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39 Cards in this Set

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round character

complex and many sided

requires an essay for full analysis

flat character

has only one or two traits

can be summed up in one or two sentences

dynamic character

character undergoes a permanent change in some aspect of their character, personality or outlook

static character

character is the same sort of person at the end of the story as they are at the beginning

stock character

the stereotyped figure who has occurred so often in fiction that their character is immediately known

first person point of view

protagonist tells own story

refers to themselves as "I"

knows only own thoughts and feelings


identifying the character traits (personality) of a character


a character must make a difficult choice between two undesirable alternatives

literal language

what you see is what you get

figurative language

what you say has greater meaning than what lies on the surface

symbol, simile, metaphor, hyperbole and personification are commonly used figures of speech


a direct comparison of two normally uncompared things

one thing is said to be the other

a subtle comparison is used to concisely create a vivid image

extended metaphor

a metaphor that extends over two or more lines


descriptive images that are primarily visual but can appeal to other senses as well: touch,taste smell and hearing

can be literal or use other figurative devices to help create the image

to create an exceptionally vivid pictures in the reader's mind

3rd Person Limited Omniscient

narrator is "outside" the story

refers to all characters as "he" or "she"

only knows thoughts and feelings of main character being followed

atmosphere (mood)

the prevailing feeling that is created in a story

set up reader's expectations about ending or outcome of plot


central idea of the story

implied rather than stated

all of the story elements interact to create and reinforce the theme

dramatic irony

the author shares with the reader information not known by a character

the reader becomes aware that a character's actions may be inappropriate for the actual circumstances, that what is to come is the reverse of what the character expects

surprise ending

a sudden twist in the direction of a story

produces a conclusion which surprises the reader and often the story's characters

science fiction

speculates about the effect of technology, science and the future on human beings

can be escapist or interpretive fiction


mixing of situations, characters, settings, moods or points of view in order to clarify meaning, purpose or character or to heighten certain moods


an author's feeling or opinion about a subject

identified through writing devices and word choice used

one piece may display multiple attitudes


a word that stands for something else

to suggest or evoke meanings rather than state them directly


reference to someone, something or someplace famous

adds to the depth of meaning of a story since it reminds the reader of an entire story in a minimum amount of words

situational irony

a set of circumstances turns out differently from what is expected

indeterminate ending

a story with no clear outcome


background information provided by the author to further the plot, conflict, setting and characterization


gives a hint of what is to happen later in the story

prepares reader for climax and resolution


conversation between two or more characters in a story

indent and start a new line every time you switch speakers


major crisis in the story

usually a turning point for the protagonist

falling action/conclusion

the part of the story following the climax and lasting until the end of the story


a protagonist that has none of the qualities normally expected of a hero

often a humorous take-off of the traditional hero

the reader often feels superior to such characters


the use of irony to ridicule an idea, person or things often to provoke change

usually mocks human vices or foibles


exaggeration or claim not to be taken seriously


a comparison made between two normally uncompared things


setting (time/place)



inciting incident

the conflict is revealed (one specific moment/scene)

rising action

majority of the story

action/emotions/mood intensifies


most exciting moment of story

moment of highest emotional intensity

turning point for the protagonist


tying up loose ends in the story (extremely short in short stories)