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26 Cards in this Set

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what is the most common benign skin neoplasm?
Seborrheic Keratosis
a patient comes in with Waxy brown “stuck on” plaques, what does he have

TEST ***
Seborrheic Keratosis
can Seborrheic Keratosis become melanoma?
is Seborrheic Keratosis something you need to treat?
no, it is cosmetic, but you can
an obese individual comes in with a pedunculated papule in the axilla. What does he have?
Skin Tags
a patient comes in with a small circular spot on the lower legs. upon touch it feels like a scar under the skin. When you pinch it, it compresses with attempts to elevate (aka a dimple sign) What is this

*** TEST
a patient comes in with numerous lesions on the buttock. The patient doesnt tells you that they scratch, but as you watch them they are going to town on the lesions. The patient has?
Prurigo Nodularis

patient has a psychiatric issue that makes them want to scratch really really badly. The lesions
an older patient comes in with a cherry red vascular lesion on the trunk. What is going on here
Cherry angiomas
patient comes in with a dark blue spot on the ear. to see if it is melanoma, you push on it until it blanches. Because it was able to blanch you know it was a ?
Venous lake
what is melasma and what is the cause?
hyperpigmentation (usually on the face)

a patient comes in with 6 cafe au lait spots. What might they have?

*** TEST
Can be associated with neurofibromatosis

(must have 6+)
a patient comes in with a cyst that he cant get to go away despite draining it on a regular basis. Why won't it go away from simple draining?
you left the cell wall of the cyst so you have to get rid of the wall if you want to remove the cyst
what is Keratosis Pilaris
little red spots commonly seen on the back of the arm, anterior thigh, and cheek

not folliculitis (that has pustules)
patient comes in with depigmented spots on the hand. upon further examination you discover that there are no melanocytes in the spot. What does the person have
Cough, Coryza, Conjunctivits, Photophobia and Fever

What is this?

patient comes in with facial erythema and a "slapped cheek" appearance. what is this, what caused it?
Erythema Infectiosum
(Fifth disease)
Parvovirus B19
child has a very very high fever for three days with no explanation. then it immediately goes away and turns into a rash. What does this kid have? caused by?
Roseola Infantum

what causes hand foot and mouth disease? ***
Coxsackie A16
person suddenly has bright red swelling of the lateral nail fold

what does this person have? what caused it?

Acute Paronychia

staph and strep
patient comes in with a redness on the proximal nail fold and the cuticle is missing

what does this person have?
what caused it?
Chronic Paronychia

patient comes in with a green fingernail... what caused this? what do you treat with (general)?
Pseudomonas infection

what is herpatic whitlow?
Herpes simplex of the finge
Innoculation followed examination of a patient’s mouthr
a patient comes in with round patches of hair loss that are perfectly smooth. What does this person have? what was the cause? who is the prognosis worst for?

Alopecia Areata

Auto-immune hair loss

prognosis is worst for kids, least likely to come back
what is the treatment for Alopecia Areata
Topical steroids
what is hormone related hair loss called?
Androgenic Hair Loss
patient has hair loss that is not regularly shaped and patchy, and the hair has differing lengths. what is this? Dx? Tx?

Dx: Hair shave
Tx: Referral for counseling/psychiatric medications