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15 Cards in this Set

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pineal is
located in the diencephalon
are specialized neurons located in clusters that recieve autonmic inout from the SNS. sensitive to light
Glial Cells
similar to the pituicytes o the posterior pituitary, they function as supportive stromal cells
Pineal gets
large calcium rich granules called brain sand, used to identify in radiographs
pinealocytes is a
neuroendocrine tranducer converting light into endocrine signals
In pineal light controls the
release of serotonin and melatonin
pinealocyte also contains several
brian peptides and is classified as an APUD cell
Mechanisms for light transduction
Light from the retinal ganglion cell to the SCN, to the pineal nerve which goes down the spinal cord to the intermediolateral column. Sympathetic preganglion cells exit through the ventral rami, synapse in the superial cervical ganglion , and then travel to innvervated the pinealocyte directly.
Biochemical Pathway
in the influence of light the pinealocyte makes serotonin and in absence melananin by converting serotonin to n-acetyl transferase and then using hydroxyindole-O-methyl transferase to make melanin from the n-acetyl serotonin made.
Has both circadian and
ultradaina rythyms which occur over months, days, weeks
circadian rythyms regulate
body temperature, wbc count, mitotic activity in epithelia, and secretion of acth and cortisol, regula,tes responsiveness to drugs. .
include menstrual and breeding cycles
melatonin major impact is
It is antigonadotropic in that
it blocks LH and FSH and delays puberty, controls gonadal activity, regulates the secretion of both pituitary lobes.
Seasonal changes in human biology
indicate that humans are seasonal breeders. testosterone increases in the spring months. conception rates increase during the spring.