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94 Cards in this Set

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What bone is this?
Frontal Bone (skull)
Ribs (thoracic cage)
Sternum (Thoracic cage)
Clavicle (pectoral girdle)
Vertebral Column
Hip bone (pelvis)
Sacrum (Pelvis)
Coronal Suture
Parietal Bone Lambdoid Suture
Parietal Bone Sagittal Suture
Parietal Bone Squamous Suture
Occipital Bone Foramen Magnum
What Bone/Marking is this, And what does it Articulate with
Occipital Bone, Occipital Condyles, superior facets of the atlas vertebra
Fill. The cranial Bones are held together by joints called what?
Fill. Cranial nerves and blood vessels pass through openings in the skull called, What?
Fill. The bony palate is composed of two (what) Bones and the palatine processes of the (what)
Palatine, Maxillae
Fill. The pituitary gland lies in a depression of the (what) bone, a complex cranial bone with great and lesser wings.
Fill. The space on the posterior surface of the scapula inferior to the scapular spine is called the (what)
Infraspinours Fossa
Fill. The medial one of the forearm is the (What)
Fill. The cartilaginous pads between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae called the (what)
Intervertebral discs
Fill . Spinal nerves pass through gaps between adjacent vertebrae called the (what)
interertebral foramina
Fill. At the inferior end of the sternum is a small, pointed bone call the (what)
xiphoide process
Fill. The ape of your shoulder if formed by a plate-like extension of the scapular spine called the (what)
Fill. The pelvic girdle is made up of the (what)
Sacrum, and Hip Bones
Fill. The right and left hip bones are held together anteriorly by a fibrocartilage pad called the (what)
Pubic Symophysis
Fill. When you are sitting, your body weight is supported on the right and (what), which are thick, rough areas of the hip bones.
ischial tuberosities
Fill. The bony prominences on the sides of your ankles, just above the top of a dress shoe, are the lateral and medial (what)
Fill. The bones of the giners and toes are called the (what)
Has a unique structure called the dens or odontoid process
The point of your elbow where you rest it on a table
Bone that contains the stylomastoid formen
Suture named for the greek Letter /l
Knobs on an inferior bone of the skulls that articulate with the atlas
occipital condyles
vertebras whose superior articular processes face medially
consists of a manubrium, gladiolus, and xiphoid process
its distal end has a capitulm and a trochlea
The thumb
Contains the acetabulum, greater sciatic notch, and iliac crest
hip bone
The bone contains numerous air cells, contributes the upper half of the nasal septum and has pores for the passage of olfactory nerves:

A. Frontal
B. Vomer
C Ethmoid
D Sphenoid
E Nasal
C: Ethmoid
All of the following can be palpated on a living person except the
A. Mastoid process
B. Mental Protuberance
C Suprasternal Notch
D. Sella Turcica
E. Olecranon
D Sella Turcica
The squamous Suture surrounds
A. A squamous epithelium
B. the pariteal bone
C. the temporal bone
D. The sphenoid bone
E. the ethmoid bone
C Temoral Bone
The fetal skull has a small gap where the frontal, parital, temporal, and sphenoid bones meet called the
A. anterior fontanel
B posterior fontanel
C. Mastoid Fontanel
D.Pariefrontal Fontanel
E. Sphenoid Fontanel
E Mastoid Fontanel
The distal end of the femur, where is meets the tibia, is covered with
A. Spongy bone
B synovial membrane
C a synostosis
D.The periosteum
E Articular Cartilage
E Articular Cartilage
The jelly-like center of an intervertebral disc is called
A.the gelatinus centralis
B the nucleus Puplosus
C synovial fluid
D vitreous humor
E Tissue Gel
B: The nucleus
Costal Facets are found on
A. cervial vertebrae
B the thoracic vertebrae
C all vertebrae
D true ribs
E all ribs
B Thoracic Vertebrae
The spinal column has all of the following curvatures except A
A, cervical curvature
B. Thoracic curvature
C. Lumbar Curvature
D. Sacral Curvature
E Pelvic Curvature
D Sacral Curvature
9. The linea Aspear is uniqure to the
A ulna
B atlas
C Femur
D. Fibula
E Hip bone
C Femur
10. The sesmoid bone embedded in the quadriceps femoris tendon is the
A. Patella
B. Hamate
C. Medial Malleolus
D. Parital
E. Navicular
A Patella
What Articulates with acetabulum?
Femoral Head
What Articulates with Atlas, superior articulating facet
Occipital Condyles
What Articulates with Clavicle, Sternal End
What Articulates with Femoral Condyles
Proximal Tiba
What Articulates with Lateral Sacrum
Hip Bone
What Articulates with Humerus, Head
Glenoid Cavity, Scapula
What Articulates with Mandibular Condyle
Mandibular fossa
What Articulates with Inferior Manubrium
What Articulates with Radius, Proximal Head
Capitulum, Humerus
What Articulates with Radial Notch, Ulna
Lateral edge, radial head
What Articulates with Rib, Tubercle
Transverse Process, Thoracic Vertebrae
What Articulates with Talus (distal)
What Articulates with Talus (superior)
Distal Tibia
What Articulates with Trochlear notch, Ulna
Trochlea, Humerus
What Articulates with Vomer (superior)
Perpendicular plate, ethmoid bone
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Hip Bone
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Anterior Superior iliac Spine
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Hip Bone
Axilliary border
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Coracoid Process
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Coronoid Process
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Glenoid Cavity
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Gluetal Lines
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
C Hip Bone
Greater Trochanter
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
Greater Tubercle
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
A Humerus
Intercondylar Notch
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
B Femur
Intertrochanteric crest
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
B Femur
intertubercular Sulcus
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
A Humerus
Inferior public Ramus
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
C Hip Bone
Infraspinous fossa
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
E Scapula
Linea Aspera
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
B Femur
Paterllar Surface
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
B Femur
Obturator foramen
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
C Hip Bone
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
F Ulna
Olecranon fossa
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
A Humerus
Sciatic Notches
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
C Hip Bone
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
A Humerus
Trochlear notch
A. Humerous B. Femur C. Hip Bone D. Radius E. Scapula F. Ulna
F Ulna