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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between emit and reflect

Emit : natural light for an object

Reflect : light bouncing off an object

Why do stars appear to move in the night sky

Because earth is spinning and revolving around the sun

What are constellations

A group of stars forming a pattern

How can you view the sun safely

1: #14 welders glasses

2: pinhole box

What is a sundial? And how does it work?

A Sundial is a device that tells the time of day by the position of the sun in the sky. It's a flat plate that casts a shadow onto the dial

Why are there seasons?

The tilt of the earths axis is the most important reason why there is seasons.

When the earth axis is tilted toward the earth it's summer

When the earths axis is tilted away from the sun it's winter

What are the spring and fall equinox, and the summer and winter Solstice

Spring equinox is the first day of spring. It occurs when the sun passes the equator moving from the souther to northern hemisphere.

Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. Or the day with the most day light.

Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, or day with the least sun light.

What are the 8 phases of the moon?

1: new moon

2: waxing crescent

3: first quarter

4: waxing gibbous

5: full moon

6: waning gibbous

7: last quarter

8: waning crescent

What are the 8 other planets that revolve around the moon?

1: Mercury

2: Venus

3: earth

4: Mars

5: Jupiter

6: Saturn

7: Uranus

8: Neptune

What is earth satellite? Do other planets have satellites?

Earths satellite is the moon. The moon orbits around earth and gives natural light

Do other planets have satellites?


How do airplanes fly

Airplanes have airfoil shaped wings. High air pressure hoes over the top of the wings and low air pressure goes under the plane and coases it to lift

4 properties of air

1: takes up space

2: air has mass

3: Air exerts pressure

4: air can be compressed

What effects does hot air have on objects

Hot air lifts objects. For example a hot air ballon needs to have hot air in its envelope to lift

What's is oxidation

Oxidation is when air gets in fruit and it goes rotten

Apple cores get rotten from oxidation if the core has been bitten i

What's does streamlineing do to objects in terms of flight

For example a plane is streamlined in the air when it's flying. Streamlining is when a object is increasing speed in a ease of movement

4 main components of air



Carbon dioxide
