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32 Cards in this Set

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What 3 muscles are the primary external rotators of the shoulder?
Infraspinatus, Post Deltoid and Teres Minor
What nerve roots innervate the Serratus Anterior?
During the early phase of shoulder abduction (0-90 degrees) how much motion comes from the SC joint?
25 dregrees of elevation
During the early phase of shoulder abduction (0-90 degrees) how much motion comes from the AC joint?
5 degrees of upward rotation
During the early phase of shoulder abduction (0-90 degrees) how much motion comes from the GH joint?
60 degrees
During the late phase of shoulder abduction (90-180 degrees) how much motion comes from the SC joint?
5 degrees of elevation and 35 degrees of posterior rotation
During the late phase of shoulder abduction (90-180 degrees) how much motion comes from the AC joint?
25 degrees of upward rotation
During the late phase of shoulder abduction (90-180 degrees) how much motion comes from the GH joint?
60 degrees
What nerve roots innervate the supraspinatus?
What nerve roots innervate the Subscapularis?
What nerve roots innervate the Teres Minor?
What nerve roots innervate the Infraspinatus?
What nerve roots innervate the Teres Major?
Name the muscles that produce IR.
Pect Major, Teres Major, Lat Dorsi, Ant Deltoid and Subscapularis
Describe what is meant by the term "Scapular Plane."
It is when abduction is performed with the arm in about 35 degrees anterior to the frontal plane. It minimizes impingement of the humeral head against the acromion during abduction.
True or False: the humeral head is in retroversion.
What are the ramifications of a retroverted humeral head?
ER has more motion than IR
What structure helps to add congruency to the glenohumeral articulation?
Glenoid Labrum
What muscles elevate the scapula?
Levator Scapulae and Upper Trapezius
What muscles retract the scapula?
Rhomboid major and minor, Middle trapezius
When performing abduction of the shoulder, what rotation should also occur?
ER, this prevents the greater tuberosity from impinging against the acromion process
What motions can the Latissimus Dorsi produce?
Glenohumeral ext, IR and ADD
Name the joints that make up the Shoulder Complex.
SC, AC, Glenohumeral and Scapulothoracic
What muscles form the force couple which upwardly rotate the scapula?
Serratus Anterior, Upper and lower trapezius
What are the primary scapular downward rotators?
Rhomboids and Pect Minor
What nerve innervates the Serratus Anterior?
Long Throracic
What muscles make up the Rotator Cuff?
Subscapularis, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
What muscle inserts lateral to the bicipital groove?
Pect Major
What is the loosed packed position of the Glenohumeral joint?
55 degrees of abduction and 30 degrees of horiztonal adduction
What is the closed packed position of the AC joint?

Upward rotation of the scapula

What is the closed packed position of the SC joint?

Post rotation of the clavicle

What is the ratio between glenohumeral and scapulothoracic motion during abduction?
