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66 Cards in this Set

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**Leukoderma **
**A skin disorder characterized by light patches (hypopigmentation); may be caused by a burn or congenital disease such as albanism**
**Vitiligo **
**an inherited skin disorder producing smooth irregularly shaped white patches caused by the loss of pigment producing cells**
**commonly known as liver spots or moth patches, hyperopia melted, light to dark brown slots that are scattered on the hands arms or face. these spots may occur through frequent sun exposure, heredity, or hormonal changes such as pregnancy**
**Verruca **
**medical term for wart. hard rough red or flesh colored bump that is commonly found on hands or feet. caused by the Human Papilloma Virus HPV which produces an infection in the epidermal layer of skin. Contagious and can be spread from location to another on the body**
**chronic skin disorder with inflamed areas of the face appearing mostly on the nose and cheeks **
Ros = rosy red C =a doctor
Skin Tags
small soft pigmented outgrowth of the epidermal layer of the skin. Texture may be rough or smooth depending on the location on the body. Generally develop through repetitive rubbing or friction in common areas such as neck, armpits, and eyes. typically present no problems unless they become irritated when located in an area that is frequently rubbed
An excessive or abnormal growth of skin. generally benign but should be routinely checked for changes in shape texture size or color
Malignant melanoma
most dangerous form of skin cancer appearing as dark brown or black spots or lesions with an uneven shape and or texture. these cells are created by the pigment producing cells located in the stratum germinativum and papillary layers of the skin. may begin as a common skin lesion or mole but a change in shape size or color should be of concern
**sweat which has become foul smelling as a result of its bacterial breakdown**
Hidro = Water . Bro = man yon stink
opening or crack in the skin that may penetrate down into the dermal layer. This typically happens through over exposure to cold wind or water
**Dermatitis Venenata**
**(Contact Dermatitis) an allergic reaction caused by the skins sensitivity to the exposure or use of a certain product**
Dermatitis = skin
a chronic non contagious skin disorder that appears as rough, dry, red patches covered by an over production of the stratum corneum skin cells. Typically found on the scalp, elbows or knees and is usually inherited
solid bump larger than one centimeter that can be easily felt. generally appear having an inflamed base which may be painful
**Squamous cell carcinoma**
**common form of skin cancer. typically appear as a persistent rough scaly patch that can bleed if bumped. often look like warts and sometimes appear as open sores with a raised border and crusted surface over an elevated pebbly base **
**(birthmark) characterized as either a raised or non raised small or large irregularly shaped mark or strain on the skin. Can appear in various shadesof brown or reddish purple. Can be located on any area of the body. **
a tumor containing dark pigment and is typically associated with skin cancer thought to typically be caused by over exposure to sun or tanning beds
**large blister containing clear watery fluid**
Ballon on skin
**commonly known as Callus or Tyloma; thickened or hardened area of skin caused by friction, continual rubbing or pressure over the same part of skin**
accumulation of hardened dead skin cells that shed from the epidermal layer. Some common conditions that result in a scaly appearance are dandruff, psoriasis or fungal infections
**occurs their the scraping or scratching of the epidermal layer of the skin's surface. can occur with an existing site being scratched, irritating the existing injury**
X= marks the spot you were scratching
Basal cell carcinoma
most common, mildest and non-melanoma form of skin cancer. Affects the basal (round)cells located in the stratum germinativum layer. characterized as either small red bump with a surface appearance of blood vessels or a pearly nodule with a rough texture
inflammation of the skin from any cause. Usually results in a range of symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching, or blistering
**small red elevated protrusion of the skin usually containing no pus. Example = pimple**
Pimple without pus
(Acne Vulgaris) chronic inflammation of sebaceous glands. is the outcome of whiteheads blackheads and or papules that become irritated leading to infection. possible factors are stress hormonal changes heredity non hygienic living or inadequate skin care
disorder or disease of short duration but can be severe or painful
Cystic Acne
type of acne that advances into enlarged solid or semi solid lumps located within the hair follicle. hair follicle expands and ruptures leaking a sebaceous matter consisting of sebum, pus ,dead skin, and white blood cells into surrounding skin results in deep tumors or cysts causing pain and possible scaring of skin tissue
Acne Rosacea
advanced condition of rosacea producing papules and postules that may contain pus. This skin disorder is sensitive, painful and may be aggravated by certain foods, extreme temperatures, nicotine and alcoholic beverages
characterized by dry scaly patches on the skin due to underactive sebaceous glands or long term exposure to extreme cold temperatures. common with elderly people or those with jobs related to the outside elements
(also I known as Sebaceous Cyst) occurs when a sebaceous glands is blocked creating a sebum filed sac or fatty tumor within the skin. may appear on any area of face or body and varies in size from either small or large like an orange
Seborrheic Dermatitis
associated with chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands producing greasy or dry off white scales or patches on the skin. Skin may appear red and feel itchy. May be present on face scalp or other areas of body. in infants known as cradle cap
Retention Hyperkeratosis
heredity acne. retains dead cells in the follicle forming an obstruction that cliffs follicles and causes postules
**small white keratin filled bumps or cysts that are enclosed within the epidermis. commonly found around eyes cheeks and forehead**
Mily had too many mills
the difference between a closed and open comedone is the size of the follicle opening which is called the ???
a product that has been designed and proven not to clog the follicles
**an over abundance of perspiration or an unusual increase of sweating due to an overactive sudoriferous gland**
Hyper-exsessive Hydro = wateror sweat
over dialation of the tiny blood vessels which produce a flushing, swollen and brown blood vessel appearance to the face
Miliaria Rubra
commonly known as prickly heat or heat rash. an acute sudoriferous gland disorder appearing as a rashof tiny red raised spots accompanied by burning and itching. this is caused by exposure to high heat or humidity
the bacteria from when the sebaceous glands over produce an excess of sebum that mixes with bacteria
**a lack of perspiration due to an underactive sudoriferous gland**
hydro: water
(Open Comedones) also known as blackheads are hair follicles containing masses of hardened sebum and keratin. The open pore appears black because the sebum is exposed to the environment causing the clogged pore to oxidizeand then the sebum black. (Closed Comedones)also known as whiteheads are hair follicles that are c closed keeping the sebum from being exposed to environment and oxidizing. therefore will remain white or cream color and will be visible under the skin as a small bump
Dyschromias .
many skin disorders and/or systemic disorders will present with skin discoloration. This discoloration is known as ???
Irritant Contact Dermatitis
most common type of non contagious allergic reaction caused by exposure to alkaline materials such as soaps and chemicals. characterized by itching, rash, inflammation or blisters. In severe cases can burn and cause pain leading to long term damage to skin
Primary Lesions
category of lesion, are a different skin color and are raised above the skin
(Pinkeye) common bacterial infection of the eyes and highly contagious
contagious bacterial infection of the skin characterized by open lesions. Usually begins as small sore them develops into a group of blisters filed with a yellow brown liquid that will ooze and eventually dry to a crust. Very contagious due to the opening of blisters through itching/scratching and fluid then spread to other areas of body
a wound or mark of the skin that can be considered either a disease or disorder. may be sure to injury or damage to the skin. vary in shape, size, texture and color
a painful, itchy, non contagious skin inflammation which can have the appearance of either dry or most lessons. produces a burning and itching sensation and soars on various areas of body
pigmentation darker than normal often appearing as skin patches
Cell located in the epidermis and papillary layer Each melancyte cell is rounded with additions of dendrites which are finger like structures that make contact with surrounding basal cells
small prominent sold lumps enclosed within the epidermis that may extend into the dermis
abnormal solid massor lump varying in size, shape and color. refers to any abnormal mass that can consist of a liquid or semi solid material of bacteria, white blood cells and dead skin cells. Located within the epidermis or penetrates into the dermis and may be benign or malignant
**area of discoloration that appears on the skin's surface. Normally flat, small colored spots that vary in color, shapes and size. Ex: freckles **
Mac = mark
closed, abnormally developed sac containing fluid, pus, and morbid matter. Can be located above and below the skin's surface
Secondary Lesion
category of lesion and are a structural change to the skin surface
**an inflamed elevated pimple that contains pus. The skin surrounding the pimple is red and swollen due to underlying pus which is usually a sign of infection**
technical term used for freckles which are small flat colored spots in various colors shapes and sizes. Generally will appear on the face or other parts of the body and result from a combination of physical and environmental factors
A rate congenital skin disorder characterized by a total or partial lack of melanin throughout the body. The skin and hair are white and the eyes are pink/red. has a hypersensitivity to light and the sun and must protect themselves during daylight hours
**(Uticaria) (hive) an itchy swollen lesson that occurs shortly after an insect bite or allergic reaction**
Mosquito bites on the Ferris wheel or that bug bite whealy hurt
commonly known as a scab is the dried and hardened accumulation of blood, sebum, or pus that forms on a skin injury. Generally occurs through the body's natural healing process
thick slightly raised scar resulting from excessive skin growth
**small elevated blister or sac filled with a clear fluid located within or directly below the epidermis. Ex: poison ivy or cold sores**
V= took dog to vet for blisters
raised discolored marks on the skin that appear with the healing of an injury or disorder
small flat or raised pigmented spot on the surface of the skin ranging from light pink to dark brown. Can appear on any part of the body but must be checked for any changes in shape texture size or color
an absence of pigment resulting in white or light patches of skin that are devoid of pigment or melanin
skin disorder that is long lasting or recurring
slow healing open lesions on the surface of the skin or a mucous membrane. May be accompanied by pus if an infection is present