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34 Cards in this Set

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Is a condition in which the body is inactive or engaging in mild activity, after which the person feels refreshed
Is a cyclically occuring state fo decreased motor activity and perception
Why do we need to sleep
sleep and rest are essential for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being
How much sleep do we need?
vary widely among individuals even though the accepted standard has been 8 hrs. per night for adults, there is no correct amt.. or pattern of sleep that maintains well being in all people
Newborns sleep how many hours?
as much as 16-20hrs.
what are the benefits of sleep?
promotes healing,
decreases physical demands,
decreases psychological demands,
protects body functions,
conserves energy, and
physiological and physchological restoration
This is described as a cyclical psysiological process, it alternates w/ longer periods of wakefulness, and influences physiological function and behavioral response
Describe the circadian rhythm in sleep?
24hr; day/night cycle,
influence bilogical and behavioral functions,
different people fuction best at different times of the day, "morning person vs night person",
Hospitals usually do not adapt care to an individual's sleep wake cycle,
can be difficult for client's to be well rested, and hospital routines often interrupt sleep
What is the physiology of sleep?
REM=Rapid Eye MOvement
4 stages of Non-REM sleep,
1 stage of REM sleep
how manystages are there for the sleep cycle?
there are four stage
This stage is non-Rem and is lightest level of sleep,
lasts a few minutes,
person is easily aroused
Stage I:Non-REM
This stage is the period of sound sleep, lasts 10-20 min., arousal is still relatively easy
Stage II: Non-REM
This stage is the initial stages of deep sleep, lasts 15-30min., sleeper is difficult to arouse
Stage III: Non-rem
This stage is the deepest of sleep, lasts 15-30min., very difficult to arouse sleeper
Stage IV: Non-REM
This is when the dreaming occrs, usually begins about 90 min. after sleep has begun, the duration increases w/ each cycle and averages 20min., very difficult to arouse sleeper, and restores and rests the body
REM Sleep
What are the sleep requirements for the neonate?
average 16 hrs.
What are the sleep requirements for the adolescent
average 7.5-9 hrs.
What are the sleep requirements for the adult
average 6-8.5hrs
In reference to the adult what happens to their sleeping patterns
quality of sleep tends to decrease,
stage 4 Non-REM sleep decreases or is eliminated,
awaken more often during the night,
may take more time to fall asleep.
What are the factors affecting the quality and quantity of sleep?
sleep habit and routines,
alcohol and stimulants,
lifestyle habits,
psychological stress and emotional disturbances,
caffeine-difficulty falling asleep and frequently awakens during the night,
environmental factors,
moderate fatigue,
wt.-wt. gain may increase the length of sleep and wt. loss may shorten or fragmaent sleep,
altered hormonal levels may increase or decrease the length of sleep
What are some types of sleep disturbances
Sleep apneas,
what is the most common sleep disorder?
this type of sleep disturbance includes:
SIDS, somnambulism, nocturnal enuresis, night terrors, and bruxism
this type of sleep disturbance includes:
CNS disorder, sudden sleep attacks in waking periods, and falling asleep several times throughout the day
this type of sleep disturbance includes:
Lack of airflow through the nose/mouth for periods of 10 sec. or longer during sleep
sleep apneas
this type of sleep disturbance includes:
This is the most common form where the upper airway becomes blocked.
this type of sleep disturbance includes:
Dysfunction in the brain's respiratory center
What are some behaviors of sleep deprivation?
irritability, slurred speech, disorientation, decreased reasoning, deteriorated mental status, psychotic behaviors, decreased motivation, increased sensitivity to pain, and stressful attitude.
How would you assess the pt. in reference to their sleep patterns?
determine the client's current sleep pattern,
if sleep is adequate, assessment is brief,
sleep is subjective,
how did you sleep last night?,
review factors affecting the client's sleep,\
evaluate the client's response to sleep disturbance
What is an example of a nursing diagnosis in ref. to sleep?
Sleep pattern disturbances related to:
pain, urinary frequency, nausea, incontinence, stress/anxiety, nightmares, sensory overload
*coping, ineffective (family or individual)
*urinary incontinence
What would you plan in ref to a sleep diagnosis?
select nursing interventions that will promote sleep,
Involve sleep partner as needed,
Plan activities that promote rest/sleep
What are some possible implemenation in ref to sleep?
environmental controls,
bedtime rituals,
control symptoms which disturb sleep,
techniques to promote comfort,
interventions which maintain psychological well-being and reduce stress,
client teaching
What is the evaluation in ref to sleep?
return to client's usual sleeping pattern,
minimal sleep deprivation symptoms,
client's knowledge of ways to promote sleep,and
ask client if expectations of care are being met.
Describe ICU-itis
constant RTC stimulation
Monitors beeping, suction, vents, lights, people, activity,
Unable to differentiate between night and day,
and can become psychotic in behavior.