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43 Cards in this Set

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The supporting framework of the body
human skeleton
Number of bones in the body
The process of formation, development, and differentiation of the cells of whole blood; process of blood cell formation
Types of bones classified by shape
1. long
2. short
3. short
4. flat
5. irregular
6. sesamoid
The structure of the bone
1. diaphysis
2. epiphysis
3. epiphyseal line
4. periosteum
5. articular cartilage
6. medullary (marrow cavitiy)
7. spongy bone (trabeculae)
8. red bone marrow
9. yellow marrow
Main shaft of a long bone; it is hollow, cylindrical in shape and made of compact bone
diaphysis (shaft)
the bulblike shape that provides ample space for muscle attachments
layer of cartilage that separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis of the bone; allows bone growth in children
epiphyseal plate / epiphyseal line
thick, white fibrous membrane that covers the surface of the long bone, except for joint surfaces
thin layer of cartilage that covers the ends of the long bones and the surface of the joints
articular cartilage
the hard, outer shell of the bone that lies just under the periosteum
compact bone
found in the diaphysis or shaft of long bones; contains yellow marrow
medullary cavity (bone marrow cavity)
system of small canals in compact bone that extends lengthwise through the bone
bone not as dense as compact bone, provides added strength to bones
canellous bone (spongy bone, trabeculae bone)
Fills the spaces between the trabeculae and produces blood cells
red bone marrow
stores fat and is not an active site for blood cell production as an adult
yellow marrow
immature bone cells
the conversion of the fibrous connective tissue and cartilage into bone or a bony substance
Large cells that digest, or abosorb, bony tissue
the process of removing the old bone tissue, or destroying it so that its componenets can be absorbed into the circulation
mature bone cell
list the bone markings
1. bone head
2. neck
3. tuberosity
4. trochanter
5. condyle
6. crest
7. spine
Types of bone depressions
1. sulcus
2. sinus
3. fissure
4. fossa
5. foramen
a rounded knoblike end of a long bone, separated from the shaft of the bone by a narrow portion (the neck of the bone)
bone head
a constricted or narrow section that connects with the head
an elevated, broad, rounded process of a bone, usually for attachment of muscles or tendons
large bone process located below the neck of the femur, for attachment of muscles
a knucklelike projection at the end of a bone; usually fits into a fossa of another bone for form a joint
a distinct border or ridge; an upper, elevated edge as in the upper part of the hip bone (iliac crest); generally a site for muscle attachment
a sharp projection from the surface of the bone, similar to the crest, for muscle attachment
concave (indented) areas, or openings, in a bone. they help to form hoints or serve as points of attachment for muscle
bone depressions
projections or outgrowths of bones; help to form joints or serve as points of attachment for muscles and tendons
bone processes
a groove or depresiion in a bone; a fissure
an opening or hollow space in a bone
a groove or depression in a bone; sulcus
a hoolow or shallow concave depression in a bone
a hole within a bone that allows blood vessels or nerves to pass through
list the cranial bones
1. frontal bone
2. parietal bones
3. occipital bone
4. temporal bones
5. sphenoid bone
6. ethmoid bone
List the facial bones
1. madibular bone
2. maxillary bones
3. zygomatic bones
4. nasal bones
5. lacrimal bones
6. vomer
Shaped like the letter L; join with the maxillae and sphenoid bone
palatine bones
complete the nasal cavity by forming the side and lower wall.
nasal conchae
located just above the larynx and below the madible. Does not connect with other bones; suspended from temporal bone by ligaments. Serves at point of attachment for muscles of tongue and throat
hyoid bone
List the Veregral Bones
1. Cervical Vertebrae (c1-c7)
2. Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12)
3. Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5)
4. Sacrum
5. Coccyx