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41 Cards in this Set

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Define Protestantism.
The Christian system of belief that developed from protest against the corruption of the Church and doctrinal differences.
What were the biggest sources of corruption in the Church?
What is nepotism?
giving church positions to children or close relatives
What are annates?
taxes on new clergy
What is simony?
to buy or sell church offices
What is celibacy?
Clergy are not allowed to marry
What are indulgences?
selling of absolution: papers that would save a person from certain temporal punishments of purgatory
Who is the person most associated with starting Protestantism?
Martin Luther
How did Martin Luther begin life?
-He was a German Augustine monk educated in the New Devotion
-was sympathetic to Christian Humanism
-questioned papacy when he saw it in Rome
-had no intention of overthrowing the papacy
-builds on Mysticism
What were Martin Luther’s most famous writings?
His Ninety-Five Theses
When were the Ninety-Five Theses written?
What were Martin Luther’s major beliefs as stated in the Ninety-Five Theses?
1) salvation by faith not deeds
2) word of Bible have truth not words of Pope
3) clergy no more powerful than laity
What were Martin Luther’s beliefs on papal power?
-By taking so much control the Church has destroyed itself in its attempt to save itself
-kings have power from God over everyone
Why does Martin Luther suggest temporal power?
-he is close to them
-they form a potential base of support
What is one result of Martin Luther encouraging temporal power?
he reinforced state power and authority
What does Martin Luther believe about justification by faith?
-one needs only faith to be saved
-no person is righteous therefore they need Christ
-faith is in inner man
-works should not be neglected or believed in
What is justification?
means by which to get grace of God to forgive sins
What were Martin Luther’s view on the interpretation of the bible and the nature of clergy?
-keys of Peter given to all people not just pope
-all Christians are priests
-what pope does doesn’t make him more Christian
-leader should be chosen by people
What other things did Martin Luther do that effected things he didn’t really mean to?
His translation of the Bible into German sets standard for language: plays on German nationalism
What were some of the motives of the peasants in the peasants’ revolt?
social leveling
What were the Anabaptist’s most basic beliefs?
-a person must be re-baptized to be saved
-Bible should be read literally
-private property is a hindrance
-a coming of an earthly kingdom
-equalizing people
-no tolerance (instant executions of disagreers)
What makes the Anabaptists more dangerous to other people?
Princes hunted down and killed Anabaptists when they could but usually got the pacifists leaving militants.
What makes Anabaptism appealing?
a weak social structure: corruption, lack of control, Black Death, crops failing, rye price x3 make peasants and middle class unhappy
Where did a lot Anabaptist come from?
the Duchy of Cleaves expeled them
What was Matthys role in Anabaptism?
sent “aspostles” to encourage rebellion against princes b/c of a Coming.

In February 1534 he takes Munster where he outlaws Catholicism and Lutheranism, prepares an army, and made all land a property strictly communal
What is the response to Matthys in Munster?
-conservatives flee
-the bishop-prince lays siege on the town;
Who is Jan Bockelson of Leyden?
a immigrant from the Netherlands; takes over for Matthys after he is killed in an essentially suicidal mission against the bishop-prince with twelve men; makes himself king
What does Jan of Leyden do about the siege?
Tells the people that God will save them; lives richly while everyone else is starving (they can even ration their own food); finally allows people to leave but they will get caught by army outside
How do the “Holy Terrors of Munster” finally end?
an expellee gives away the secret, the bishop-prince attacks and kills most everyone; Jan of Leyen is tortured and the his bones hung in a cage from the church
What is the Imperial Diet at Worms?
all of the states alley against Munster
What is left of Anabaptism?
peaceful Mennonites and Amish
Why did the reformation spread e.i. what was appealing about it?
-The princes escaped from taxes, got more independence from the HRE
-The bourgeoisie were independent self-made people who wanted to decide or interpret alone
-poor are hoping for social change
Why didn’t Charles V stop the reformation?
-distractions: turks into Vienna
-bigness of empire NlL -political issues is Spain
-French Valois encouraging Turks
-minorly Henry VIII
-fights in Italy w/ pope 1527 Sack of Rome
-princes of HRE
Who was involved in the Schmalkaldic War and why?
Protestants were defending themselves against the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor Charles V

led to the Peace of Augsburg
When was the Peace of Augsburg?
What was the agreement of the Peace of Augsburg?
“cuis region, eius religio” leaders could choose their state to be Catholic or Lutheran
Who was left out of “Cuius regio eius religio”?
What belief made predestination work?
People called the “Elect” went to heaven. The Elect were recognizable based on morality, sobriety, worldly success
Who started the idea of predestination?
John Calvin
Where did Calvinism start?
What was the set up of the Calvinist government?
-theocratic state: dictator
-consistory with five pastors and twelve lay elder
-Calvin is ruthless in defending the “sure truth” (no Eucharist = crime)
-very specific rules about everything from clothing to food