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116 Cards in this Set

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In the sacrament of penance the priest extends his hand and says 'I -- you from our sins in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit'
Pentecost is described in a book in scripture called the --- of the Apostles
in the sacrament of confirmation, the -- with chrism is a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit
Anointing of the sick
this sacrament is for those who are sick; those who will undergo surgery, those in danger of death
the 12 men chosen by Jesus to share in his mission in a special way
Assumption of Mary
The feast day that celebrates the day Mary went straight to heaven at the end of her earthly life
the forgiveness of sins and the restoring of friendship with God
this sacrament makes you a member of the church
the sacrament by which we begin our life in the church
a sacrament of initiation; it washes away original sin
this sacrament makes someone a member of the body of Christ and a temple of the holy spirit
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist
The sacraments of initiation are:
this person ordains a priest; the minister of Holy Orders
the usual minister of the sacrament of confirmation
The Gospel of Luke says: Then He broke the bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them saying, 'This is my --- which will be given for you'
bread and wine
In the Eucharist, the body and blood of Christ are present under the appearances of ___
Bread of Life
Jesus called himself the ___
bride and groom
the ministers of the sacrament of matrimony
IN confirmation we become more like ___
when we receive the sacrament of reconciliation, we are reconciled with God and the ---
telling our sins to the priest
Confession, words of absolution and penance
what is needed to receive the sacrament o reconciliation
this sacrament increases the spiritual gifts in us
Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit' are the words spoken by the bishop during the rite of the sacrament of ___
we are sealed with the gift of the holy spirit and are strengthened to live as Christ's followers
a turning to God with all one's heart
an agreement between ourselves and God
its his job to do charitable works in the name of the parish
The Greeks were complaining that their widows were being neglected so the 12 apostles choses 7 holy men to serve the needy people. These men were called --
December 8th
the date that celebrates the fact that Mary was conceived without original sin
You are expected to receive this sacrament more once
the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ
When Jesus cured the sick, he also -- their sins
in absolution, our sins are _______
This praises God for being God
Glory to God in the highest
The prayer of praise which we say at Mass and which was sung by the angels when they announced the birth o Jesus to the shepherds.
a priest forgives sin in the name of ---
The scripture story about eh paralyzed man teaches us that Jesus had the power to forgive sins because he is
during the right of the anointing of the sick, the minister anoints the forehead and --- with oil
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick are sacraments of ---
Holy Eucharist
this food gives us the promise of eternal life in Jesus
Holy Orders
Bishops, priest and deacons all receive the sacrament of ____
Holy Orders
In the sacrament of ---- some men are consecrated to serve God as ordained ministers of the Church
Holy Orders
Matrimony and --- are sacraments at the service of communion
Holy Orders/Matrimony
Sacraments of the service of communion ?????
Holy Spirit
Jesus promised the apostles that they would receive the Gift of the -- to help them carry out Christ's mission
holy water font
what symbol in the church reminds Catholics of their baptism
this takes place during the Liturgy of the Word
Immaculate Conception
the belief that Mary was free from original sin from the moment she was conceived
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are sacraments of ---
Jesus Christ
The sacraments of reconciliation was instituted by
Jesus Christ
a sacrament is a sacred sign and cause of grace instituted by Christ in the Church to continue the saving action of -- thru the Holy Spirit
Kingdom of God
When we live as Jesus did and follow God's will, we help to spread the __
most Catholics are members of the ---- and follow God's call either in the single life or in marriage
Laying of Hands
what action is a symbol of receiving the gift of the holy spirit
the season is the time of preparation for an adult seeking Catholic Baptism
Live our faith in the world
in the sacrament of confirmation, we are sent forth to ___
Holy Orders and __ are the Sacraments at the service of communion
Making the sign of the cross
this symbolizes the gift of the Holy spirit
in the sacrament of --, a man and a woman pledge to live each other as God loves them
offering the Eucharist
this is the most important ministry of a priest
the presentation of the bread and whine at Mass is called the ____
oil, water, white garment
Symbols used in the rite of Baptism
the ceremony by which a man becomes identified with the apostolic ministry of the Church
Pascal Mystery
the passion death and resurrection of Jesus
Paschal Mystery
The mystery that Christ had to suffer and die to save us from sin and death and to raise us with him to new life is
this Jewish feast includes a roasted lamb
When the Holy Spirit came at ___, the apostles were strengthened
The Bishop usually administers the Sacrament of Confirmation, but under certain circumstances, a ____ may also do so
the usual minister of the sacrament of anointing the sick
Jesus calls the baptized to share in his mission by serving him in the -- of the faithful
successors of the apostles that are called to continue the apostles' mission
Prodigal Son
This story illustrates God's forgiveness offered in the sacrament of penance
someone who speaks on behalf of God, defend the trust and works for justice
In Baptism, we share in Jesus' role of priest, --- and king
in the sacrament of --, members of the church are reconciled with God and the Church
in the sacrament of -- our relationship with God and the Church is strengthened and our sins are forgiven
in the sacrament of --, members of the church confess their sins and are forgiven
to turn away from evil
Sacrament of the Sick
People that have an ongoing illness, in danger of death from old angel and those who will undergo surgery may receive the sacrament of the ____
the -- gives us the graces we need for the vocations to which God may be calling us
are different from all other signs because they truly bring about what they represent
who does the church adore and thank in the liturgy
the lives of the -- are examples of holiness and teach us about true discipleship
Sanctifying grace
the gift of sharing in God's life through the sacraments
saving work of healing
The Anointing of the Sick continues Jesus' ___
Jesus said about marriage: What God has joined together, no human being must ----
Service of Communion
Holy Orders and Matrimony are ---
the catholic church celebrates ___ sacraments
share in Christ's priestly mission
as members of the priesthood of the faithful, we all are called to
Jesus desired to heal people from sickness and ___
In the scripture story about the sinful woman, we learn that Jesus treated everyone, even -- with love
Forgiving those who hurt us in as example of a ___ work of mercy
a catholic who helps someone prepare for the sacrament of confirmation
The feeding of the multitude
which story form the gospel is symbolic of the Eucharist
the change of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus
food for the journey; Eucharist given during Anointing of the Sick
Vine and the branches
St Paul used this image to describe the union of Jesus and the Church
the common -- of all Christians is bringing about the Good News to the world by word and action
an important part of our common --- is responding to God's love throughout our lives
God's call to either the single life, the married life, the religious life or ordained ministry is a
in the sacrament of matrimony, the priest or deacon is the official --- of the sacrament
by baptism, we all share in the -- of the faithful to spread the Good News to the world by word and action
the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus
the beginning of the Liturgical Year
T/F - In an emergency, anyone can baptize
Catholics believe that --- will come again to judge the living and the dead
T/F - Only the Bishop can administer Confirmation
When someone recieves the Eucharist, they are united with Jesus and with all of the other members of the Church
Sundays and holy days
Catholics have a serious obligation to attend Mass on --- and ---
God the Father
Jesus offers himself to the --- in every Mass
T/F - Catholics can only celebrate the Liturgy on Sunday and holy days
A deacon [may/may not] baptize, read the Gospel at Mass and preside at weddings
T/F - There are some sins too serious for God to forgive
can not
A deacon [can/can not] hear confession
Priest or bishop
Only a --- or --- can be the minister of the Sacrament of Reconciliaton