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89 Cards in this Set

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3 joints of the neurocranium
coronal suture, lamboidal suture, sagittal suture
only moveable joints of the skull
temporomandibular joints, hinge joints
3 ligaments that assist the movement of the TMJ
sphenomandibular, stylomandibular, and lateral ligament
atlas and axis are held together by the ________ ligament
Joints of the vertebral bodies are
joints of the vertebral arches are
zygoapophysial and synovial
tough outer fibrous ring consisting of fibrocartilage in the joint of the vertebral body
annulus fibrosis
inner soft highly elastic structure inside the annulus fibrosis
nucleus pulposus
what is the purpose of the annulus fibrosis and the nucleus pulposus?
the annulus fibrosis distributes forces while the nucleus pulposis absorbs the shock
only ligament that restricts extension of the spine
anterior longitudinal ligament
ligament that runs along the body and is still anterior to the spinal chord, very thin so it doesn't do a whole lot to prevent flexion
posterior longitudinal ligament
ligament that runs directly posterior to the spinal chord and anterior to the vertebral arch, helps prevent mobility
ligamentum flavum
ligament on the vertebral arch between the ligamentum flavum and the supraspinous ligament
interspinous ligament
ligament that runs from each transverse processes
intertransverse ligament
supraspinous ligament in the neck, runs from occipital protuberance to C7
nuchal ligament
comes off the spinal process and blends together, making a soft tissue, very important attachment part for many muscles, only exists in the cervical spine, supports whiplash and primary strength for the excessive flexion forward
ligamentum nuchae
Four muscles of mastication
temporalis, masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid
PA: temporal line
DA: cornoid process of mandible
A: elevate/retract
N: trigeminal Nerve
PA: zygomatic arch
DA: lateral angle/ramus of the mandible
A: elevate/protract
N: trigeminal Nerve
PA: sphenoid greater wing and lateral pterygoid plate
DA: condyle of the mandible/TMJ
A: protract/depress, side to side movement
N: trigemminal nerve
lateral pterygoid
PA: maxilla/lateral pterygoid plate
DA: medial angle/ramus of the mandible
A: elevate/protract; side to side
N: trigemminal nerve
medial pterygoid
sphincter for digestive tract, articulation of the mouth and lips
orbicularis oris
smile, taught cheek when eating
smile and sneer the lips
flares the nostrils
closes the eyelids
orbicularis oculi
elevate eyebrows and forehead
nerve that innervates all muscles of the face
facial nerve
retracts scalp to increase tension, located on the back of the head
PA: fascia over pectoralis major and deltoid
DA: mandible of pectoralis major and deltoid
A: assists in depression of the mandible, draw down corner of the mouth
innervation: facial nerve
PA: sternal head and clavicular head
DA: mastoid process
Innervation: accessory nerve
Action alone of the sternocleidomastoid
lateral flexion of the head and neck, rotation of the head and neck
action together of the sternocleidomastoid
flexion of the neck, assists in elevation of the rib cage during inhalation
PA: mastoid process, C1-3 transverse processes
DA: nuchal ligament and process C7-T6
Innervation: Dorsal rami
splenius capitis
Action alone of the splenius capitis
laterally flex head and neck, rotate head and neck
action of both sides of the splenius capitis
extend the head and neck
Three types of scalene muscles
anterior, middle, posterior
PA: C3-6 transverse processes
DA: fist and second rib
Innervation: cervical spinal nerves
scalene muscles
action alone of the scalene muscles
laterally flex the head and neck
action together of the scalene muscles
elevate the ribs, flex the head and neck
flat triangular muscle that covers the back of the neck, shoulders, and thorax
three superficial/extrinsic muscles of the back
trapezius, latissimus dorsi, teres major
________ muscles do the most movement of the back
_________ muscles stabilize the back
_________ muscles of the back help move AND stabilize but are more deep
erector spinae
three superficial 2nd layer (extrinsic) muscles of the back
levator scapula, serratus posterior, rhomboids
upper movement of the trapezius
rotation and elevation of the scapula
middle movement of the trapezius
retract the shoulder blades
lower movement of the trapezius
adduct and depress the scapula
large muscle in the back attached to the pelvic girdle and vertebral column
latissimus dorsi
PA: C1-C4 transverse processes
DA: vertebral border of scapula
Action: elevation of scapula, downward rotation
levator scapula
PA: C7 and T1 spinous processes
DA: spine of scapula
Action: retraction, downward rotation
rhomboid minor
PA: T2-T5 spinous processes
DA: vertebral border of the scapula
Action: retraction, downward rotation
rhomboid major
PA: C7-T2 spinous processes
DA: superior borders of ribs 2-5
Action: raises ribs to increase thoracic cavity during inspiration
serratus posterior superior
PA: T11-T12 and L1-L3 spinous processes
DA: inferior borders of the last 4 ribs
Action: draws ribs outward and downward during expiration
serratus posterior inferior
three parts to the erector spinae
iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis are parts of the ___________
erector spinae
PA: run superolateral to angle of lower ribs, one branch attaches to temporal bone and C4
DA: bottom of back
iliocostalis of the erector spinae
Innervation of the three parts of the erector spinae
dorsal rami
PA: run superior to ribs between tubercles and angle/mastoid
DA: bottom of back
longissimus of the erector spinae
PA: run superior to Spine
DA: bottom of back
action alone of the erector spinae
laterally flex the vertebral column
action together of the erector spinae
extend the vertebral column
three types of transversospanalis muscles
semspinalis, multifidus, rotatores
Action of transversospinalis muscles alone
rotate the vertebral column
action of transversospinalis muscles together
extend the vertebral column
most rotation of the spine comes from the ____________ region
spans to the cranium, most superficial of the deep layer muscles of the back
spans 4-6 segments to occipital bone and SP
short, triangular bundles
PA: inferior vertebrae
DA: spans 2-4 segments to SP
thickest in lumbar region
lie deep to multifidi
DA: spans 1-2 segments to SP or junction with TP/laminae
thickest in thoracic region
multifidus are thickest in _________ region
rotatores are thickest in __________ region
semispinalis, multifidus, and rotatores run in which direction?
PA: cartilage of T7-T12 and xiphoid process
DA: pubic crest/symphysis
Action: trunk flexion, lateral flexion
rectus abdominus
white line on the rectus abdominus that supplies nerves to the skin
linea alba
continuation from the aponeurosis of external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis
encloses rectus abdominus
nerves, veins, lymphatic system, and arteries run through this
rectus sheath
PA: external surfaces of ribs 5-12
DA: Iliac crest
external oblique abdominus
Action alone of the external oblique abdominus
laterally flex the trunk and rotate the trunk away
action together of the external oblique abdominus
flex the trunk downward
PA: thoracolumbar fascia, inguinal ligament, iliac crest
DA: costochondral cartilage and linea alba
internal oblique abdominus
action alone of the internal oblique abdominus
laterally flex and rotate trunk into the same side
action together of the internal oblique abdominus
flex the trunk
PA: thoracolumbar fascia, costal cartilage, iliac crest
DA: linea alba
Action: increase intraabdominal pressure and compresses abdominal contents, no action on the trunk
transverse abdominus
Deepest muscle of the abdomen
PA: last rib and transverse processes of L1-L4
DA: posterior iliac crest
Quadratus lumborum
Action alone of the quadratus lumborum
laterally tilt the pelvis "hip hike"
laterally flex vertebral column
Action together of the Quadratus lumborum
fix 12th rib during forced inhalation and exhalation
separates the upper and lower thoracic cavities
PA: muscle fibers attach to the inner surface of the ribs and lumbar vertebrae
DA: central tendon
What happens to the diaphragm during inspiration
muscle fibers contract and pull the central tendon inferiorly, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity
what happens to the diaphragm during expiration
relaxes, bringing the central tendon back to the superior position