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19 Cards in this Set

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also called the cutis
skin, aprox 3000 sp. inches of surface area
the skin synthesizes vitamin D which is converted by the kidneys into the hormone , calcitrol, which is essential for absoprtion of calcium and phosphorus by the small intestine
papillary layer
the upper 1/5th of the dermis, consists of loose CT contains dermal papillae, capillaries and Meissners corpuscles (light touch)
reticular layer
the lower 4/5ths of the dermis, contains collagen, reticular and elastic fibers, adipose, hair follicles , nerves, oil glands and ducts of sweat glands
external root sheath
a continuation of the stratum spinosum and basale
internal root sheath
formed from dividing cells of the matrix
sebaceous oil glands
via holocrine, secretes a waxy, oil secretion of lipids in to the hair follices or surface of the skin called -sebum, which contains trigylcerides, cholesterol, proteins and electrolytes. SIMPLE BRANCHED ALVEOLAR GLAND
appocrine sweat glands
axilla, pubic region and the areola of the breast, secretions are discharged by MYOEPITHELIAL CELLS which contract to discharge. bacteria-odorous byproducts. SIMPLE BRACHED TUBULAR GLAND
merocrine (eccrine)
aka sudoriferous sweat glands, soles and palms, cooling the body COILED TUBULAR GLAND
mammary gland
modified apocrine sweat gland
ceruminous glands
modified sweat glands, secrete cerumen-ear wax
nail bed
epidermis below the nail
nail root
the hidden base of the nail
nail body
main portion of the nail
nail matrix
base of the nail which is responsible for nail growth
a portion of the stratum corneum which extends over the root of the nail, also called the eponychium
a which crescent at teh base of the cuticle
nail groove
the furrow at the junction of the nail fold and the nail bed
free edge
nail which extends beyond the digit. also called the hyponychium