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96 Cards in this Set

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A flat, discolored spot of any shape <1cm. Freckles, flat moles, port-wine stains, and many rashes are macular. A patch is a large macule
An elevated, firm, circumscribed area<1cm; ie wart, elevated mole, Lichen Planus
Solid, superficial, elevated, circumscribed, rough & flat area of skin >1cm; Psoriasis, Lichenificat'n
Superficial, raised, irregular, edematus, transient, erythematous skin lesion; Mosquito bite, Allergic rxns, Urticaria
Solid, elevated, circumscribed area of skin 1-2cm; deeper in dermis
Basal cell carcinoma, Keloid
Clearly demarcated, solid, elevated area of skin >2cm; Lipoma, Hemangioma
Superficial, circumscribed, fluid filled area of skin <1cm; Vericella, Herpes Zoster
Vesicle filled w/ pus; Impetigo, Acne
A vesicle of >1cm size; Blister, Pemphigus Vulgaris
Elevated, encapsulated, deep in dermis, fluid filled/semisoild material lesion; Sebaceous Cyst
Rough, thickened epidermis 2^0 to persistent itching, often involves Flexer surfaces of extremities; also described as "looking like moss"
Thick to thin fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin p/ Sx/injury or Acne; Chickenpox
Progressively enlarged, elevated scar
Epidermis thickening that causes Flakes of skin, dry/greasy, silvery/white; ie Athlete's foot, Atopic dermatitis
A superficial, hollowed-out or linear crusted area caused by scratching, rubbing, or picking at the skin; Atopic dermatitis, Psychiatric condit'n
Small pinpoint hemorrhagic spots; Strep throat
Large area of hemorrhage into skin
A big bruise, which is purple/blue fading to green/yellow/brown in time >3cm
Thinning of the skin that results in a depression and often has a wrinkled "cigarette paper" appearance; ie Striae, aged skin
Similar to an erosion, only deeper, penetrating at least part of the dermis. The causes are the same as for erosions. They heal with scarring; ie. Decubitus ulcer
Telangiectasis/Spider Veins
Small superficial Venous dilat'n
Round/circular lesion w/ central clearing; ie Tinea Versicolor
Iris/Target lesion
Resembles iris of the eye; AKA "Bulls Eye"
Scratch in a line
Spider Angiomas
Focal Telangiectasia radiating from a central Arteriole; blanches on Diascopy; ie Liver diz
Tinea Capitis
Fungal infect'n of Head; usually in children; S/Sx-Alopecia, hair shaft breaks off,scales(gray patch,black dot,kerion,favus); Woods Lamp shows bright green hair shaft
Tinea Cruris/Jock itch
Pruritic/burning sensat'n in groin; S/Sx-plaques/scales leaves scrotum; Dx-KOH prep
Tinea Pedis
Trichophyton localizes bet'n 3rd & 4th toe & later sole of foot; AKA athlete's foot; D/Dx-Interdigital Psoriasis, Candida albicans, allergic contact dermatits from shoes; KOH prep
Onychomycosis/Tinea Unguium
Fungal infec'n of finger/toe Nail; very hard to cure;
Tinea Versicolor
Chronic asymptomatic infec'n of Trunk chtz by white/brown macules; KOH prep-"Spaghetti & meat balls"; D/Dx-Vitiligo, Hypomelanosis
Oral Candidiasis
Creamy white exudates on Tongue/buccal mucosa that can be easily removed
Intertriginous Candidiasis
"Red Beafy lesions in Satelite areas"; likes wet area, immunosupressed, DM, Obese pts; KOH prep; Tx-Azole, Nystatin
Tx for Tinea infec'n
Griseofulvin; 5% Salicycic acid & 5% benzoic acid crm
Impetigo-"Honey colored crust"
Usually @face, not very painful; caused by Sterp/Staph aureus; Compl'n- contagious, glomerulonephritus; Tx-Pencillin, E/mycin, Dicloxacillin
Deeper extens'n of Impetigo; chtz by "Hemorrhagic Crust"; may get scars p/ healing
inflammatory rxn to bact'l entry p/ skin breakdown; chtz by "Tight glossy stretched skin", pain, fever, malaise; Dx-incr'd WBC; Tx-Dicloxacillin, Vanco; Mgmt-Local heat, elevat'n, immobiliz'n
Compl'n of Cellulitis
Gangrene, sepsis, meningitis, lymphangitis
Cellulitis of superficial skin; caused by Beta-hemolytic Strep; chtz by "bright red demarcated" inflamm'n
Superficial intertriginous skin infec'n caused by Corynebacteriae; very "foul axillary odor"; Dx- skin is "coral pink" under wood's lamp
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Severe form of Cellulitis; mixed aerobic/anaerobic infec'n w/ edema,ulceration along the fascial planes
Dried blood, pus, or skin fluids on the surface of the skin. A crust can form wherever the skin has been damaged; ie Impetigo
Loss of part or all of the epidermis when infection, pressure, irritation, or temperature has damaged the skin. They heal without scarring.
Herpes Simplex
One or many clusters of vesicles filled w/ clear fluid; HSV-1 & HSV-11
HSV-1/Herpes Simplex 1
The usual cause of "cold sores" on the lips (herpes labialis) and sores on the cornea of the eye (herpes simplex keratitis); very contagious "don't even share the soda".; ie Gingivostomatitis; Lab-Tzanck Prep; D/Dx-Impetigo,Varicella,Shingles
HSV-II/Herpes Simplex-II
The usual cause of genital herpes, accompanied by fever, malaise, tender inguinal adenopathy; Tx-Let it run its course or Acyclovir; Compl'n-Viral encephalitis & aseptic miningitis
Herpes Zoster
Infec'n that results from reactivation of the varicella; the virus travels down the nerve (dermatome) to the skin, where it creates painful sores,tingling; contagious; D/Dx-Varicella,Herpes simplex; Tx-Corticosteroids, Analgesics
Extremely contagious; chtz by "dew drops on rose petal" look, specially on upper trunk; vesicles appear in crops; D/Dx-Impetigo; Tx-resolves byself/systemic antihistamines/Acyclovir
Verruca/Warts (Mauhuka)
Small skin growths(mostly painless) caused by human papillomaviruses; some chtz by "cauliflower appearance"; Tx-resolve byself/Topical 5-fluorouracil crm/Freezing
Molluscum Contagiosum
A Poxvirus infec'n chtz by skin colored, smooth,waxy,umbillicated papules; Tx-resolve byself
Condyloma Acuminata/Genital Warts
Most common STD;caused by H/papilllomavirus 6,11,(16,18),31,33,35; chtz by small pink/grey polyps; D/Dx-Condyloma lata, carcinoma; Tx-Podophllotoxin, 5 fluorouracil, cryotherapy
German Measles/3 day measles;benign but can cause congenital deformities; pink macules/papules appear on forehead & spread to trunk; Tx-resolve byself
AKA 7 day measles;highly contagious; reportable; chtz by Koplik's Spot accompanied by Conjuctivitis & cough
Erythema Infectiosum
AKA 5th diz;caused by Parvovirus B19; chtz by "Red rash on cheeks"
Hand-Foot-Mouth diz
Caused by Coxsackie Virus A16; chtz by ulcerative lesions on Hand,foot & mouth.
A viral infection (pseudorubella) of infants or very young children that causes a high fever followed by a rash; benign childhood illness; chtz-Child appears well inspite of fever of 104-106F
Pediculosis Capitis
Lice infest'n; lice feeds only on humans; chtz-long,white Nits(eggs) appear cemented to hair; common in children, female>male,white>black; D/Dx-dandruff,scabies,eczema; Lab-Live nits w/ Pearly fluorescence under wood's lamp; Tx-NIX, RID, Malathion
Intense pruritic papules/pustules (while in bed) on hand/feet of a child is "scabies" until proven otherwise; chtz-few mm fine burrrows in finger webs; Lab-avoid KOH prep, it dissolve fecal pellets
Pediculosis Pubis
Common in young males; S/Sx-Little critters/nits in hair
Spider Bites; Black Widow
Painful Bite; chtz by Fang marks 1 mm apart; S/Sx-Board like abdomen w/o tenderness to palpat'n; Tx-Ice,morphine,o2, Antivenin
Spider Bites/Brown Recluse
Venom is hemotoxic; can cause tissue necrosis; AKA Fiddle back spider/Violin shaped; Tx-Antivenin
Contact Dermatitis
A delayed hypersensitivity rxn specially on forearms,neck,waist,lower leg/feet; chtz by pruritis/burning of skin; lesions may be isolated/localized; Lab-patch test; Tx-Corticosteroids/Prednoson
Atopic Dermatitis
A chronic, pruritic inflammat'n associated with history of asthma/allergy; S/Sx-Tiny vesicles on "Puffy Surface" on face, antecubital/popliteal fossa; D/Dx-Psoriasis,Contact dermatitis, Eczema; TX-bathe less frequently
Diaper Dermatitis
Bright red Pruritic/Burning/Painful papules/vesicles in the diaper areas; D/Dx-candidiasis,seborrheic dermatitis; Tx-Frequent changing of diapers/let the kid air dry/corticosteroids
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) / Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)
Two forms of the same life-threatening skin disease that cause rash, skin peeling, edema and sores on the mucous membranes; In SJS <10% of body surface, but in TEN >30% of body surface area "peels off"; Compl'n-Death due to multiorgan fail; TX-Hospitaliz'n, skin grafting
A skin reaction characterized by pale, slightly elevated wheals that are surrounded by a red area and have clearly defined borders; chtz by shape changing wheals which resolve byself; caused by Meds/Food/Insect stings
Contact Urticaria
Non-allergic stinging rxn caused by plants(Poison ivy) or animals(hairy caterpillar); chtz by "Zeomatric Rash"; Tx-Oral antihistamine, oral steroids
Cholinergic Urticaria
Results from sweting
Cold Urticaria
Occurs with skin warming up in winter
Mgmt of Urticaria/Angioedema
Avoid asprin/codeine, acidic fruits, alcohol; use icepacks
Swelling of larger areas of tissue under the skin, sometimes affecting the face, throat, eyelids & genital area.
Erythema Multiforme
Red patches often develop red concentric rings with purple-gray centers (“target” or “iris” lesions) and small blisters, which are symmetrical on body; mostly caused by rxn to HSV infec'n; Tx-resolve byself
Inflamm'n of hair follicles;chtz by pustules in hair follicles;caused by Staph aureus; "hot tub folliculitis" caused by P. aeruginosa; "pseudofolliculitis" is in beard area---putules are on the side of follicle in this; Tx-clean area w/ chlorhexidine & apply saline soaks.
Acute,tender,"perifollicular nodule"caused by S.aureus;commonly on neck,breasts,face,butts;painful on ear/nose.TX-dicloxacillin
Cluster of furuncles, heals slowly w/ a large scar
Alopecia Areata
Partial/complete hair loss in circumscribed areas due to aging,genetic reasons, which feel smooth not scaly; TX-inject Triamcinolone
What is most common skin cancer?
Basal cell carcinoma; occur mostly on exposed areas;An open sore that bleeds,oozes/crusts>3wks & shows a shiny,pearly border w/ telangiectasia; DON"T use 5FU;Tx-Excision
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Yellow Greasy scales on scalp/face;doesn't cause hair loss;Tx-Shampoos-Head/Hydrocortisone-Face
Epidermal Cyst;ie Kashrali
A slow growing benign cyst containing "cheesy/fetid" contents; Tx-remove the cyst wall w/ curet & oral antibiotics like Erythromycin
Chronic/recurrent diz chtz by pruritic "Thick silvery scales" sharply demarcated, pitting on nails; Tx-Corticosterroid(Triamcinolone)/Tar shampoo, PUVA;refer to Dermatologist
Lichen Planus
5Ps;Pruritic,polygonal,purple,papules,plaques;often accompanied by oral lesions;Tx-resolve on own/Topical steroids
Pityriasis Rosea/A mild inflammatory skin diz
A "herald patch on trunk;on the back "christmas tree" like lesions; Tx-none needed
Keloids Vs. Hypertrophic scars
HyperT scars don't grow out of original scar area, but kelods do; HT scars occur in any race, but keloids more in Blacks; Tx-inject corticosteroids in the lesion.
Seborrheic Keratosis
A "stuck on" warty, pigmented superficial epithelial lesion
Actinic Keratoses(Sings)
Most common Premalignant skin lesion; Pink/gray/darker,poorly marginated, scaly/crusted lesion; chtz by "feel rough"; TX-Cryotherapy;Blonds/red hair/Fitzpatrick--suceptible
A precancerous whitish plaque like lesion on oral mucosa due to chronic irritat'n; Pipe smoking is Risky
Malignant Melanoma
A malignant melanocytic tumor arising in pigmented area; look for ABCD; Tx-cut it out
Sharply demarcated depigmented area; lesions are prone to sunburn;Tx-psoralen w/ PUVA, Topical corticosteroids
An autosomal recessive inherited diz in which melanocytes don't make pigment
A symptom not a diz; dry skin itches so keep it moist; Tx- Hydroxyzine, antihistamine
Callus; ie like Bhaurian
A superficial, circumscribed area of hyperkeratosis @site of repeated trauma/irritat'n under the foot
A painful conical hyperkeratoses over toe joints/bet'n toes; Tx-reduce pressure, well fitting shoes.
Adv effect of prolonged antibiotic use in females?
Candidal Vaginitis
What is 2nd most common skin CA?
Squamous cell carcinoma; Nodular Tumor is most aggressive SCC;Tx-Effudex/Excision
Lupus erythematosus
An autoimmune diz of skin; "buttter fly" appearance over nose/cheeks
A chronic autoimmune blistering diz that begins in mouth/scalp & then spreads; Deadly
Lyme Diz
Expanding erythematous plaque caused by SPIROCHETE via Tick Bite; causes Cardiac Complications