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84 Cards in this Set

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1. What are the muscles of facial expression?

Orbicularis oculi
Orbicularis oris


All are innervated by the facial nerve(VII)

2. What are the muscles of mastication?

Lateral Pterygoid
Medial Pterygoid


3. What nerve innervates the muscles mentioned in question 2?

The mandibular nerve(V3) of the trigeminal(CN5).

4. List the three muscles involved in closing the jaw?

Massetter, Temporalis and the medial pterygoid.

5. Which muscle is responsible for opening the jaw?

Lateral pterygoid.

6. List two important neck muscles.


7. List two flexor muscles acting on the shoulder.

Pectoralis major.

8. Regarding shoulder muscles, list two extensors.

Teres major
Latissimus dorsi

9. List two abductors of the shoulder.


10. What are the three shoulder rotators?

Teres minor

11. List three flexor muscles that act on the elbow joint.

Biceps brachi

12. The triceps is an extensor muscle that acts on the elbw joint. True/False


13. List two supinator muscles that act on the elbow joint.

Biceps brachi

14. List three pronator muscles acting on the elbow joint.

Pronator teres
Pronator quadratus

15. What is the cubitus fossa?

It is the triangular area in front of the elbow.

16. What are the lateral and medial muscular boundaries of the cubital fossa?

Medially-pronator teres muscle

17. List the 4 important contents of the cubital fossa.

Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor digitorum

18. Where is the anatomical snuffbox located?

The lateral surface of the wrist,

19. What are the tendon boundaries of the snuffbox?

Laterally- tendons of extensor pollicus brevis
Abductus pollicus longus

Medially- tendon of the extensor pollicus longus

20. What is the major vascular content of the snuffbox?

The radial artery.

21. Starting from the skin, what are the layers of the abdominal wall?

Camper's fascia-fatty
Scarpa's fascia-fibrous
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transverse abdominis
Tranversalis fascia
Preperitoneal fat

22. List 4 important muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Rectus abdominus
Ext. oblique
Int oblique
Transversus abdominis-(compresses abdomen).

23. What is the function of the rectus abdominis?

Flexes spine and constricts abdomen

24. What is the anterolateral wall function of the rectus abdominis?

Both obliques rotate and laterally flex the trunk

25. Regarding the abdominal wall, list 4 important posterior muscles.

Quadratus lumborum

26. What is the function of the Psoas?

Flexor of thigh and trunk

27. What is the function of the Iliacus?

Flexor of thigh and trunk.

28. What is the function of the Quadratus lumborum?

Flexor of thigh and trunk/accessory muscle of respiration.

29. What is the function of the diaphragm?

It is the principle muscle of respiration.

30. The posterior abdominal muscles are also referred to as the prevertebral muscles. True/False


31. What is intended by postvertebral muscles?

Deep muscles, intrinsic, paraspinal or true back muscles.

32. What are the three layers of the postvertebral muscles?

Deepest and shortest
Superficial and longest

33. What muscles make up the deepest and shortest of the postvertebral group?


34. Of the postvertebral group which muscles make up the intermediate and the superficial and longest?

Superficial and longest- Erector spinae

35. What is the function of the postvertebral muscle group?

Extensors of the spine.

36. List 2 important Extrinsic muscles of the back.

Serratus posterior inferior
Latissimus dorsi

37. What is the function of the Serratus posterior inferior?

Depresses lower ribs during inspiration.

38. What is the function of the latissimus dorsi?

Adduct, extend, and medially rotate the humerus about the shoulder joint.
It can also move the pelvis. This is important for paraplegics

39. List all the muscles acting on the hip joint and additionally move the leg.

Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus
Tensor fascia latae
Adductor longus
Adductor magnus
Biceps femoris
Quadraceps femoris group

40. Regarding muscles of the thigh,list 4 muscles located within the anterior compartment.

Quadraceps femoris

41. What is the essential nerve supply of the anterior compartment muscles of the thigh?

Femoral nerve

`42. What is the vascular supply of the anterior compartment thigh muscles?

Femoral artery and vein.

43. Regarding the medial compartment of the thigh muscles, list three important muscles.

Adductor longus, brevis and magnus
Obturator externus

44. What is the nerve supply for the medial compartment muscles?

Sciatic nerve

45. What is the vascular supply for the medial compartment thigh muscles?

Profunda femoris
Obturator vessels

46. Regarding muscles of the thigh, list three imporatnt muscles of the posterior compartment.

Biceps femoris

47. What is the nerve and vascular supply for the posterior compartment
muscles of the thigh?

Nerve- Sciatic
Vascular- Profunda femoris vessels

48. The Sciatic nerve(L4, L5, S1, S2, S3,) is composed of what two important nerves?

Common peroneal nerve
Tibial nerve.
These two are bound together by fascia.

49. How many branches does it distribute in the gluteal region?


50. In the posterior thigh, the muscular branch(tibial compartment) supplies the hamstrings. What muscles make up the hamstrings?

Biceps femoris
Semimembranosus and
Adductor magnus

51. Halfway down the thigh, the Sciatic(Ischiatic) nerve divides into what two branches?

The tibial nerve
The common peroneal nerve

52. What is the Popliteal fossa?

It is the space behind the knee. It is somewhat diamond in shape.

53. What are the lateral and medial boundaries of the popliteal fossa?

Laterally-biceps femoris(cranial),
Head of gastricnemious and plantaris(caudal)

Medially-Semit. and Semim (cranial) and medial head of the gastricnemius

54. What is the content of the popliteal fossa?

Popliteal vessels
Common peroneal nerve
Tibial nerve

55. Regarding muscles of the leg, list 4 muscles located within the anterior compartment.

Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Peroneus tertius
Extensor hallucis longus

56. What is the nerve and vascular supply for the anterior compartment muscles of the leg?

Nerve-deep peroneal nerve
vascular- anterior tibial artery

57. List 2 muscles located within the lateral compartment of the leg.

Peroneus longus
Peroneus brevis

58. Regarding the lateral compartment muscles of the leg, what is the nerve and vascular supply?

Nerve-Superficial peroneal nerve
vascular-Peroneal aretery and vein

59. Regarding posterior compartment muscles of the leg, which three muscles make up the superficial group?


60. Regarding posterior compartment muscles of the leg, which three muscles make up the deep group?

flexor digitorum longus tibialis posterior
tibialis posterior

61. What is the nerve and vascular supply of the posterior compartment leg muscles?

Nerve-Tibial nerve
Vascular- Posterior tibial artery

62. The common peroneal nerve is found between L4 and S2. True/False


63. What is a common result as a consequence of injury to this nerve?

Footdrop. There is an inability to evert and dorsiflex the foot.
This may be caused by a blow to the lateral posterior knee by some blunt and heavy object.

64. What is the Unhappy triad/Knee injury?

This is a common football injury caused by blunt force from the side.

65. What is the extent of damage that results from the unhappy triad injury?

There is damage to the medial collateral ligament, medial meniscus and the anterior cruciate ligament.

66. What structures anatomically perforate the diaphragm at T8, T10 and T12?

T8-Inferior vena cava
T10-Esophagus vagus
T12-Aorta(red, thoracic duct(white)and the azygous vein(blue).

67. What are the anatomical landmarks for Thoracocentesis?

Insert needle just above(superior) to rib #9 and not under(inferior) to rib #8.
The inferior edge of the scapula lies over the 7th intercostal space.

68. What may be considered a complication of this procedure?


69. Where is a gluteal injection administered?

It is inserted in the upper outer quadrant of hip to avoid the sciatic nerve.

70. What is a possible complication of an improperly administered gluteal injection?


71. What is contained within the surface anatomy of the lower limb bones?

Ishial tuberosity
Greater trochanter of the femur
Anterior surface of the tibia(shin)
Ankle=lateral malleolus of fibula and medial malleolus of tibia

72. What are the most important vessels of the lower limb bones?

Femoral triangle-femoral artery, vein and nerve
Popliteal fossa: popliteal artery
Posterior tibial artery-can be palpated behind the medial malleolus
Dorsalis pedis

73. What are the most important tendons of the lower limb bones?

tendon of tibialis posterior muscle-behind medial malleolus with the foot in an inverted position.
Tendon of tibialis anterior muscle-anterior surface of ankle joint with foot inverted and dorsiflexed.
Tendon of Peroneus brevis and longus-seen behind the lateral malleolus with the foot everted.
Tendon calcaneus(Achilles tendon)- It forms from the tendon of the gastrecnemius.

74. What are the spinal roots of the radial nerve?
What is its action?

Elbow and wrist extension
Involvement of triceps reflex

75. What are the spinal roots of the median nerve?
What is its action?

Flexion of first three fingers
Pronator and radial flexion
Innervation of thenar muscles and thumb opposition.

76. What are the spinal roots of the ulnar nerve?
What is its action?

Thumb adduction
Flexion of wrist and ring and small finger.
Opposition of little finger
Ulnar flexion
Finger abduction and adduction
Innervation of hypothenar muscles

77. What are the spinal roots of the musculocutaneous nerve?
What is its action?

Elbow flexion(biceps)
Biceps reflex

78. What are the spinal roots of the axillary nerve?
What is its action?

Movement of arm outward, forward or backward(deltoid)

79. What are the spinal roots of the long thoracic nerve?
What is its action?

Elevation of arm above horizontal plane

80. What are the spinal roots of the long obturator nerve?
What is its action?

Hip adduction

81. What are the spinal roots of the long femoral nerve?
What is its action?

Knee extension
Hip flexion
Knee jerk

82. What are the spinal roots of the common peroneal nerve?
What is its action?

Foot eversion Dorsiflexion

83. What are the spinal roots of the common Sciatic nerve?
What is its action?

Knee flexion
Branches into the tibial and common peroneal nerve

84. What are the spinal roots of the common Tibial nerve?
What is its action?

Foot inversion
Plantar flexion
Involvement in ankle jerk reflex