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11 Cards in this Set

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Herb catagory Skin sores,ulcers,abscess
1. Pu Gong Ying
Skin Sores, Ulcers, Abscess
1. bitter,sweet,cold, LR, ST
CLHT/Resolve Toxicity, reduce absess,CH/DDamp, promote urination and lactation
2. Breast abcess, sores,carbbuncles,boils, Jaundice,Hot Lin ,Painful swollen Eyes,Insuffent lactation
3. 10-30 gms.
2.Zi Hua Di Ding, Violae Bitter,Acrid, Cold, Ht,LR
Reduce Fever Quickly
Dosage 10-30 grms, CC: MJ Diarrhea- add GE Gen,
2.CH/RTox, Redcuss absess
Sores,boils,carbuncles,snake bite, red swollen eyes, throat, Mumps
3. Ye Ju Hua Bitter,Acrid,Cold Wild, LR,LU Dosage 9-15
CC: Yin Types Sores, only yang sores Wild
3. .CH/RT Reducess Absess, Sores, Carbuncles,boil,
Eczema,itchy skin,Red painful eyes,Sore Throat, LR Fire,LR Heat
4. Tu Fu Ling- Sweet, Bland, Neutral, LR/ST Dosage-15-60,
Syphyllis- 70 gm a day, 500 grms and 30grms sugar, Use Alone
4. CH/Rtox., Expell Dampness Benefits Joints Psoriasis,Hot Lin, Cloudy Lin, Leucrrohea,External Genital itching,
** Sphyllis** Use alone any stage.
Skin, sores, Ulcers,
5.Bai Xian Pi SP/ ST
Bitter, Cold
Dos- 6 - 10 grms
Skin, sores, ulcers, abscess
5.. CLHT/RTox, Dry Dampness expel wind. Oozing sores, pus. Eczema D/T damp heat.
itchy rash D/T wind. Cutanecus/collateral. Tinea, funcus,Hot Bi , Jaundice
6. Yu Xing Cao LU/LI
Acrid, Cool Do not cook long 3 to 5 minutes
Dos- 15 - 30 grams
6. CLHT/Res Tox. Reduce Absess, Promote urination, Unblock Lin. Boils,carbuncles,absess D/T toxic heat. Lung abses- LuGen. Hot Lin.
Treat Pheumonia: Acute & Chronic Broncitis Staff infection, Diptheria
7. Hong Teng LR/LI Bitter Neutral. Dos- 10 -15 grams Decocte rice wine
CC: Pregnancy. Not use if bleeding.
7. CLHT/ResTox ReduceAbsess,
Invigorate blood, expel stasis
Stop Pain. Absess esp Intestinal absess, Acute apendicitis. Dysmenorrhea, Amenorhea D/T Blood Stasis.
Trauma (physical)
8. Bai Jiang Cao LR/ST/LI Bitter,cool, acrid. Dos - 6 - 15 grams.
8. CLHT/Res Tox Reduce Absess, Invigorates Blood,Expel stasis,Stop Pain.
Absess,Intestinal absess Lung Abses, abdominal pain D/T Post pardom, post operative internal trauma
9. Ren Dong Teng LI/LU/ST Sweet Cold, Honey Scukle Stem/branch Dosage - 9 - 30 grams
9. CLHT/Res TOX Dispel wind damp unblocks channels, Cool blood.Sores, Boils, Absesses etc. Hot Bi D/T wind damp heat. early menus, heavy menus due to blood heat. Mastitis
Catorgy: Clear Heat/Dry Damp
1. Huang Qin: Bitter,cold, Lu/GB/St/LI Cools Blood. Dos - 3-9 grams, CC Middle jaio xu cold
Clear Heat/Dry Damp
CLHT/Dry damp, Drain Fire,Release toxicity, cool blood,Stop Bleeding. Calms Fetus w/ zi se ye.
1. Upper jiao Heat Lung Heat, Lung heat or Phlegm heat, cough, asthma, wheezing. Middle jaio damp heat in ST. Nausa, vomiting, stifling sensation, abdomen and chest. Thirst without desire to drink.(ying Level) T- Greasy Yellow,Tongue Coat.P- Slippery, rapid,& rolling ,rapid
Shao Yang Syndrome combined with Shao Yang Syndrome combined with Chai HI. LR fire, LR Yang Rising. Dysentery, Diarrhea D/T Damp heat in LI.(LJ) Sores,absessage Swollen Painful Throat. Bleeding due to heat in Blood. Sores,abseases,Swollen painful throat. Bleeding d/t heat in blood,(esp nosebleed)
Restless Fetus: nausea, vomiting, abd discomfort, agitation,vexation in heart, heat disturbing the heart. Prehnancy
2. Huang Lian, Bitter, cold, LI/ST/LR/HT Most Bitter of all herbs. Dosage - 2-10 grams special taste. cc MJ xu cold, Yin xu. MJ use ginger juice for nausea & vomiting due to heat in St. GB& LVR use Pigs Bile to process it. Honey moistens & tonify
2. Clear Heat Dry Damp, Drain Fire, release Toxicity. Damp heat in MJ,Have hunger not eat. ST Fire in St. or damp heat. (LI) Treats dysentary, diarrhea d/t diarrhea due to damp heat. (HT) Heart fire symptomes- Irritability, insomnia, delirium, palpitations. can be used alone. Sores, absses eczema external use. Red painful swollen eyes, eye lids, Styes use huang lian. Liver Fire esp Liver attacking ST. origin LR problem cause St problem in abdom distentive pain wued with wu zhu yu. Heart Fire only in Cat.