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115 Cards in this Set

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2 main divisions of the human skeleton
(1) axial skeleton
(2) appendicular skeleton
Total # of bones in the adult skeleton?
The axial skeleton consist of how many bones?
What parts of the body make up the axial skeleton?
(1) skull
(2) hyoid bone
(3) spinal column
(4) sternum and ribs
What are the 2 major divisions of the skull?
(1) the face
(2) the cranium
What are the 8 bones that form the cranium?
• frontal (1)
• parietal (2)
• temporal (2)
• occipital (1)
• sphenoid (1)
• ethmoid (1)
What are the 14 bones that form the face ?
• nasal (2)
• maxillary(2)
• zygomatic malar (2)
• mandible (1)
• lacrimal (2)
• palatine (2)
• vomer (1)
• inferior nasal conchae (2)
What forms the forehead & the anterior part of the top of the cranium?
Frontal bone
Contains mucosa - lined air filled spaces?
What are the 4 sinuses that make up the PARANASAL SINUSES?
(1) frontal sinuses
(2) sphenoid sinuses
(3) ethmoid sinuses
(4) maxillary sinuses
Which sinus is the largest?
Maxillary sinus
What are the 4 types of suture?
(1) squamous
(2) coronal
(3) lambdoidal
(4) sagittal
What suture is joint between the parietal bones and the frontal bone?
What suture is joint between the parietal bones & occipital bone?
What suture is joint between the right & left parietal bones?
What suture is lined along the top curved edge of the temporal bone?
How many bones are there in the appendicular skeleton?
What parts of the body make the appendicular skeleton?
• upper extremities
• lower extremities
What bones make the upper extremities?
• clavicle (2)
• scapula (2)
• humerus (2)
• radius (2)
• ulna (2)
• carpals (16)
•metacarpals (10)
• phalanges (28)
What bones make up the lower extremities?
• innominate (2)
• fibula (2)
• femur (2)
• patella (2)
• tibia (2)
• tarsals 14
• metarsals (10)
• phalanges (8)
Three abnormal spine curvatures?
(1) lordosis
(2) kyphosis
(3) scoliosis
Abnormally increased roundness in the thoracic curvature also known as "hunchback"
Abnormal side to side curvature
Poor posture or disease may cause the lumbar curve to be abnormally accentuated.
Also known as " sway back"
What's the largest strongest bone of the face?
What bone lies behind and slightly above the nose and throat?

Forms part of the floor & side walls of the orbit.

Keystone of the cranial floor
Sphenoid bone
Irregular bone that makes up the anterior portion of the cranial floor, medial wall of the orbits, upper parts of the nasal septum, side walks of the nasal roof; and lies anterior to to sphenoid & posterior to the nasal bone
Ethmoid bone
Olfactory nerves that pass through numerous holes in this plate
Horizontal (cribriform) plate
Opening in the greater wing that transmits the maxillary division of the 5th cranial nerve?
Foramen rotundum in the (sphenoid bone)
Opening in the greater wing that transmits the mandibular division if the 5th cranial nerve
Foremen ovale in (sphenoid bone)
What serves as the keystone architecture of the face?
2 maxillae
Soft spots where ossification is incomplete @birth
Allows some compression of the skull during birth
Name the four types of frontanels?
(1) frontal (anterior)
(2) occipital (posterior)
(3) sphenoid (anterolateral)
(4) mastoid (posterolateral)
Largest of the frontanels, closed by 1 1/2 years of age, at the intersection of the sagittal & coronal sutures
Frontal fontanel
At the intersection of the sagittal & lambdoidal suture;
Triangular in shape
Closed by the second month
Occipital frontanel
What fontanel is at the juncture of the frontal, parietal, temporal, & sphenoid bones?
Sphenoid fontanel
What fontanel is at the juncture of the parietal, occipital, & temporal bones?

Usually closed by the second year
Mastoid fontanel
Single bone in the neck part of the axial skeleton

Only bone in the body that doesn't articulate with no other bones
Hyoid bone
It is u shaped felt above the larynx & below the mandible, it's suspended from the Seymour process of the temporal bone
Hyoid bone
A single bone that has formed from the fusion of 5 vertebrae?
A single bone that has formed from the fusion of 4 or 5 vertebrae?
What constitutes the skeletal framework of the neck?
7 cervical vertebrae
12 vertebrae that are located in the posterior part of the chest?
Thoracic vertebrae
5 vertebrae that support the back
Lumbar vertebrae
The vertebral column consist of ___
vertebrae plus the sacrum & coccyx
A central opening in all the vertebrae
Vertebral foramen
First cervical vertebrae
Supports the head
Lacks body & spinous process
Second vertebrae
Atlas rotates about this bone in rotating movements of the head
Peglike projection upward from the body
A dagger shaped bone consisting of three parts
3 parts of the sternum?
1. Manubrium - upper handle part
2. Body - middle part
3. Xiphoid process - blunt cartilaginous lower tip
The manubrium articulates with the _____ rib & clavicle
1st rib
The last 9 ribs are joined to the body by the?
What forms the thoracic cage?
12 pair of ribs
Vertebral column
What are the true ribs?
Ribs 1-7
Which ribs make the false ribs?
Which ribs are the floating ribs?
11 & 12
What cartilage attaches the ribs to the sternum?
Costal cartilage
What two bones compose the shoulder girdle?
What are the 3 borders of the scapula?
1. Superior- upper margin
2. Vertebral- toward the vertebral column
3. Axillary - lateral margin
Sharp ridge running diagonally across the posterior surface of the shoulder blade?
Arm socket also known as?
Glenoid cavity
What are the 8 carpal bones?
1. Scaphoid
2. Trapezium
3. Trapezoid
4. Capitate
5. Hamate
6. Pisiform
7. Triquetrum
8. Lunate
A roughned projection on the ulnar side of the radius.
Biceps muscle insert here
Radial tuberosity
Disk shaped process forming the proximal end of the radius.
Bone of the thumb side of the forearm
Protuberance at the distal end on the lateral surface of the radius
Styloid process
Iong bone of the upper part of the arm
Bone of the little finger side of the forearm it's longer than the radius?
Rough projections at both sides of the distal ends of the humerus
Epicondyles- medial & lateral
Rounded knob below the lateral epicondyle it articulates with the radius.
Sometimes called the radial head of the humerus
A Projection on the humerus with a deep depression through the center similar to a shape of a pulley
It articulates with the
Depression on posterior surface just above the trochlea.
Receives the olecranon process of the ulna in extension
Olecranon fossa
Depression on anterior surface above the trochlea
Receives coronoid process of ulna in flexion
Coronoid fossa
The elbow is called ?
Olecranon process
Wrist bones
Long bones forming the framework of the palm of the hand; numbered I through V.
Carpals are arranged in 2 rows
Proximal row:
Pisiform, triquetrum, lunate, & scaphoid

Distal row:
Hamate, capitate, trapezoid, & trapezium
Miniature long bones of the fingers
How many phalange bones are there in each finger?
3 in the fingers 2 in the thumbs
Which metacarpal forms the most freely movable joint with the carpals?
Thumb metacarpal
Large hip bone with sacrum & coccyx
Forms basinlike pelvic cavity
The focal bone is made up of three bones that are later fused together. What are the 3 parts?
(1) ilium
(2) ischium
(3) pubis
The largest uppermost of the coxal?
The strongest lowermost part of the coxal?
The most anterior part of the coxal?
The pelvis can be divided into two parts by an imaginary planed called?
Pelvic inlet
Boundary of the aperture leading into the true pelvis
Firmed by pubic crest, iliopectineal lines, & sacral promontory
Impt during child birth
Pelvic brim
Space below pelvic brim
Pelvic organs located in this brim
True pelvis / pelvis minor
Broad shallow space above the pelvic brim
Part of the abdominal cavity not the pelvic cavity
False pelvis
Thigh bone
Largest strongest bone of the body
Largest sesamoid bone in body
Patella or kneecap
The shin bone
Long slender bone of the lateral side of the lower part of the leg
Bones that form the heel & proximal or posterior half of the foot
Heel bone is called?
The tarsal bones consist of 7 bones?
Calcaneous -1
Caused when the tendons & ligaments attached to the tarsal bones are weakened?
Long bones of the feet
A normal longitudinal arch is created by?
Medial longitudinal arch & a lateral longitudinal arch
The general difference between a male and female is
Size & weight
Male skeleton is heavier
pelvis is deep & funnel shaped with narrow subpubic angles of less of 90 degrees

(a) male
(b) female
Pelvis is shallow, broad, & flaring and has a wider subpubic angle of greater than 90 degrees

(a) male
(b) female
Forehead elongated vertically
Smaller mandible & maxillae
Facial area rounder

(a) male
(b) female
Coccyx less movable

(a) male
(b) female
Forehead shorter vertically
Larger mandible & maxillae

(a) male
(b) female
What are the 7 types of bone fractures?
1. Open
2. Closed
3. Incomplete
4. Complete
5. Linear
6. Transverse
7. Oblique
It Occurs in the absence of any clinically visible damage to bone or surrounding tissue
Stress fracture
Also known as compound fracture
Broken bone projects through surrounding tissue & skin
Open fracture
Also known as simple fracture
Does not produce a break in the skin
Closed fracture
Involves a break across the entire section of bone
Complete fracture
Involves only a partial break with the bone fragments still being partially joined
Incomplete fracture
A fracture lined parallel to the bones Long axis
Linear fracture
A fracture line at a right angle to the bones long axis
Transverse fracture
A fracture that occurs at a slanted or diagonal angle to the longitudinal axis of the bone
Oblique fracture
In bones of the skull; If the fracture line is visible but very small & the opposing bone segments remain fully aligned is called?
Hairline fracture