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97 Cards in this Set

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Bone Marrow
Soft tissue found inside cavities in bones; produces blood cells
A type of connective tissue and an organ of the musculoskeletal system. They provide support for the body and serve as sites of muscle attachments
The points at which two bones meet. It provides flexibility.
Bundles of parallel muscle tissue fibers. As the fibers contract they pull whatever they are attached to closer together.
Appendicular Skeleton
The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the upper and lower extremities, shoulder, and pelvis.
Axial Skeleton
Includes the bones in the head, spine, chest, and trunk.
Strong, flexible connective tissue found in several locations in the body
Osseous Tissue
Bony tissue. One of the hardest tissues in the body
The process of bone formation
An embryonic bone cell
Mature bone cells
Cervical Vertebrae
The seven vertebrae in the neck region
The tailbone, the four small fused vertebrae at the distal end of the vertebral column
The skull; bones that form a protective covering over the brain
Ethmoid Bone
A cranial bone
Facial Bones
The skull bones that surround the mouth, nose, and eyes; muscles for chewing are attached to the facial bones.
Frontal Bones
The forehead bone of the skull
Hyoid Bone
A single, U-shaped bone suspended in the neck between the mandible and larynx. It is a point of attachment for swallowing and speech muscles.
Lacrimal Bone
A facial bone
Lumbar Vertebrae
The five vertebrae in the low back region
The lower jawbone
The upper jawbone
Nasal Bone
A facial bone
Occipital Bone
One of the four cerebral hemisphere lobes; controls eyesight
Palatine Bone
A facial bone
Parietal Bone
A cranial bone
Rib Cage
Also called the chest cavity. It is the cavity formed by the curved ribs extending from the vertebral column around the sides and attaching to the sternum; part of the axial skeleton
The five fused vertebrae that form a large flat bone in the upper buttock region
Sphenoid Bone
Another cranial bone
Also called the breast bone; part of the axial skeleton and the anterior attachment for ribs
Temporal Bone
Another cranial bone
Thoracic Vertebrae
The 12 vertebrae in the chest region
Vertebral Column
Part of the axial skeleton. It is a column of 26 vertebra that forms the backbone and protects the spinal cord.
Vomer Bone
Another facial bone
Zygomatic Bone
Another facial bone!!!!
The wrist bones in the upper extremity.
Also called the collar bone; a bone of the pectoral girdle
Also called the thigh bone. It is a lower extremity bone
One of the lower leg bones in the lower extremity
The upper arm bone in the upper extremity
One of the three bones that form the os coxae or innominate bone of the pelvis
Innominate Bone
Also called the os coxae or hip bone; the pelvis portion of the lower extremity; consists of the ilium, ischium, and pubis and unites with the sacrum and coccyx to form the pelvis
One of the three bones that form the os coxae or innominate bone of the pelvis
Lower Extremities
The legs
The hand bones in the upper extremity
The ankle bones in the lower extremity
Os Coxae
Also called the innominate bone or hip bone; it is the pelvis portion of the lower extremity; consists of the ilium, ischium, and pubis and unites with the sacrum and coccyx to form the pelvis
Also called the kneecap; a lower extremity bone
Pectoral Girdle
Consists of the clavicle and scapula; functions to attach the upper extremity to the axial skeleton
Pelvic Girdle
Consists of the ilium, ischium, and pubis; functions to attach the lower extremity to the axial skeleton
The finger bones in the upper extremities and the toe bones in the lower extremities
One of the three bones that form the os coxae of innominate bone
One of the forearm bones in the upper extremity
Also called the shoulder blade; an upper extremity bone
ankle bones in the lower extremities
Also called the shin bone; it is a lower extremity bone
one of the forearm bones in the upper extremity
Upper Extremities
the arms
Cancellous Bone
The bony tissue found inside a bone; contains cavities that hold red bone marrow; also called spongy bones
Compact Bone
the hard exterior surface bone; also called the cortical bone
Cortical Bone
The hard exterior surface bone; also called compact bone
The shaft portion of a long bone
The wide ends of a long bone
Flat Bones
A type of bone with a thin flattened shape; ex: scapula, ribs, and pelvic bone
Irregular Bones
A type of bone having an irregular shape; ex: Vertebrae
Long Bones
A type of bone that is longer than it is wide; ex: femur, humerus, and phalanges
Medullary Cavity
The large open cavity that extends the length of the shaft of a long bone; contains yellow bone marrow
The membrane that covers most bones. Contains numerous nerves and lymphatic vessels
Red Bone Marrow
Tissue that manufactures most of the blood cells. It is found in cancellous bone cavities.
Short Bones
A type of bone that is roughly cube shaped.
Spongy Bones
The bony tissue found inside a bone. Contains cavities that hold red bone marrow; also called cancellous bone
Yellow Bone Marrow
Located mainly in the center of the diaphysis of long bones; contains mainly fat cells
Refers to the rounded portion at the end of a bone
A projection located above or on a condyle
A deep groove or slit-type opening
A passage or opening through a bone for nerves and blood vessels
A shallow cavity or depression within or on the surface of a bone
The large ball-shaped end of a bone; may be separated from the shaft of the bone by an area called the neck
A narrow length of bone that connects the ball of a ball-and-socket joint to the diaphysis of a long bone
A projection from the surface of a bone
A hollow cavity within a bone
The large blunt process that provides the attachment for tendons and muscles.
A small, rounded process that provides the attachment for tendons and muscles
A large, rounded process that provides the attachment to tendons and muscles.
Articular Cartilage
Layer of cartilage covering the ends of bones forming a synovial joint
Another term for a joint, the point where two bones meet.
Ball-and-Socket Joint
A type of freely moving synovial joint; ex: shoulder and hip joints
A sac-like connective tissue structure found in some joints. It protects moving parts from friction; ex: elbow, knee, and shoulder joints
Cartilaginous Joints
A joint that allows slight movement but holds bones firmly in place by a solid piece of cartilage.
Fibrous Joints
A joint that has almost no movement because the ends of the bones are joined together by thick fibrous tissue
joint capsule
Elastic capsule that encloses synovial joints.
Very strong bands of connective tissue that bind bones together at a joint
Pubic Symphysis
The point where the left and right pubic bones meet and are held together by a thick piece of cartilage, making it a cartilaginous joint.
The fibrous joints formed between the cranial bones
Synovial Fluid
The fluid secreted by a synovial membrane in a synovial joint; lubricates the joint and reduces friction
Synovial Joint
A freely moving joint that is lubricated by synovial fluid
Synovial Membrane
The membranes that lines a synovial joint; secretes a lubricating fluid called synovial fluid