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45 Cards in this Set

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grief and melancholy
fear or fight
Can dysfunction of organs cause emotional disturbance?
Yes - definitely
The ways that the pathogenic diseases attack the body
through skin, mouth nose
Heart dominates the _____ and houses
blood, the mind
liver stores ________ and promotes
blood and free flow of qi
spleen dominates and is a source of
transportation and transformation
Qi and blood
spleen is also very important in relation to
ascending and descending
worry can
injure the spleen
prolonged depression and anger
can cause disharmony between liver and spleen
Affect of anger on the qi:
rise up
Affect of Joy
causes qi to move slowly
Affect of Grief
drastically consumes the qi
Affect of Fear
qi to decline
Affect of fright
causes qi to be deranged
Affect of worry
causes qi to stagnate
Affect if the emotions are not stable
condition will become more severe
The weakening of antipathogenic qi is caused by
poor diet
Relevant factors of the pathology
Phlegm fluid and stagnant blood can cause disease
Blood stasis is due to
Qi deficiency
qi stagnation
cold in the blood
heat in the blood
all will eventually lead to blood stagnation
Signs of stagnant blood in the heart
palpitations, stifling sensation in the chest and heart pain, cyanosis of the of lips and nails
Signs of stagnant blood in the lung
chest pain and coughing up blood
Signs of stagnant blood in the stomach
pain in the epigastrum. vomiting blood, black or dark brown stool
Signs of stagnant blood in the liver
hypochondiac pain in the and palpable masses in the abdomen area
Signs of stagnant blood strongly disturbs the heart
can result in manic behaviour
5 Signs of blood stagnation
Pain, masses with swelling, Bleeding, Purplish colour, pulse - thin and choppy
Signs of stagnant blood in the uterus
lower abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, dark red menstrual flow with clots or excessive uterine bleeding
Name 5 Preponderance of Yin Yang
Yin: cold and damp yin pathogen
aversion to cold
cold limbs
pale tongue
Yang:heat or fire
cold pathogen transformed into heat
emotional imbalances
qi and blood stagnation
diet that change into heat
Signs yang excess
heat signs and symptoms
ie high fever, red face, red eyes, red tongue, rapid and forceful pulse
Result of XS yang
will eventually damage yin and will cause deficiency of yin fluid
Deficiency of yang can be caused by
congenital deficiency
aquired deficiency due to lack of nutrients
chronic disease
Deficiency of yin can be caused by
congenital deficiencies
pathogenic yang that damages yin
imbalance emotions that turn into fire and damage yin
chronic disease that consume and others
Deficiency of yin fluid mainly refers to to KD and LV yin deficiency - when yin fluid is deficient it cannot control
yang qi - which leads to interior heat due to yin deficiency
General signs and symptoms
5 center heat, tidal fever, or low grade fever, red face esp cheeks, thirst, night sweating dry throat and mouth red tongue with little coating, thin rapid and forceless pulse and others.
Deficiency of Yin damaging
Yin is deficient and and damages yang leading to deficiency of both yin and yang
Liver yang rising means
it is due to kidney yin deficiency because the water cannot nourish the wood
Signs of deficiency of yin
damage to the essential qi of the kidney and may consume kidney yang
Aversion to cold, cold limbs, deep and weak pulse in addition to heat signs caused by yin deficiency
Kidney yin deficiency
Signs of edema is caused by
yang deficiency - shows that the body cannot transform water to body fluid and dysfunction of the water metabolism is not metabolized
The eventual outcome of yang damaging yin
signs of irritability and dryness and others may appear
profuse cold sweat like pearls, very cold limbs and chilliness, the body is curled up while sleeping, listlessness, minute deep pulse which are dangerous signs
collapse of yang
profuse sticky sweating, warm limbs, shortness of breath, thirst irritability, thin rapid and minute pulse
collapse of yin