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90 Cards in this Set

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What are signs of ICD
red, inflammation, papules, vesciles, STINGING, buring, and itching laster
Mainstay of treat for ICD
What products relieve itching
Calamine, Colloidal Oatmeal Bath, and HCT
What is first step to treatting ACD/ICD
1. Wash the area and cleasnse with a mild soap
How you treat an ICD/ACD wound that is ooozing
Burow's Solution
What is benefit of Burrow's solution
Dries weeping vesicles softengsin and removes crusting
What MOA of Burrow's
Astringent actions are due to precipitation of proteins in exposed tissue
After a wet oozing lesion is dried with Burrow's what next
application of hydrocortisone cream
What contraindiaced in weeping ICD/ACD
calamine, or camphor or menthol
What are couseling points for Burrows solution
AAA for 30 minutes 4x a day
Soak a clean white compress in solution then
Collidal oatmeal baths can be used to treat
ACD, ICD, and prickly heat
Counseling pts for Collidal oatmental baths
Soaking for 15-20 minutes BID or dirzzing over areas that cannot be soaked, be carefull colloidal baths makes bath water very slippery, place a towel on floor or dry rug
What are options for treating ACD/ICD that is dry
HCT cream/ointment, Calamine lotion containing phenol, menthol or camphor
What are 2 couseling points for HCT
1.Wash the area and cleanse with a mild soap, and pt dry
2. Apply 3-4x daily up to 7 days
What is MOA of HCT
supresses the immune response
Counseling pts for calamine
Shake well before use.
May leave a pink film after use
What are main symptoms of ACD
redness, inflammtion ,papules, vesicles, and ITCHING, delayed response
What is non-pharm for ICD/ACD
may apply a cool water compress to the affected area for as long as often as need, may also take cool, tepid soapless showers to relevie itching
Can you treat ICD/ACD with benzocaines or antihistamines
What are exclusions for self-treatmean of ACD/ICD
<2 YOA
>2 weeks
>25% of body
Discomfort in genitalia
Extreme iching, ittation
Swellign of body or extremeites
Swollen eyes or involvement of MAN
Impairment of Daily acitivy
Nemerous bullae that are large or severe
All ACD/ICD products can be used for how, long, then if conditions do not improve, so seek medical attention
use for up 7x
What are causes of Diaper Dermatitis
tight-fitting or rough diapers, urine,
What are signs of a diaper rash
Red to BRIGHT Red, wet looking patches on skin
What is the first step in treating a diaper rash
During each and every diaper change, flush the skin with plain water, and pat dry
What is the mainstay of treatmetn for diaper rash
protectant, destin or zinc oxide
What are other products that treat diaper dermatitis
calamine, perolatuma nd tacl and cornstach, eucerin
What are 2 couseling points for Destin ointmetn
Should be applied and removed with each diaper change
If lesions have not imporved in 7 days you should seek medical attention
What is exlusion criteria for diaper dermatis and prickly heat
Bechavior changes
Broken skin (blistering, peeling)
Oozing blood or vesicles
Lesions >7 or not improved
Diaper Derm outside diaper region, or with UTI
Comoid (HIV, immune)
Constitutional (fever, N/V diarreah)
CHRONIC or recurrent lesions
What is the cause of prickly heat
block or plugged sweat glands
What are signs and symptoms of prickly heat
pin-point size lesions tah traise and red or marron forming papules, assoicated with stinging, burning or itching
Common causes of prickly heat
hot humid weather, PROFUSE sweating, or tight clothing that is occlusive
What is 1st thing do when treating prickly heat
Wash the skin and cleasne with a mild soap
What is product recommend for prickly heat
Colloidal oatmeal bath
What other products can be used
creams or lotions, HCT is adults
What formulations should be avoided in prickly heat
Non-pharm for prickly heat
Shower or bathe after heavy sweating and wear loose fitting cloths
What is 1st thing to do when treating an insect bite/sting
Apply an cold pack to the sting site in 10 minutes intervals
What is maintay treatment of insect bite or sting
Benzocaine/Solarcaine, Lanacaine
What would be used if you have a caine allergy
What are other products that treat insect bites/stings
Camphor/Menthol, HCT, Antihistamines, and skin protectants
How should the stinger be removed, and what should be done after removing stinger
Edge of credit card, and cleanse with a antispetic
What is preventive measure for insect bites
Deet, wearing protective clothing, or perfumes or secented loction
What is exculsion for self-treatment of insect bites
<2 years of age
Hypersenstivity to insect bites
Suspected spider or tick bites
What is 2 counseling points for Benzocaine
Apply 3-4 times a day up to 7 days
Avoid spraying near the face or eyes
What are signs and symptoms of superficial burns and superficial partial-thickness
1. Redness, warmth, adn slight edema, painful
2. Moist and weeping, and blisters
DO NOT TREAT Deep partial thickness and Full partial thickness signs and symptosm
1. Deep-Blanched painful
2. Full-dry and painless
What is the first thing in treating a minor burn
Cool the affected area in cool tap water for 10-30 minutes and adminstration of an oral analgesic if painful
What is 2nd to treating a minor burn
wash the cleanse the area with a mild soap
What is mainstay treatment of sunburn or minor burn
apply a protectant
What are other products than can treat a burn
Conseling points for ointments
Do not apply directly to skin from the container, may cause contamination
Conseling points for sprays
Shake well and hold container 4-6 in from AA and spray 1 to 3 seconds
What are exclusions to self-treatmetn of Burns and sunburns
>2 BSA for burns
Burns involing face,feet, hands, eyes, ears, pertiurm
Electrical burns, chemical
Advanced age
DM or Immunocompromised
What is 1st thing you do treating a minor cut, scrape or puncture
1. Irrigation with NS or bottled water
What is 2nd step in treating minor cut, scrape or abrrasion
1. Wash and cleanse with mild soap, apply a topical antibiotic
What do you do after washing and cleaning with a mild soap
bandage--absorbant if wet, or hydrogels it is dry
What are exclusions to self-treatment of minor wounds
Signs of infection
animal or human bite
wounding foreign matter after irriation
deep acute wound
involemtn of face, mucouse membrane
chronic wound
Who are indivdiuals that are at greater risk for tinea pedia
individuals that use public pools or bathing faciliets
Fungal transmission can occur though
people, animals or soil or infected objects
What are signs and symptoms of tinea pedis
fissures, scaling, order, itching, and stringburing`
Where is tinea pedis typically located
in between the toes (lateral toes)
Signs and symtpoms of tinea corporis
circular, bulls eyes, scaly area, maybe itching
Signs and symptoms of tinea cruis (jock itch)
bright red and fine scaling
What are signs and symptoms tinea capitis
small papules around hair shafts, black dots, and hair loss
What is first thing to treat a oozing fungal infections
Burrow's solution
Which alehthe's foot could cure within one week
Lamisil AT or Terbinafine
What is couseling pts for antifungals
Wash and clease area thoroughly and dry with separate towl
Apply sparinging to AA tiwce
daily for 4 weeks
What is the only drug that both prevents and treats athelete's foot
What are conseuling points for Undecylenic acid
bad odor
What % of almunium acetate should you used with inflammtion for alethel's foot with fissure
<10%, when healed can use 20%
How often should one use Burrow solution with wet, inflammed athele's foot
soak whole foot in solution up to 20 minutes 3x
What is exclusion critera for fugal skin infections
Face, mucus membrane, gential
Unsuccesful treatment
Nails or scalp
Fever, mailse
excessive exudation
Causative factor unclear
What are signs and symptoms of warts
rough, cauliflowerlike appearance
Wart typically go away on their own when does this occur
2 or 3 years
What is the mainstay treatment of warts
Saliculic acid
What are counseling points for Wartner Wart Removal systme or cryotherapy
Patient may repeat process eveery 10 days, up to 3x
How long do you typically treat warts
12 weeks
Cousneling point for Salicylic acid Collodion vechle (liquid)
Appy product twice daily
If medication touches healthy skin wash it off with soap and water.
How often should you apply and premoved the plaster pads of Salicylic acid
apply every 48 hrs as needed for up to 12 weeks
What are exclusions to self-treatment of warts
Painful plantar warts or
Diabetes, PVD
Face, nails, anus or gentila
Mential impairments, immunsuppresent meds
extensive warts @ one site
Signs and symptoms of a corn
has a central core, and are yellowish gray in color
what is the most common causes of corns
What is most common location of corn
ON TOPS 4th and 5th toes
What are signs and symtpoms of calluses
even thickening, broad borders
Most common location of callusus
bottom of FOOT weight bearing areas heel, ball of goot
Is there non-pharm for a waryt
can spread, wash hands after touching or treating wart, do not cut wart tissue
What is non-pharm for treatment of corns and callusus
Daily soaking of the affected area for 5 minutes in warm water, and gently scrub with a pumice stone, or pads
What is main recommendation for corn and calluse
well-fitting footweat
What is mainstay treatment of corn/callus
Salicylic acid
What are exclusion for self-treatment of corns/callus
Lesions hemorrhaing
Anatomic defect