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76 Cards in this Set

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For a lateral skull which two anatomic lines must be perpendicular to the IR
What is seen in profile on a lateral skull
sella turcica
What are the breathing techniques for a skull or facial exam?
Suspend breathing
On a PA Axial Caldwell how much and in what direction is the tube angled
15 degrees caudad
For a 15 degree PA axial skull where should the petrous ridges lie? For 30 degree angulation?
Lower 1/3rd of orbits. Inferior to the orbital floor.
Where and how should the CR enter for a lateral skull?
CR should be perpendicular and enter 2" above the EAM.
For a Caldwell view of the skull or facial bones where should the CR exit.
CR exits at the nasion.
AP axial Towne method for skull is done to show what anatomy.
Foramen Magnum in the Occipital bone.
Which anatomic landmark lines should be perpendicular for a towne skull exam?
If IOML is perpendicular to IR for a Towne view how many degrees should the IR be angled? OML?
IOML = 37 degrees caudal.
OML = 30 degrees caudal.
Where should the CR enter and exit for the Towne method?
CR should enter 2 1/2" above the glabella at the level of the EAM and exit at the foramen magnum.
For a hypersthenic patient how should you adjust the body to make the IPL come into better alignment.
Elevate the patients head on a radiolucent sponge.
For a trama Towne how should the angle of the CR be adjusted?
Change from a 30 degree caudal for OML to a 40-60 caudal angle.
What is demonstrated on a trauma Towne exam?
Entire foramen magnum.
For a lateral facial exam which body plane is parallel to the IR?
MSP or midsagittal plane
Where should the CR be centered and how much angulation is needed for a lateral facial exam?
CR is perpendicular to the lateral surface of the zygomatic bone halfway between outer canthus and EAM.
Where should the IR be centered for a lateral facial exam?
The zygomatic bone should be in the center of the IR.
Which landmark line should be parallel to the transverse axis of the IR for a lateral facial exam?
IOML should be parallel to the transverse axis of the IR
Which landmark line is perpendicular to the IR for a lateral facial exam?
IPL is perpendicular
What is another name for the Parietoacanthial view of the skull or sinus?
Which size IR is required for a Waters view and what is the orientation?
8x10 lengthwise
Which body part is touching the IR for a Waters view?
How far away is the tip of the nose from the bucky for a Waters view?
The OML forms how much of an angle to the plane of the IR on a Waters view?
37 degrees
Where does the CR exit and how much angulation is needed for the Waters view?
CR is perpendicular and exits at the acanthion.
Where should the petrous ridges be seen on a Waters view?
Just inferior to the maxillary sinuses
Which landmark line is perpendicular to the IR in a Waters view?
MML is nearly perpendicular.
Which body parts touch the IR for a Caldwell view?
Forehead and tip of nose.
What angle should a Modified Waters view have for the OML?
OML is 55 degrees, which puts the orbital floor perpendicular to the IR and parallel to the CR. Demonstrates a blowout fracture.
For an exaggerated PA Caldwell of the orbits how many degrees should the CR be angled? Why?
30 degrees caudal to project the petrous ridges inferior to the orbital floor.
When 3 distinct tables of squamous bone are seen on a radiograph this represents which position?
PA axial Caldwell for Facial bones.
What body position should the patient always be placed for sinus exams?
Upright to show air fluid levels.
In a lateral sinus exam where is the CR positioned and how is it angled?
CR is horizontal 1/2-1" posterior to outer canthus. Best done at 72" SID (per Merrills).
Which sinus group is the lateral sinus primarily done to demonstrate?
Mainly sphenoid, it does show all four though.
Caldwell Sinus can be done with either the bucky or the CR angled? Which way is preferred and how many degrees in which direction?
The Bucky angled 15 degrees caudal is preferred though the CR can be angled the same 15 degrees caudad.
CR exits at which radiographic landmark for Caldwell sinus?
CR exits at nasion.
Which sinuses are demonstrated for a Caldwell Sinus exam?
Frontal and anterior Ethmoid sinuses.
Which landmark line is perpendicular to the IR for a Caldwell sinus exam?
OML is perpendicular. MSP is parallel.
Which sinus group is best demonstrated in a Waters sinus exam?
Maxillary sinuses.
Where are the petrous ridges located in an Open Mouth Waters view? Which sinuses are demonstrated?
At the inferior floor of the maxillary sinus. Demonstrates sphenoid and maxillary sinuses.
Is the MML perpendicular for an Open Mouth Waters view?
NO the MML is only perpendicular on the standard Waters view.
For and SMV of the sinuses how is the CR angled? Is it parallel or perpendicular to the IOML, and how is it in relation to the EAM?
CR is perpendicular to the IOML thru the sella turcica @ MSP 3/4" anterior to the EAM.
Which air cells are demonstrated on an SMV sinus exam?
Sphenoidal and ethmoid air cells.
The mandibular condyles are anterior to the petrous pyramids and the anterior frontal bones are superimposed by the mentum in which view?
SMV mandible.
What angle is the OML to the IR for a modified waters for the Orbits?
50 degrees. This is a nongrid exam.
Which 4 views are done to demonstrate the orbits?
Rheese, PA axial, modified waters, lateral.
Why is a lateral orbit exam performed?
To visualize the eye/orbits for foreign bodies
Where is the CR centered for a lateral orbit exam?
CR perpendicular through the outer canthus.
Which three body parts are touching the grid for a Rheese view of the orbits?
Zygoma, nose and chin
Which landmark line is perpendicular to the IR for a Rhese view?
AML is perpendicular to IR
How many degrees is the MSP to the IR for a Rheese view?
MSP is a 53 degree angle to the IR.
Where is the CR and how is it angled for a Rhese view?
CR is perpendicular 1" superior and posterior to the upside TEA (top of ear attachment).
What is seen "on end" in a Rhese view?
Optic canal is seen on end. Foramen is located in the inferior, lateral quadrant.
Name three sinuses that can be seen with a Rhese view?
Ethmoid, sphenoid, and frontal.
Is the jaw opened or shut for an axiolateral mandible?
Teeth closed, extend neck
How is the head postioned for a mandible to view the ramus? body? symphysis?
Ramus: true lateral
Body: rotate head 30 degrees to IR
Symphysis: rotate head 45 degrees to IR
How is the CR angled for an axiolateral mandible?
CR is angled 25 degrees cephalic through the mandible of interest.
For a PA axial Mandible (caldwell) how are the OML and MSP aligned in relation to the IR?
OML and MSP perpendicular to the IR.
Where does the CR exit and what is the angle for the PA axial mandible?
For condylar processes?
CR perpendicular to exit at the acanthion.
CR 20-25 degrees ceph. for condylar processes.
What must be seen on a PA axial mandible?
Body and rami symmetrical, entire mandible, center occluded by spine.
Which views are required for a nasal exam?
Waters and kissing laterals.
Which radiographic landmark line is parallel to the IR for lateral nasal?
IOML and MSP are both parallel to IR.
For lateral nasal how is the IPL in relation to the IR?
IPL is perpendicular to the IR.
Where is the CR directed for a lateral nasal?
CR is perpendicular to 1/2" distal to the bridge of the nose.
What must be demonstrated on a lateral nasal exam?
Anterior nasal spine and frontonasal suture with no rotation.
How many degrees and in what direction must the CR be angled and to what point for AP axial zygomatic arches?
CR 30 degrees caudal 1" above nasion if OML is perpendicular.
CR is 37 degrees if IOML is perp.
Where should the arches be in relation to the madibular rami for an AP axial zygomatic arch exam?
Arches are lateral to the rami.
How many degrees should the head be rotated away from affected side for tangential zygomatic arch exam?
15 degrees away from affected side.
How should the MSP be tilted for a tangential zygomatic arch view?
MSP 15 degrees toward side affected.
Where is the CR centered for the tangential zygomatic arch exam?
CR perpendicular @ arch 1" posterior to outer canthi.
For an SMV zygomatic arch which radiographic landmark line is parallel to the IR?
IOML is parallel to IR.
Where is CR centered and how for SMV zygomatic arches?
CR perpendicular to IOML @ MSP of throat 1" posterior to outer canthi.
What size IR is required for a zygomatic arch exam?
8x10 non grid.
Which views are required for a skull exam?
Lateral, Caldwell, Towne.
Which views are done for a sinus series?
Lateral, Caldwell, Waters
Which views are done for a Facial exams?
Lateral, Caldwell, Waters