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18 Cards in this Set

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We're sitting on the chairs

Aħna bil-qiegħda fuq is-siġġijiet

I'm sitting on a chair

Jien bil-qiegħda fuq is-siġġu

I forgot your book from home.

Insejt il-ktieb tiegħek id-dar.

You don't have any books at home. In your house there aren't many books

Ma' għandekx ħafna kotba id-dar. Id-dar tiegħek m'hemmx ħafna kotba.

You can go from Valletta to Sliema by boat.

Tista tmur mill-Belta għal tas-Sliema bid-dajgħsa.

Can you (pl.) see these two boats?

Tistgħu taraw dawk iz-żewġ dgħajjes? Tarawhom iz-żewġ dgħajjes

I don't like (eat) horse meat because horse is our friend.

Ma nħobbx niekol laħam taż-żiemel għax iż-

żiemel il-ħbieb tagħna.

I saw beautiful horses in the fields (countryside).

Rajt ħafna iż-żwiemel fil-kampanja.

I will buy white wedding suite.

Se nixtri libsa bajda ghat-tieġ

She buys green dresses only.

Hija tixtri l-ilbiesi ħodor biss.

I don't use many papers at work.

Ma nużax hafna karti ix-xogholl.

My friend had roasted rabbit from oven

Il-ħabib tiegħi ħa fenek il-forn.

We saw two rabbits on yesterday morning walk.

Rajna żewġt fniek filgħodu ilbieraħ waqt li-konna nimxu.

Muslim man might have many wifes (women?).

Raġel Musulman jista jkollu ħafna nisa.

Only a few men were on the moon.

Ftit irġiel biss kienu fuq il-qamar.

You can sit on this stone.

Tista' toqgħod bil-qegħda fuq din il-ġebla.

Tista' tpoġġi fuq din il-ġebla.

Don't throw stones. Farmer is working in the field below.

Titfax ġebel. Il-bidwi qed jaħdmel hawn taħt.

Farmers drive very slow.

Il-bdiewa isuqu bil-mod ħafna.