive cessation of respiration for greater than 10 seconds

Symptoms include snoring, frequent wakening, daytime fatigue, headache, impaired memory and irritability

Older adults at risk because of decreased strength and elasticity of upper airway muscles

nursing interventions to promote sleep and interventions


aroma therapy


soothing & comfort

ask if they need to go to the bathroom

sleep hygiene

exercise (not 4 hrs before bed)

bath (stimulates body temp dropping)

tapes playing ocean waves and waterfall


30 mins of sun a day

bed for sleep and sex only


(affect mobility)

loss of muscle mass, strength and function

gait changes and decreased ROM

standing, base narrows, less arm swing, more body sway, slower responses, more cautious, decreased ability to get self right

why is physical mobility so important

one of the most important factors for healthy aging

inactivity contributes to a multitude of physical and mental issues and impaired functional ability

What is the leading cause of deaths of people over 65

falls are the leading cause of death for people over 65

40% of falls of seniors are hip fractures

falls can lead to a fear of falling

18-30% die within a year of a hip fracture

falls risk factor

new environment

risk of falls increases in a new environment

glossy floors


wet surfaces

electric cords

throw rugs

side rails & restraints

care giver not responding to needs in a timely fashion

call bell unavailable

Falls can be an indicator of.....

an M.I

fall & cough- could be pneumonia or infection

risk falls assessments

morse falls scale

hendrich 11

home safety check list

fall reduction measures

raised toilet seat


make toilet seat different color

hip protectors

proper lighting

anti slip shoes

adequate proteins and fluids

restraints and appropriate alternatives for safety promotion

includes side rails, seat belts

will not prevent falls and can cause serious harm

asphyxiation is the most common restraint related death

pros must outweigh the cons


alternatives to restraints

toileting regimes

unmet needs

good sleep

help with less confusion

try not to switch their room

alarms bed & chair