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43 Cards in this Set

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CHF definition
heart is unable to pump blood at a rate commensurate w/ body's requirements, or can do so only from an elevated filling P
CHF sx (4)
dyspnea, fatigue, exercise intolerance, swelling
CHF stages
A -> high risk pts (HTN, diabetes, CAD, fam hx, cardiotoxic drugs); B -> structural HD w/o sx (LVH, MI, low LVEF, dilatation, valvular dis); C -> prior/current sx; D -> refractory
CHF classes
I = asymptomatic; II = sx w/ moderate-strenous extertion; III = with mild exertion; IV = at rest
CHF w/ gender and age
in younger pts, more M > F; in older pts, almost =
men vs women diff in heart structure
women have less compliant hearts
systolic vs diastolic HF (6)
systolic = decr LVEF (failure to contract) = younger (30-70 yo) men with eccentric LVH (dilated volume b/c decr LVEF), S3 gallop, previous MI; diastolic = normal (40%+) LVEF (failure to relax) = elderly women with concentric LVH (normal volume), S4 gallop, assoc w/ HTN, obesity, diab, lung dis, dialysis
sx due to volume overload (9)
pulmonary congestion -> cough, dyspnea, SOB when supine (orthopnea), SOB while asleep (PND); visceral congestion: abd bloating, swelling, early satiety, anorexia; peripheral edema
signs of volume overload (6)
JVD, peripheral edema, ascites, anasarca (gen swelling), displaced/diffuse apex (eccentric hypertophy in systolic HF), gallop rhythm (S3 = systolic, S4 = diastolic)
RWT in eccentric vs concentric hypertrophy vs normal
RWT > .45 in concentric (thick walls, same cavity); RWT < or = .34 in eccentric (same walls, larger cavity) -- RWT = .34 in normal heart = 2 x WT/LVID (diameter)
eccentric vs concentric hypertrophy in response to what?
eccentric in response to volume overload (renal dysfn, valvular regurg); concentric in response to P overload (HTN, aortic stenosis)
which type of hypertrophy can you feel on exam?
eccentric -> changes overall shape of heart (football -> basketball)
which hypertrophy can lead to mitral regurgitation?
eccentric hypertrophy -> leads to globular remodeling and distortion of the mitral valve -> regurgitation
evolution of diastolic HF
stenosis (for example) increases afterload, so LV must hypertrophy (concentric) to accomodate greater P; this increased thickness decreases compliance (which is already lower in women, where diastolic HF is predominant), and less diastolic filling occurs -> diastolic HF
evolution of systolic HF
MI causes failure of systolic ejection -> decr LVEF -> incr volume load -> eccentric hypertrophy -> poss mitral regurgitation -> more volume overload -> more eccentric hypertrophy
NE levels in CHF
NE signal of how activated the SNS is -> higher NE levels assoc. w/ decr survival
HF sx due to cytokines (5)
fatigue, anorexia, muscle wasting, remodeling, anemia of chronic dis
HF sx due to what factors (4)
volume overload, adrenergic overdrive, cytokine secretion, RAAS activation
how does myocyte protect itself from SNS activation in CHF? (3)
downregulate beta receptors; beta2 uncouples from Gs; Gi upregulated
which natriuretic peptide is used for dx CHF?
BNP -> released by ventricles in response to stretch (high volume overload in CHF -> high LVEDP -> high BNP release)
drugs to affect RAAS system
ACE inhibitors (prevent angiotensin conversion, prevent bradykinin breakdown); ARBs (angiotensin II receptor blockers -> affect angiotensin II w/o affecting bradykinin, so no sx due to elev bradykinin like cough); aldosterone antagonists
when to use ARBs
don't give unless pt can't tolerate ACE-I (i.e. they get a cough due to high bradykinin) -> ACEI is first line
African-Americans and HF
have more vasoconstriction vs other races -> tx w/ vasodilators
cardiac resynchronization therapy indications (3)
used to counteract LBBB: need symptomatic HF, LVEF < 35%, QRS > 120 msec
tension on wall = P x R / h
how dilated can LV get normally to incr SV? (how much can it increase preload)
140% of normal LVEDV
how much can LV increase EF to incr SV? (due to incr inotropic state)
up to 80-90%
normal LV - how much can it increase its SV?
short term adaptation to increase SV?
LV can increase SV up to 180% by incr preload up to 140% and incr LVEF up to 80-90%
normal LV mass
71 g/m2
large LV mass
143 g/m in men, 102 g/m in women
chronic volume overload example (5)
aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal defect, anemia, renal dysfn
chronic pressure overload example (2)
aortic stenosis, HTN (although has aspects of volume overload)
pressure overloads cause what hypertrophy? volume overloads cause what hypertrophy?
pressure = concentric; volume = eccentric
HTN: eccentric vs concentric hypertrophy in regards to age, sex, BP, SVR, CO, blood volume
eccentric: younger, women, have high CO and high circulating volume; concentric: older, men, have high BP and high SVR
myoctye enlargement in eccentric and concentric hypertrophy
myoctye length increases in eccentric hypertrophy; myoctye diameter increases in concentric hypertrophy
hypertrophy causes what change in mitochondrial volume to myofibrillar volume?
7% decr in the ratio of mitochondrial volume to myofibrillar volume
how do capillaries change in hypertrophy?
total capillary length increases only slightly, but each capillary incr in size
hypertrophy time line
myocardial prot synth incr w/in 3 hrs after incr P/V load; LV mass increases rapidly and plateaus at new level in 10 days
abnormal systolic performance in hypertrophy (2)
decr active tension for given end-diastolic fiber length, decr in max velocity of shortening of hypertrophied muscle
abnormal diastolic performance in hypertrophy (4)
P overload (concentric hypertrophy): intrinsic shift of passive filling of ventricle to the steeper portion of LV diastolic PV relationship -> slope of PV curve becomes steeper due to wall thickening --- at any volume, diastolic P is elevated in concentric hypertrophy (can lead to diastolic HF); V overload (eccentric hypertrophy): rightward shift of PV curve w/ slightly incr diastolic Ps due to incr cavity volume, however this is combined w/ shallower steepening of PV curve due to incr mass and slight incr in wall thickness; stiffness of walls increases due to collagen deposition and cross-linking; active relaxation is compromised due to changes in SERCA (prolonged uptake of Ca into SR during diastole)
is there a maximal hypertrophy?
likely -> inability of the coronary circulation to provide adequate blood flow --- we see fibrosis in extensively hypertrophied myocardium
how does gas and substrate exchange alter in hypertrophy?
increase intercap distance (capillary prolif doesn't commensurate w/ incr myocyte mass); incr in collagen deposition and cross-linking