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90 Cards in this Set

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Your statement is completely false

Afirmatia ta e complet falsa

afirmatie , declaratie
rhethorical question (statement in form of a question)
affirmation, declaration
issue vb
a iesi (a emite)
issue statement- a emite o declaratie
de fapt
in realitate
in fact
My last name looks German, but actually, it's Dutch.
Numele meu de familie pare a fi german, dar de fapt e olandez
Numele meu de familie pare a fi german
My last name looks German
dar de fapt e olandez
but actually, it's Dutch.
rhethorical question
statement in form of a question
problema, rezultat
chestiune controversata
issue sb
to state vb
a afirma, a exprima clar,a declara
(to give information)
point out
evidentia,atrage atentia remarca
notice observe remark relief indica a fi evident obvious
X a evidentiat greseala din traducerea ei
X pointed out the mistake in her translation
fragment (din text)
passage (section of text)
abia poti sa-l vezi
You can barely see it.
E greu de observat
It's hardly noticeable
abia (doar, cu greu, cu dificultate)
barely hardly
His voice was barely audible
Ei vor gasi intilni ( descoperi) noi cuvinte.
They will encounter (find) new words
in scopul de a intelege fragmentul
in order to understand the passage
per ansamblu,in intregime, la urma urmei adj,adv
overall, generally, total
rezonabil acceptabil
fairly good
rezultatele mele au fost rezonabile (destul de)
My results were fairly good
N-am obtinut note mari la examene dar
I didn't get top marks in the exam but..
slightly sin
lightly usor putin
Ma simt putin(usor) obosit ..dupa plimbare
I'm feeling slightly tired after the walk
A atins-o ușor,
He touched her slightly
ca s-o facă atentă
to get her attention.
complet, echilibrat (dezvoltat)
well-rounded, complet
well-rounded individual
rounded -developed in educatie
din cauza, pe motivul
on account of, (cause,for this reason)
Din acest motiv (cauza) trebuie sa plecam
on account of we have to go
memoria lui e slabita deteriorata
His memory is impaired (damaged,reduce,injure,diminish,weakened)
grasp v,n,
take hold of mentally (apuca) a intelege understand, comprehend, patrundere,surprind
Care-I smecheria (siretlicul) schepsisul?
What's the catch?
Nu am inteles (catch) ce ai spus nu m-am prins
I didn't catch what you said (understand grasp)
s- cunostinte,capacitati superioare
mastery ..of skills, expertise,proficiency,virtuosity
a realiza,a indeplini, duce la bun sfirsit,
carry out ,perform
Spionii au îndeplinit misiunea
The spies performed the mission.
Muncitorii si-au dusla bun sfirsit indatoririle
The workers performed their duties
facultati abilitati capacitati aptitudini,simturi
faculties ability capacity skills sense
Abilitatile (faculties) lui scadeau? odata cu virsta
His faculties (simturi) were impaired by age (diminuau)
sense senses
any of the power of the mind as reason or will
facultatile sint abilitatile tale mentale si fizice?
faculties are your physical and mental abilities. .
El nu era in controlul facultatilor' lui
He was not in control of his faculties
a rezuma
outline summarize
(dar si contur,schita)
Dă-mi voie să-mi rezum ideile
Let me outline my ideas
a divaga, a se abate de la subiect
daca divaghezi fara nici o organizare
if you ramble with no organization
Care e atitudinea vorbitorului fata de subiectului lui
What is the speaker's attitude towards his subject?
Asigura-te ca ai ales idea principala
Make sure you choose the main idea
Aceste intrebari iti cer sa gasesti cea mai importanta idee din fragment(passage).
These questions ask you to find the most important idea in the passage.
provin din, cauzate de, isi au originea derivate ( s tulpina)
stem from, be caused, origin in, created by, provin din
Boala lui provine ,si-a avut originea din cauze necunoscute
His disease stemmed from unknown causes.(be caused)
gindurile finale derivate provenind din subiect
Final thought(s) stemming from the topic =concluzia eseu
Toate problemele lor provin din saracie
All their problems stem from poverty.
utter ly
complet, absolut
(to say- a exprima)
Apa se transforma in gheata cind este foarte cald
water turns into ice when it is very cold
forget vs
Un masaj va ajuta muschii sa se relaxeze
a massage will help the muscle to relax
a declansa , a active, provoca,a genera
trigger, set off, initiate an action,generate, activate
Asasinarea archdukelui a declansat războiul
The assassination of the archdukI think, therefore I ame triggered the war.
Gindesc, deci(asadar) sint ( exist)
I think, therefore I am
deci,asadar,hence,so then,thus
noticeable sin
detectable, perceptible,visible sesizat,observat
seize,grab,catch,take hold off,grasp
apuca,tine,inhata,acapara si figurat grasp a patrunde apuca intelesul,a intelege
a apuca
seize,hold,take hold,grab,grasp
muschi incordati
muscle tenses,clench ed
rezumat /subst si sinon si vb outline
resume, summary, synopsis, abstract, digest-compilation, compendium, abridged,sinteza
to summarize
to give the main features or general idea of
to summarize,to outline,digest
to reduce to a summary
to digest,outline,summarize synthe_size
to ramble
a hoinari, a se abate, divaga digress, deviate, to get off the point, get off the subject, wander
to digress, digression, (from a subject) ramble,wander,diverge, roam,drift
a se abate,rataci, to deviate, deviation/a wandering from the main subject, turn aside
These essays are distinguished by lack of cohesion, a digressive style, and repetitiveness
The absent minded professor frequently wandered from his subject onto other topics.
a devia,abate ramble si a se intreba(mira), a fi curios
Ma intreb daca vinul poate fi facut din cirese
I wonder if wine can be made from (s-mirare,uimire)
uneori ma intreb despre originile universului si de unde venim
Sometimes I wonder about the origins of the universe and where we came from.
to ramble un sens
to talk or write aimlessly, without connection of ideas, a divaga digress, wander,roam,a se pierde
to roam
a hoinari,wander,ramble,digress,drift ase abate,rataci
assignment n
short task, sarcină ,tema, responsabilitate, obligatie
Obligaţia lui e întreţinerea (maintenance) generală.
His assignment is general maintenance.
to drift si to draft
a se abate, a devia, si a schita schetch
vacant vs
discursive /digressive
se abate, se imprastie
to forget vs
fii atent /iti poti arde miinile ,apa e fierbinte
be careful, you may burn your hand, the water is boilining
nu e datoria mea sa curat clasa
It is not my duty to clean the room.
aceasta parte a riului e f adinca
This part of the river is very deep
polite vs
cum este vremea
How is the weather.It's
freeze vs
Thaw -a se topi dezgheta unfreeze
worthless vs