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51 Cards in this Set

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7. What were the causes of Shay’s Rebellion?
- economic depression of 1780’s – lowered crop prices
- refusal of merchants and MA legislature to offer debt relief
- belief of rural people to defend their property from outsiders
- property tax was more oppressive than anything British had done
8. What were the causes of the depression of the mid-1780’s?
- post war trade deficit with Britain
- huge dept from war
- war time inflation making currency worthless
- lack of silver coin in circulation
11 Who attended the Annapolis Convention, and what resolution was passed by the Convention?
Only 5 states showed and Alexander Hamilton goes to source of the problem = Articles of Confederation and they changed it
14 How did the delegates violate the terms under which the convention advocated?
They threw away the Articles of Confederation and wrote a complete new thing – wasn’t supposed to do that but it was later ratified.
16. Who is known as the “Father of the Constitution”?
James Madison
17. What was the New Jersey plan?
1 state = 1 vote
18. What was the Virginia Plan?
Larger population = more delegates = more votes
19. What did the Great Compromise include?
Connecticut came up with it – a bicameral legislature that had one house based on population and one representing all stated equally,
20. Why was the Electoral College created?
Help election of president from states to make it fair for states to represent
21. What did the constitution do in regard to the issue of slavery?
a compromise free-state and slave state interests by agreeing to count five slaves as three freemen
22. Who were the federalists and who were the anti federalists?
Anti-federalists- against the Constitution
Federalists- supported the Constitution
23. What did the anti federalists fear?
feared the Constitution gave too much power to the central government and that a republic could not work in a large nation.
24. Who wrote the Federalist?
Madison** also Hamilton and John Jay
25. What did Madison argue for in the Federalist essays?
If actions are more protected than small groups are more protected. If a group takes over the state the state cannot take over the country. KKK
26. Who were the most likely opponents of the Constitution at the ratifying conventions?
The debtors and the farmers - not to prosper under a strong federal government
27. What did several states, including Virginia demand to be added to the Constitution before they would agree to the ratification?
A Bill of Rights needed to be added
28. What primary protection did the Bill of Rights provide?
Protects individuals from the government and the majority
29. What freedoms does the Bill of Rights include?
Freedom of Religion
Not to testify agains oneself
Protection agains double jeopardy
30. Which state was the linchpin in the Federalist campaign for the Constitution to be ratified?
31. New York voted to ratify the Constitution following what threat?
New York City would secede from the state if it would not ratify
27. What did several states, including Virginia demand to be added to the Constitution before they would agree to the ratification?
A Bill of Rights needed to be added
28. What primary protection did the Bill of Rights provide?
Protects individuals from the government and the majority
29. What freedoms does the Bill of Rights include?
Freedom of Religion
Not to testify agains oneself
Protection agains double jeopardy
30. Which state was the linchpin in the Federalist campaign for the Constitution to be ratified?
31. New York voted to ratify the Constitution following what threat?
New York City would secede from the state if it would not ratify
27. What did several states, including Virginia demand to be added to the Constitution before they would agree to the ratification?
A Bill of Rights needed to be added
28. What primary protection did the Bill of Rights provide?
Protects individuals from the government and the majority
29. What freedoms does the Bill of Rights include?
Freedom of Religion
Not to testify agains oneself
Protection agains double jeopardy
30. Which state was the linchpin in the Federalist campaign for the Constitution to be ratified?
31. New York voted to ratify the Constitution following what threat?
New York City would secede from the state if it would not ratify
33. How did the United States Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Jay strengthen its own role?
By becoming the final authority of the law
36. What cabinet offices did Congress establish?
States, Treasury, War, Justice
38. What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 create, and what role did it establish for the federal courts?
40. What did Hamilton's fiscal program of 1790 include?
Assume the debts of the states that were owed to foreign lenders
- to pay debts
- issue new securities creating a national debt
- assume the debts of the states that were owed to domestic lenders
(force the dependency of Fed. government)
42. What compromise settled the controversy over the credit program?
D.C became the capitol in South so that southern states would help pay off debt - Compromise of 1790
45. What fear was the basis of the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson?
Hamilton favored closer ties with Britain while Jefferson feared them
47. What did American public opinion divide over the French revolution?
Americans initially welcomed the French Revolution, but when the French Revolution turned violent and war broke out with Britain, pubic opinion divided.
48. What did Washington's cabinet agree on in regard to the war between France and Britain?
The "Citizen Genet" incident led Washington to issue a neutrality proclamation that outraged Jefferson supporters
50. Who was Edmund Genet?
Frenchman that came to America to get people to fight for France in the war because we promised to help France if they fought Britain but if they loose we loose land. Offered French commissions, license ships of French privateers, but later asked for political asylum.
51. Why did Washington issue a proclamation of neutrality in April 1793?
As a result of Genet... if the British lost they would loose land (Im not sure this is all, you might wanna check ur notes)
53. What fundamental problem led to the Indian wars and the defeat of Harmar and St. Clair in 1790 and 1791?
Conflict over how to acquire Indian land and of treating Indians justly
- continued policy of Indian land though it was inconsistent
- created a federal licensing for people dealing with Indians
- try to eliminate unfair trades
56. What was the Whisky rebellion?
Hamilton wanted money to go to US so good thing to tax is whiskey. Wanted to drive small whiskey business out of business to then close and join big business
57. What did the suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion indicate?
Indicated that the national government was able to enforce authority and help well connected people rather than the poor and national government was willing to protect the Union and Washington had overreacted to the rebellion
58. Who defeated the OH indians, and what resulted from the Fallen Timbers?
Chief Little Turtle - Miami Indian leader
Anthony Wayne sent out and beat indians at Fallen timbers worse disaster
60. What did Jay's and Pickney's treaty together allow the US to do?
Allowed the US to have sovereignty in the west and not to go to war with England. Boundary at 31 parallel and opened Mississippi to traders absence in treaty of any mention of slaves who had fled to British side during war, compensation of southerners.
62. What did Washington argue in his farewell address?
American policy goals as peace, commercial relations, friendship with all nations, no entangling alliances
64. Who won the election of 1796, and who became vice-president?
Adams - VP Jefferson
65. What was the XYZ affair?
Adams sent reps. to get some sort of agreement - instead of talking with main guy, they talked to 3 agents called XYZ who demanded a bribe of $10 million of loans to French gov. and Charles Mourise Talleyrand (main guy) - Adams knew their real names and tried to protect them by calling them that
66. Why did the Federalist-controlled Congress pass the Alien and Sedition Acts?
Severely limited freedoms of speech and the press and threatened the liberty of foreigners
68. What did the election of 1800 mark?
A peaceful transfer of power form one political party to another
74. What did Judith Sargent Murray argue?
Woman should be taught to depend on their own efforts and not a man to support them