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141 Cards in this Set

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Etiology for Tinea infection
Dermatophoytosis including Microsporum, Trichophytom, and Epidemophyton
Tinea Captitis is usually seen in_____ and affects the _____
Children affects the head
Gray patch ringworm
brittle hair shats break off close to the scalp
black dot ringworm
closely broken off hair looks like "dots" appears diffuse and poorly circumscribed
Exam of Tinea by woods lamp reveals
bright green hair shafts.
Tinea corporis is usually seen in_______ and affects ________
all ages affects mostly the forearm and neck
KOH prep for tinea corporis reveals
septate and branched hyphae
Tinea cruris is affects_______
the groin but usually doesn't involve the scrotum
KOH prep for Tinea cruris reveals
septate and branched hyphae
Rx Tinea Capitis
Rx Tinea corporis
5%salicycic acid and 5% benzoic acid cream
Rx Tinea cruris
5%salicycic acid and 5% benzoic acid cream
Rx Tinea manus/pedis
5%salicycic acid and 5% benzoic acid cream
Onychomycosis is defined as
a fungal infection of the finger or toe nail which is difficult to cure
Onychomycosis Rx
Griseofulvin for 6 mos $350 40% effective or
Terbinafine for 3 mos $500 70% effictive
Tinea versicolor
chronic asyptomatic fungous infection of the trunk characterized by white or brown macules
Tinea versicolor etiology
Pityrosporum orbiculare
Tinea versicolor is most common in
young adults
D/Dx Tinea versicolor
Lab for Tinea Versicolor
hyphae and spores on KOH prep reported as having a "spaghetti and meat balls appearance"
Rx for tinea versicolor
5% salicylic acid and 5% benzoic acid cream
Etiology for candidiasis
Candida albicans
Labs for Candidiasis
KOH for yeast
Gram stain for yeast
Rx for candidiasis oral
nystain suspension or oral ketoconazol
Rx for intertrigioous candidiasis
nystain ointment
Rx for genital/perigenital candidiasis
nystatin vaginal tablets
Rx for diper candidias
topical nystatin ointment
Impetigo def
acute skin infection usually caused by group A strep and Staphlococcus aureus
Impetigo usually effects
preschool children and young adults
physical exam of note for Impetigo
Golden or Honey colored crust
Impetigo D/Dx
in early stage vesicles may be confused with Varicella or herpes
Lab findings for Impetigo
early vesicle fluid may reveal Gram Pos cocci in chains
culture may reveal Group A strep and sometimes a mixed culture of strep and S. aureus
TX for impetigo
Penicillin, single injection of long lasting benzathine penicillin
Ecthyma def
a deeper extension of impetigo with the same etiology except it may also be caused by Pseudomonas
TX for Ecthyma
Tx includes systemic antibiotics as well as debridement of epidermis which becomes necrotic
Cellulitis def
acute non-contagious inflammation of the epidermis and deep underlying connective tissue of the skin
Etiology for cellulites
Staphylococcus, streptococcus or other bacterial infections
Labs for cellulites
CBC shows an elevated WBC and indicates a bacterial infection
Blood cultures may be performed if generalized infection is suspected
Rx for cellulitis
Erysipelas def
inflammatory disease of the skin
Etiology of erysipelas
Beta-hemolytic streptococci
S/Sx Erysipelas
well demarcated tender rapidly advancing erythematous plaque with Px and fever and leukocytosis
Erythrasma etiology
Corynebacteriae organisms
Caution in Erythrasma
often confused with fungal infections
Erythrasma lab
the bacteria produces porphyrins so the skin is coral-pink under woods lamp
Erysipelas Rx
Preferred Tx is oral erythromycin
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome aka for newborns
Ritter's disease in newborn
Scalded skin syndrome mortality in adults
approaches 50% in adults
Scalded skin syndrome etiology
caused by enterotoxin of Staph
Necrotizing Faciitis manifistations
Brawny edema, bullae with blue/purple fluid
Necrotizing fasciitis etiology
Streptococcal-deep to site of minor non penetrating trauma
Herpes Simplex Def
characterized by one or many clusters of small vesicles filled with clear fluid on slightly raised inflammatory bases
HSV1 commonly causes
herpes labialis, herpetic stomatitis, and keratitis
HSV2 commonly causes
genital herpes, is considered an STD and results in skin lesions
HSV virus remains dormant_____
in the nerve ganglia
Herpes simplex 1 S/Sx
lesions involving the nose, ears, or fingers can be painful.
vesicles persist for a few days then dry forming a yellow crust
HSV1 physical exam
may appear anywhere on the skin or mucosa but mostly mouth, lips, conjunctiva, cornea, and genitalia
HSV1 lab
Tzanck preparation may reveal multinucleate giant epithelial cells. diagnosis is confirmeed by cultures for the virus
HSV2 primary infection occurs
on the vulva, vagina or penis in young adults
mild outbreak-let it run its course
severe outbreak-antivirals have been used to suppress or decrease length of outbreak
herpes zoster general info
66% of Pts affected are over 50 years, less than 10% under 20 yrs. less contagious than varicella but caused by same virus.
Herpes zoster progression
papules (24hrs) vesicles-bullae (48hrs) pustules (96hrs) then crusts. new lesions appear for up to a week.
herpes zoster PE
zosteriform (dermatomal) and palm size groups of vesicles along a dermatome with unilateral distribution
Herpes zoster D/Dx
it is important to identify zosteriform herpes simplex with neuralgia which may be impossible except by viral culture
herpes zoster Tx
prednisone 60mg 1 week than decrease 20 days
Varicella etiology
chickenpox is the acute invasive phase of the virus and herpes zoster represents the reactivation of the latent phase
Varicella incubation period
14-16 days and communicability is considered possible from 10-21 days after exposure
Varicella PE
teardrop vesicles containing clear fluid and standing out from base. lesions progress from macule to papule to vesicle and begin crusting in 6-8 hrs
Varicella Labs
Varicella Rx
mild cases require only symptomatic Tx. in severe cases systemic antihistimnes may be used
Verruca def
common, contagious epithelial tumors caused by at least 60 types of human papillomavirus
Verruca S/Sx
warts may appear at any age but are most frequent in older children and uncommon in the elderly
Verruca PE
light gray, yellow, brown, or gray-black nodules 2-10mm in diameter
Verruca Tx (solution)
A solution containing 17% salicylic acid and 17% lactic acid applied daily after gentle peeling
Verruca Tx (cryo)
freeze the wart for 15 to 30 sec with liquid nitrogen. this may need to be repeted in 2-3 weeks
Molluscum contagiosum def
a pox virus characterized by skin colored, smooth, waxy, umbilicated papules 2-10mm in diameter
Molluscum contagiosum S/Sx
transmitted by direct contact. small papules may appear anywhere often on the genital and pubic area
Mollusum contagiosum Dx
diagnosed easily by characteristic central umbilication filled with semisolid white material
Molluscum contagiosum lab
if the white material is giemsa-stained it reveals inclusion bodies within many large cells or extracellularly
Molluscum contagiosum Tx
distroy each lesion by freezing. removing the central core of the papul with a needle, comedo extractor, or the tip of a #11 blade
Condyloma Acuminata def
hyperplastic lesions of the skin or mucous membranes of the genitalia caused by HPV transmitted sexually
Condyloma acuminata PE
soft, moist, minute pink or gray polyps that enlarge and may bee pedunculated usually found in clusters and may resemble cauliflower
Condyloma acuminata Tx/Rx
Podophyllotoxin, podophyllin or 5-fluorourail or cryotherapy
Pediculosis def
infestation by lice
Pediculosis subspecies
head louse (pediculus humanus capitis) body louse (pediculus humanus corporis)
pediculosis PE
"ID the little critters hopping around", "ID nits which have a pearly fluorescence
Pediculosis Labs
not really necessary "when you see these little creatures jumping around you don't need a lab to tell you what they are"
how to use NIX, RID, A200 for pediculosis
apply to affected area, wash off after 10 min reapply 7-10 days
How to use Malathion (ovide) for pediculosis
apply to affected area for 8-12 hours than wash off. DO NOT USE IN CHILDREN <6 MOS
Pediculosis pubis risk factors
more common in young adults. often sexually transmitted
Pediculosis pubis Tx
Treat Pt and sexual partners within last month use NIX, Rid, A200 or Malathion (ovide)
Pediculosis corporis risk factors
infestation of humans and their clothing by the body louse is confined to individuals that rarel reemove their clothing and live in overcrowded, unhygienic situations
Scabies Def
a transmissible exoparasite infection characterized by superficial burrows intense pruritus and secondary infection
Scabies etiology
mite Sarcoptes scabiei
Scabies PE
the burrow is a fine wavy and slightly scaly line a few mm to 1 cm long
Burrows occure predominantly in
finger webs, flexor surfaces of wrists, elbows and axillary folds male genatalia
Scabies Dx
requires demonstration of a burrow if not found in most common sites examine entire skin
Scabies Lab
finding mite, ova, or fecal pellets confirms the Dx
Scabies Rx
topical scabicide is usually effective and the medication must be applied thoroughly to all skin from the neck down particularly to the finger webs, genitalia, perianal and toe webs
Scabies management
all skin-to-skin contacts should be treated at the same time
Contact dermatitis def
can be described as acute, subacute, or chronic inflammation of the skin caused by an external factor
Contact Dermatitis etiology
usually delayed hypersensitivity reaction with a period of a few days or years from first exposure to re-exposure
Contact dermatitis lab
Patch testing is usually the definitive test to support the Dx
Contact dermatitis Tx
Atopic dermatitis Def
acute, subacute, but usuall chronic, pruritic inflammation of the epidermis and dermis, often occurring in association with a personal or fam Hx of hay fever, asthma, allergic rhinitis or atopic derm
Atopic dermatitis Etiology
onset in the first months of life. in 75% of cases there is a H of allergic rhinitis, hay fever, allergies or asthma
Infantile atopic dermatitis S/Sx
Erythemic skin, tiny vesicles on "PUFFY SURFACE", scalding, exudation with wet crusts and fissures
Infantile atopic dermatitis Tx
Diaper dermatitis onset
usually after first 6 weeks highest occurrence up to 5 months. may occur in incontinent older persons
Diaper dermatitis Tx
frequent changing of diapers "let the kid air dry", copious use of baby powder
Drug reactions cause
caused by immunologic or non-immunologic mechanisms. the majority are based on hypersensitivity reactions
Urticaria/angioedema cause
a group of disorders where wheals occur in the skin. release of histamine cause blood vessels to leak resulting in swelling
Urticaria acute vs chronic
acute is of recent onset (hour, days or a few weeks) chronic has been persistent for several mos to years
causes of Allergic urticaria
meds, food, bee or wasp stings
Non-allergic urticaria
sinusitis, helicobater, serum sickness
types of urticaria
non-allergic, physical, cholinergic, cold, contact urticaria
Rx urticaria
oral antihistamines, oral steroids or ultraviolet light treatment. avoid aspirin and codeine
Folliculitis def
superficial or deep bacterial infection and inflammation of the hair follicles
Folliculitis etiology
usually caused by S. aureus but occasionally by P. aeruginosa (hot-tub folliculitis)
Folliculitis pathophysiology
superficial pustule or inflammatory nodule surrounds the hair follicle. Gram-neg folliculitis may develop during Tx of acne
when folliculitis lesions are deep seated, chronic, and recalcitrant on the head and neck it is called
folliculitis S/Sx
symptoms range from slight burning and tenderness to intense itching
Folliculitis D/Dx
it is important to differentiate bacterial from nonbacterial folliculitis often a gram stain culture is needed
Furnucles def
acute, tender, perifollicular inflammatory nodules resulting from infection b staphylocci
Furuncles occure
mostly on neck, brests, face, and buttocks but are most painful on nose ear or fingers
Furuncles Tx
I&D or application of liquid soap containing either chlorhexidine gluconate with isopropyl alcohol
Furuncles special circ
a Pt with a furuncle in the nose or central facial area and patients with multiple furuncles should be Tx with systemic antibiotics
Carbuncle Def
a cluster of furuncles with subcutaneous spread of staphylococcal infection resulting in deep suppuration often extensive local sloughing slow healing and a large scar
Alopecia areata
partial or complete loss of hair resulting from genetic factors or aging or local or systemic disease
Acne def
common inflammatory disease of the pilosebacceous glands characterized by comedones, papules, pustules canalizing and deep inflamed sometimes purulent sacs
Acne usually begins
in adolescence (10-17yo female 14-19yo male)
Acne superficial Tx
in superficial acne topical clindamycin or erythromycin or sunlight
Acne deep PE
characterized deep inflamed nodules and pus-filled cysts which often rupture and become abcesses
Acne deep Rx
Seborrheic dermatitis def
an inflammatory scaling disease of the scalp face and other areas
Seborrhic dermatitis S/Sx
dermatitis usually is apparent as dry or greasy diffuse scaling of the scalp with variable pruritus
seborrheic dermatitis in newborns
thick yellow crusted scalp lesion (cradle cap)
seborrheic dermatitis Tx in adults
zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, sulfer, and salicylic acid, or tar shampoo
seborrheic dermatitis Tx in infants
baby shampoo is used daily and 1% hydrocortisone cream is rubbed in twice daily
Epidermal Cyst def
slow growing benign cyst containing follicular, keratinous and sebaceous material and frequently found on the scalp ears face back or scrotum
Epidermal cyst Tx
I&D evacuate the contents and REMOVE THEE CYST WALL WITH CURET OR HEMOSTAT. Drain for 7-10 days