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29 Cards in this Set

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Name the five stages of sleep....
non- REM, non-REM, non-REM, non-REM, REM
what does REM stand for
rapid eye movement
First stage of non-REM is the
lightest level of sleep
What can/happens during the first stage of sleep?
-Physiological activity begins to decrease, accompanied by a gradual fall in vital signs and metabolism
-Persons are easily aroused by sensory stimuli, such as noise
-When awakened from this stage a person feels as though they had been daydreaming
how long does the first stage of sleep last?
only a few min.
Second stage of non-REM is the
period of sound sleep
What can/happens during the second stage of sleep?
-Relaxation progresses
-persons are relatively easy to arouse
-body functions continue to slow
How long does the second stage of sleep last?
10-20 min.
Third stage of non-rapid REM
Begins the initial period of deep sleep
what can/happens during the third stage of sleep?
-Sleeper is difficult to arouse and rarely moves
-muscles are completely relaxed
-vital signs decline but remain regular
How long does the third stage of sleep last?
lasts 15-30 min.
The fourth stage of non-REM is the...
deepest period of sleep
What can/happens during the fourth stage of sleep?
-Sleeper is very difficult to arouse
If sleep loss has occurred, the sleeper will spend a considerable portion of the sleep period in this stage
-Vital signs are significantly lower than during waking hours
-sleepwalking and enuresis (bedwetting) sometimes occur
How long does the fourth stage of sleep last?
lasts approximately 15-30min.
The fifth stage and only stage of REM is when...
vivid, full colour dreaming occurs.
What can/happens during the fifth stage of REM sleep?
-Usually begins about 90min after sleep has begun
-typified by the autonomic responses of rapidly moving eyes , fluctuation heart and respiratory rates, increased or fluctuating BP
-loss of skeletal muscle tone occurs
-gastric secretions increase
-sleeper is difficult to rouse
How long does the fifth stage of sleep last?
Duration of REM sleep increases with each cycle and averages 20min.
Name the five sleep disorders....
Insomnia, sleep apnea, Narcolepsy, parasomnias, sleep deprivation
What is Insomnia?
Chronic difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, short sleep, or non-restorative sleep
Insomnia occurrences often means...
often signals an underlying physical or psychological disorder
What is sleep apnea?
Lack of airflow through the nose and mouth for periods of 10sec or longer during sleep
what happens during sleep apnea?
-Occurs when the muscles or structures of the oral cavity or throat relax during sleep
-The upper airway becomes partially or completely blocked thereby diminishing the nasal airflow or stopping it for as long as 30sec
-person still attempts to breathe; chest and abdominal movements continue and often result in loud snoring and snorting sounds
What is narcolepsy?
Dysfunction of the mechanisms that regulate the sleep and wake states
When is narcolepsy most a problem?
excessive daytime sleepiness is the most common complaint
What happens during/with narcolepsy?
symptomes: cataplexy(sudden muscle weakness during intense emotions) vivid dreams and sleep paralysis
-person has the problem of falling asleep uncontrollably at inappropriate times
what causes Sleep Deprivation?
experienced by many as a result of other conditions
-causes include illness, emotional stress, certain medications, environmental disturbances and variability in the timing of sleep due to shift work
-variety of physiological and psychological symptoms
-the severity of symptoms is often related to the duration of sleep deprivation
What is Parasomnias?
Sleep problems that occur while falling asleep between sleep phases or during transitions from sleep to wakefulness
what does parasomnias cause?
sleepwalking, night terrors nightmares, nocturnal enuresis, body rocking, and bruxism (teeth grinding)
What are the implementation of measures to promote sleep
-health promotion
-environmental controls: temperature, noise, light
-promoting bedtime routines
-promoting comfort
-establishing periods of sleep and rest
-stress reduction
-bedtime snacks
-pharmacological approaches
-controlling physiological approaches
-controlling physiological disturbances: symptoms