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13 Cards in this Set

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What is the term that described a defect in ocular development?
A. Cyclops
B. Amorphous globosus
C. Choroiditis
D. Cervix duplex
Which of the fetal anomalies is NOT associated with Veratrum californicum ingestion in sheep?
A. Acardiac monster
B. Adrenal hypoplasia
C. Holoprosencephly
D. Pituitary aplasia
Acardic monster
Which fetal anomaly will NOT cause dystocia?
A. Hydrocephalus
B. Hydrops fetus
C. Arthrogryposis
D. Proboscis
Which etiology is NOT commonly associated with retained fetal membranes?
A. Infectious
B. Environmental
C. Nutritional
D. Hormonal
E. Traumatic
Which process is involved in a normal separation of cotyledon from caruncle?
A. Necrosis of trophoblasts
B. Apoptosis of placental tissue
C. Placentitis
D. Adventitial palcentation
Apoptosis of placental tissue
A teratogen is any agent that can induce or increase the incidence of a congenital malformation in an embryo
T or F
What is a common cause of death associated with palatoschisis?
A. Pneumothorax
B. Hydrothorax
C. Sarcomatosis
D. Aspiration pneumonia
Aspiration pneumonia
All of the following are common sequela of an abnormal embryonal/fetal development EXCEPT:
A. Embryonal death
B. Retained fetal membranes
C. Neonatal death
D. Abortion
Retained fetal membranes
What is the definition of toxicant?
A. A chemical compound that has an effect on organisms
B. A poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms
C. A toxin that has now caused disease
D. Everything in the universe is a toxicant to animals
E. Nothing is a toxicant; it is a made up word
A chemical compound that has an effect on organisms
What is the definition of teratogen?
A. A substance that is confirmed to cause a fetal malformation that results in
death of the fetus early in pregnancy
B. A wide range of chemicals and environmental factors that are suspected or
known to cause fetal defects
C. Heavy metals associated with fetal malformations
D. Man-made substances that cause illness in pregnant animals
E. Plant toxins known to cause abortions
A wide range of chemicals and environmental factors that are suspected or known to cause fetal defects
What is the primary toxin found in Astralagus lentiginosus (blue locoweed)?
A. Anabasine
B. Isocupressic acid
C. Nicotine
D. Swainsonine
E. Terpenoid
Which plant causes crooked calf disease?
A. Amaranthus retroflexus (pigweed)
B. Gutierrezia sarothrae (broom snakeweed)
C. Juniperus osteosperma (juniper)
D. Nicotiana glauca (tree tobacco)
E. Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine)
Nicotiana glauca (tree tobacco)
On what day of gestation does ingestion of Veratrum californicum (skunk cabbage) by pregnant ewes cause cyclops formation in lambs?
A. 10
B. 14
C. 18
D. 22
E. 26