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68 Cards in this Set

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- Take step: I saw we would have a problem so I decided to take step and solve it myself

Ter iniciativa de agir pra resolver algo.

- Have a try:


- I’m tied up today:

very busy.

- The person takes an

oath and promises to tell the truth

To tackle a problem:

solve a problem

Take the temperature, one’s blood pressure

tirar pressao e temperatura

Take action:

tomar atitude

You’ve been working out THAT’S


Teacher’s pet:

preferido do professor


OF the government

Tightly detailed :

firmemente detalhado

Two actresses are being considered TO THE PART of Diana…

para o papel

Don’t let something sad take

root in your heart.

To get even:

ficar quites

Take place:

acontecer (evento em algum lugar)

Time off:

tempo de folga.

Turning point:

ponto decisivo na vida.

to Take someone’s temperature:

medir temperature

to Toss a coin:

jogar uma moeda, pra cima (sorte), ou pra alguém

That’s history:

isso é passado.

“There is no denying”:

no doubt

We are livingin a tug

of war when we don’t know our purpose in life

tread on someone's toe:

pisar no calo, tocar em algo delicado, naferida, ofender.


Perfectly fitted to a condition, preference, or purpose; Algo feito especialmente para você.

tire somebody out:

To deplete the strength or energy of someone

To steal a march (on sby or sthg):

Jeff stole a march on all of us whenhe had his story published.

to precede someone who has the same goal; to accomplish something beforesomeone else does.

Throw in the Towel / Throw in the Sponge

The union was forced to throw in the towel and settle their bitter dispute with the company.

jogar a toalha,desistir, entregar os pontos.

Touch basewith someone: I need to touch base with John on this matter.

bater um papo, trocar uma idéia.

to Take office: When will the new President take office

assume an office, duty, title.

To be Tickled:

I was tickled pink by the compliment.

fazer cosquinha (tikling) em alguém

A Tad:

He looked a tad bigger than me

um pouco.

To tick off:

She ticked off six reasons to say no.

to infuriate, make agry (someone), to list some topics,

- You need to unwind during your maternity leave:

to be more laid-back,relax, during it

Up to now:

So far, até agora

It’s up to you

It’s up to you to tell him the truth.

Éresponsabilidade sua –

be under oath:

estar sob juramento

“under your nose”:

debaixo do seu nariz.


avançado, atualizado

Up the Creek / In a Jam

Em apuros, em dificuldades.

Under the wing:

receiving someone's care and nurturing,protection

Vote with your feet:

pular fora, cair fora (sair de algum lugar,mostrando insatisfação).

- Use your voice 'with assertion' when at apresentation

com firmeza

- What matters is your attitude

towards something

(like) water off a duck's back:

easily; without any apparent effect.

It’s a walking distance:

distáncia curta que dá pra ir andando.

In what sense:

em que sentido, de queforma

By word of mouth

no boca a boca

What extent:

How much

“Work it through”

achar uma solução, saida.

Wag the tail:

abanar o rabo (animal)


He’s such a wimp!

alguém medroso, fraco, covarde,inseguro; covardão.

What have you been up to:

o que você anda fazendo?

“Workl ike a dog”:

trabalhar muito.


totalmente mobiliado.

What’s eating somebody? :

O que está preocupando, irritando,incomodando (alguém)?

Wet Blanket: Don’t be a wet blanket.


Waiting for a lift / ride :

Eperando uma carona.

What’s up |Wassup| Wusup | Tsup | Sup? :


Without embellishment:

He told the story without embellishment

sem embelezamento

He wheeled to the right:

ele virou praesquerda.

To be Without a Paddle (up the creek):

I'm sort of up the creek and don't know what to do.

in an awkward position with no easy way out.

A Whipping boy:

a scapegoat, bode expiatório

To Wave your hand:

chacoalhar as mãos danto tchau.



Yeah, Right!

Ah, tá bom…(ironia).

were they messing with you?

Estão mechendo com você? Te provocando?

Yeah, Right!

Ah, tá bom…(ironia).

“You can say that again”:

Eu concordo com você