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76 Cards in this Set

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What is the state of the French royal family at the beginning of the French Revolution?
-15 yr old Prince Louis Cape is marrying 14 yr old Marie Antoinette, a Hapsburg from Austria
-When King Louis XVI comes to the throne he doesn't feel ready to rule
What is the state of the French people at the beginning of the French Revolution? Why?
-poor and hungry: no money after the Seven Years' War but the population had grown by 6 million
What is happening relative to the Enlightenment and the social structure in Paris at the beginning of the French Revolution?
the scientific ideas, reason, and equality of the Enlightenment challenge the hierarchy of nobility vrs clergy vrs poor
How is the French Revolution related to the American Revolution?
They were happening at the same time: Louis sent money to support the American and incurrs more debt.
How did the people feel about their queen Marie Antoinette during the French Revolution?
she becomes known as Madam Deficit because of the extravagence she maintains despite the debt and famine in the rest of the country

she was known for her extranvagant tastes particularly in fashion and HUGE haridos
What kinds of rumors are spread about the royal family that hurt the general opinion about them at the beginning fo the French Revolution?
For years they produce no heir
What competely uncontrollable thing happened that only increased the people's desperation at the beginning of the French Revolution?
a very hard winter in 1789: people were starving
What happens as a result of Louis's ineptitude?
bread prices skyrocket--> robberies, crime, rioting
What does Louis try to do?
fix taxes... it doesn't work
Who is Jacque Necker?
a member of the bourgeiosie who becomes Louis financial minister
What does Jacque Necker have in his favor?
the people like him: he is a member of the bourgeiosie (more able to understand their point of view) and he beleived that the government should be responsible for making sure that the people had enough bread
What does Jacques Necker do?
he has Louis call the Estates General for the first time in a long time
What shouldn't calling the Estates General be effective in fixing taxes?
It gives the noblitiy more power, they will not want to tax themselves
What is done to get the nobility to tax themselves?
Necker and Louis have the people write lists of grievances so that the nobles will understand where the tax money is going

the peopel are very excited that they have this opportunity
What is the biggest problem with the Estates General itself?
the collective clergy, collective nobility and collective people deliberate independantly and each get one vote towards each decision even though the Third Estate (of the commoners) represents over 90% of the population
Who is the leader of the Estates General?
How did the Tennis Court Vow happen?
the Third Estate wanted each person to have a single vote--> Louis doesn't like that idea --> deputies of the Third Estate are locked out of their usual meeting place--> they meet on a tennis court instead --> vow to make a new constitution --> become the National Assembly of the people's will
What happens in response to the Tennies Court Vow?
Louis sends an army to Paris --> people for their own national gaurd --> they attack the Bastille --> kill governor DeLoney (and carry his head around) --> tear down the Bastille
What is the significane of the violence surrounding the storming of the Bastille?
the people have defied the king and WON
What did the National Assembly write after the storming of the Bastille?
The Declaration of the Rights of Man
What new freedom did Marat take advantage of, how?
he published La Mi du Peuple: a newspaper full of anger and calling for blood
What happens in response to the storming of the Bastille?
both sides (nobles and commoners) think the other is going to attack --> commoners attack first and kills some nobles, others flee
What is an example of how Marat effected the events of the Revolution?
he publicizes a rumor that nobles had trampled the flag of the revolution this and the arrival of more troops in Paris leads a group of mostly brawny women to march to Versailles on October 5, 1789
What did the women who marched to Versailles demand?
-Louis must sign the Declaration of the Rights of Man
-the royal must go to Paris, where they become prisoners of Paris in the Tuileries palace
As the Revolution gets underway, what how did the people in country feel about what's happening?
many became disillusioned
What were the Jacobins originally?
a debating club
By what name was Robespierre known?
"the incorruptable"
What were some of Robespierre's beleifs?
-no slavery
-no executions
The royal family is being held prisoner in Paris, what big mistake do they make? What is the consequence?
they try to run away across the Austrian border, but the rumor beats them --> they are caught and taken back to Paris

the people now think that their king has tried to abandon his people --> he will be one day be found guilty of treason
What part does Joseph Ingnas Guillotin play in the Revolution?
he invents the Guillotine
his last name
Why does the invention of the guillotine fit in well with Enlightenment ideas?
-it is more humane (than burning at the stake or drawing and quartering)
-it is equal: all people can be subject to the guillotine
How does Marat view the Guillotine?
he encourages it: calls it the "National Razor"
What views do the Girondins hold? What do they do?
they encourgage war: declare war on Austria
Why do the Girondins encourage war?
-they are afraid Louis relatives in Austria will counterattack
-hope war will unite the divisions in France
How does Robespierre feel about declaring war?
He's afraid they won't win
How do foreign powers get involved in the Revolution and why?
Austria and Prussia want to maintain monarchies --> Brunswick Manifesto
What does the Brunswick Manifesto say?
no one in France can harm the kind or queen... or else
What happens as a result of the Brunswick Manifesto?
it backfires: people see it as a threat --> attack Tuleries --> no king --> Robespierre decides king should die
Briefly compare and contrast the Girondins and Jacobins.
-both support revolution
-Girondins: more moderate
-Jacobins: more radical
What were culottes?
tailored britches worn by the nobility and upper bourgeoisie
Who were the sans-culottes?
the petite bourgeoisie who wore normal pants and esentially ran Paris
What does George Danton do?
as the French are losing to Austria, he ties to recruit people into the army
What happens because of George Danton's efforts?
Paris is left defenseless and holding lots of prisoners --> the sans-culottes attack prisons --> more than 16,000 dead in a matter of days
Who calls for the trail and execution of the king?
What does the death of the king mean?
the Revolutionaries have won
What are some of the views of the violence after the kings death?
Girondins: afraid of civil war
Marat: more people should die
People: don't like the violence
What does Charlotte Corday do?
goes to Marat with list of traitors and then stabs him
What happens to Marat after he is murdered?
he becomes a legend identified with Christ
After her husband's death, what happens to Marie Antoinette?
she is no longer so beautiful and extravagent

she is a symbol of royal/noble culture that the people are trying to get rid of

is put on trial and acussed of incest: doesn't even get a carriage to the guillotine
What happens to the state of things during the Terror?
-no constituion
-"emergency government" supposed to secure people
-new social norms:
address is "citizen", no culottes, no showing off wealth, nothing royalist, anyone could be picked up for a quick 'trial' and execution
What was the Committee of Public Safety?
a collective dictatorship of 12 people headed by Robespierre
What is Jacques Renee Hebert's idea?
de-Christianization to solve wedge between revolutionaries and good Catholics
(hmm... i'm not sure about this one)
What had happened between the Church and Revolutionaries?
Church reforms --> bishopics and diocese mathc provinces --> Pope gets upset --> Pope goes against revolution --> French clergy must make oath to revolution and republic --> refractory clergy and religious peasants who stick with the Pope
What specifically happens with the de-Christianization?
-churches become temples of reason in Paris
-no Christian calendar: 1792 begins year 1; 3 week months based on seasons; weeks 10 days (no Sunday)
What happened to counter-revolutionaries during the Terror?
Vendee: over 100,000 drowned
Lyon: hundreds taken into fields and shot
Who comes into the war and begins to change the outlook?
Napoleon rises through the ranks and starts winning battles in the South
Why is France starting to turn the tides in the war?
they have mobilized the whole country with the Levy in Mass (every able bodied man had to fight)

Note: not everyone liked this, in fact a lot of people didn't
Robespierre has saved the revolution with terror, what does he want to do next?
civic virtue by terror: he declares that "virtue w/o terror is powerless" in his 1794 speech
By the end of the Terror, what does Danton think?
the Revolution has gone far enough: he doesn't like where it's going
What does Robespierre do about Danton's change in loyalty?
he sees it as treason --> has Dantonists rounded up and executed
What characterized the Great Terror?
-800 executions per month in Paris
-new holiday for new religion "Goddess of Reason": Festival of the Supreme Being (people skeptical: reason? reality?)
What happens to Robespierre?
he says he has of a list of treasonist, but won't tell, arrested the next day, tries to commit suicide but fails
What happens after Robespierre?
republic and democracy continue

people don't want terror or monarchy

People take their lives in their own hands.
List causes fo the Revolution.
-food shortage + spending monarchy; royal inability to cope
-enlightenment ideas: people questioning
-Louis locked out deputies (immediate cause)
-misrepresentation in the Estates General
-difference between really rich and really poor
-sans-culottes and urban poor taxes going up (a spark in Paris)
-bourgeoisie have the influence of commoners: been getting bigger and richer, will want more government power, take advantage of violence in France
-noble resurrgance: they had been losing power, wanted to take more power from weak king, Estates General called b/c nobles didn't want taxes
What Enlightnement ideas were in support of the Revolution and how?
-equality: guillotine (actually got worse for a while)
-reason: questions monarchy
-secularism: deism, de-Christianization
-fraternity: bringing people together agianst Austria
-Montesquieu: checks and balances
-Robespierre: like Rousseau, tyring to accomplish the general will
-during the Terror: people tyring to help each other, price controls, advice for farmers, meritocracy
What happened during the Thermadorian Reaction after Robespierre's death?
things went backwards: wore culottes, used Madmoiselle etc, showing off wealth, partying, White Terror: Jacobins targeted
What is the sequence of people involved in revolutions according to William Fulbright?
men of words (philosophes, Rousseau, Voltaire) --> fanatics --> practical men of action (Napoleon)
What are the stages of a revolution, according to William Fulbright?
demoralization of traditional ruling classes (Enlightenment contradicts aristocracy, monarchial ineptitude, third estate) --> rule of moderates (National Assembly) --[king's failure, fear of counter-revolutionaries]--> rule of extremists (terror) --> practiacally/return to normalcy (Thermador)
According to William Fulbright, what characterized the rule of extremists?
-fanatical intolerance, ruthless idealism to justify acts of extreme cruelty
-propagandizing, streetfighting, terrorism, guerrilla warfare
-abandonment of liberties/legalities that got them in power
-ascetics and puritanical
What does Fulbright conclude about Revolutions?
They don't work since human nature doesn't allow itself to be instantly remade.
What was the Directory?
the republican government after(ish) the Thermadorian Reaction
What were the problems of the Directory?
-a lot of people thought thought a monarchy would be ok --> monarchists would win elections --> 2/3 of members of Directory must be members of the previous government (Jacobins)
What happens because of the problems with the Directory? And what is it's significance?
annoyed royalists riot in Paris --> Napoleon comes in and puts it down with a "whiff of grapeshot"

shows that the government is dependant on the military
Who is Graccus Babeuf? What did he want? What did he do?
-a left wing radical
-no private property and a dictator
-rebelled but was unsuccessful
What happened in March 1797?
the first truely free election --> monarchists won --> constitutional monarchy
What happened in March 1797?
the first truely free election --> monarchists won --> constitutional monarchy