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34 Cards in this Set

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Biceps Brachii
O: Longhead-Supraglenoid Fossa(superior lip of glenoid tubercle)
Short head- coracoid process
I: Tuberosity of the radius
A: Shoulder Flx, Elbow Flx, Supination
N: Musculocutaneous (C5,6)
O: Coracoide process
I: medial aspect of humerus 1/2 way down
A: Shoulder flexion and ADDuction
N: Musculocutaneous (C6,7)
O: Lateral clavicle, Acromion, Spine of Scapula
I:Deltoid Tuberosity of Humerus
A: Shoulder ABDuction
anterior head-shoulder flx, Hor. ADD, Internal Rotation
Posterior Head- Shoulder Ext, Hor. ABD, and Ext. Rot.
N: Axillary (C5,6)
Pectoralis Major
O: Medial Clavicle, Sternum, and Ribs 2-6
I: Humerus: Lateral Lip of intertubercular groove
A: Shoulder Hor. ADD, Ext, Flx, IntRot, ADD.
N: Medial and Lateral Pectoral. Clavicular C5-6, Sternal C7,8, T1
O: Costal Surface of scapula (subscapular fossa)
I: Lesser tubercle of humerus
A: IntRot
N: upper and lower subscapular (C567)
How many Anterior shoulder muscles are there? What are their names?
5; Biceps Brachii, Coracobrachialis, Deltoids, Pectoralis Major, Subscapularis
Latissimus Dorsi
O: Lower 6 thoracic spines, Lumbar and Sacral spines, crest of ilium
I: Intertubercular groove on humerus, scapular inferior usually receives fibers.
A: Add, Ex, IntRot, Depression of Shoulder girdle.
N: Thoracodorsal (C6,7,8)
Teres Major
O: Dorsal surface of axillary border of scapula near inferior angle
I: Medial lip of intertubercular groove
A: Ex, ADD, IntRot of shoulder
N: Lower subscapular C5,6,7
O: Long Head-infraglenoid tubercle: Lateral Head- back of humerus from middle of shaft to greater tuberosity: Medial Head- lower posterior part of humerus
I: Olecrenon process of ulna
A: Long head- shoulder Ext, ADD; all parts-elbow extension
N: Radial C6,7,T1
O: Surface of scapula above the spine(supraspinous fossa)
I: Greater tubercle of humerus, Superior facet
A: shoulder ABD
N: Suprascapular C4,5,6
O: infraspinous fossa
I: Middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus
A Shoulder ExtRot
N: Suprascapular C(4) 5,6
Teres Minor
O: Dorsal surface of Axillary Border of scapula
I: Lower facet of greater tubercle of humerus
A: Shoulder Ext.Rot
N: Axillary C5,6
O: External occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, thoracic vertebrae(supraspinal ligaments)
I:Lateral portion of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
A: Elevation, ADD, upward rotation of shoulder girdle(upper part); ADD of SCAPULAE(middle part); Depression, ADD, upward rotatoin of shoulder girdle(lower part)
N: Spinal Accessory 11th cranial+C2,3,4
Major- inferior
O: Spine of last cervical and first five thoracic vertebrae
I: Vertebral border below spine
A Elevation, ADD, downward rotation of scapula
N: Dorsal scapular C4,5
Levator Scapulae
O: Transverse processes of first 3-4 cervical vertebrae
I: Vertebral border of scapula above spine
A: Elevation, ADD, downward rotation of scapula
N: Dorsal Scapular C3,4,5
Pectoralis Minor
O: Ribs 3,4,5
I: Coracoid process
A: Depression and ABD of scapula(anterior tilting of scapula)
N: Medial pectoral C6,7,8
Serratus Anterior
O: upper 8-9 ribs
I: Costal surface of medial border of scapula
A: Abd of Scapula, lower portion pulls inferior angle lateral thereby assisting the trapezius in upward rotation
N: Long thoracic C5,6,7,8
O: upper border of first rib
I: Clavicle 9lateral part of inferior surface of clavicle)
A: Depression of clavicle
N: 5th and 6th cervical nerve roots (subclavian)
What 3 muscles insert on the greater tubercle. Superior to inferior
Inferior-Teres Minor
Which two muscles are directly opposite each other about the Intertuberculor groove below the surgical neck.
Pectoralis Major (Lateral lip), Latissimus dorsi ( Medial Lip)
One muscle inserts on the lesser tuberosity of the humerus. What is it?
Which 3 muscles attatch on the coracoid process?
pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, biceps brachii short head
Which 3 muscles cause External Rotation and where do they insert? What are their Nerve Supply?
Teres Minor- inferior Greater Tuberosity-Axillary (C5,6)
Infraspinatus-Middle Greater Tuberosity-Subscapular (C4,5,6)
Posterior Deltoid-Deltoid Tuberosity, Axilarry C5,6
6 muscles of the shoulder girdle?
Trapezius, Rhomboids Maj/min, levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, Serratus anterior, Subclavius
Muscles that cross the Shoulder joint.11
Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Bicep brachii, Coracobrachialis, Tricps brachii, SITS, Teres major, Latissimus Dorsi
Muscles that cross both shoulder and elbow
Biceps brachii, Triceps brachii
Anterior Flexors of the Elbow
Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Pronator Teres
Extensors of the Elbow
Triceps Brachii, anconeus, Supinator
Muscles that cross the elbow and wrist joint anteriorly.
Flexor carpi radialis, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Palmaris Longus, Flexor digitorum superficialis
Muscles that cross the elbow and wrist joint posteriorly.
Extensor carpi radialis longus, Extensor carpi radialis brevis, Extensor carpi ulnaris, Extensor digitorum, Extensor digiti minimi.
Muscles that cross only the wrist joint
Flexor digitorum profundus, Flexor pollicis longus, Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicisi brevis, Extensor pollicis longus, Extensor indicis
Thenar Eminence muscles
Opponens Pollicis, Abductor Pollicis Brevis, Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Hypothenar Eminence muscles
Abductor Digiti minimi, Flexor Digiti minimi Brevis, Opponens Digit minimi.
Intrinsics of the hand excluding Thenar and Hypothenar eminence muscles.
Adductor Pollicis, Palmaris Brevis, Lumbricals, Dorsal Interossei, Palmar Interossei