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12 Cards in this Set

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Steam Engine

Europe (Britain), 18th century • Coal-powered machine that provided power for industrial factories• Provided power for transportation advancements steam ships and railroads o Helped facilitate trade of industrial goods• Example of transition to fossil fuels (coal-powered)• Use for primary power made access to coalimportant for industrializing nations

British Royal Society

Europe (Great Britain), c. 19th century• Society of scientists that shared scientific research• Tradition of scientific experimentation facilitated inventions that fueled industrialization• Demonstrates connection between Scientific andIndustrial Revolutions• Helped to establish Britain as birthplace of industrialization


Europe (Britain), 19th century• Social class that emerged during the industrial era it included business owners, educated professionals,bankers, and merchants• Emphasis on hard work and self-reliance fueled industrial progress• Dominant values partly explain why Britain andother European countries did not see widespread,violent rebellion against industrial inequalities

Reform Act of 1832

Europe (Britain), 1832• British law that extended the right to vote to many male members of the middle-class• Direct result of political activity by the middle class,who tended to favor reforms extending rights tomore people• Shows influence of Enlightenment on social structures and political relationships during the Industrial Revolution

Lower Middle-class

Europe (Britain), 19th century• British social class mainly made up of lower-paid service workers• Provided sense of upward mobility and motivation• Shows British emphasis on class-based respect ability as motivator


Europe (England), 19th century• Version of socialism created by Karl Marx that led to the development of communist theory o Focuses on violent revolution and complete equality as solution to challenges of the Industrial Revolution• Shows influence of Scientific Revolution thinking-"scientific socialism"• Most influential thinker of the industrial age- his version of socialism inspired communist revolutions around the world

Labour Party

Europe (Britain), 19th century• British political party that presented a moderate,working-class alternative to Marxism• Demonstrated strength of middle class values• Idea of democratic socialism primary reason Marxist revolutions did not develop in western Europe


North America (United States), early 20th century• Political party that presented an alternative to socialism• Created reforms in American industrial experience;antitrust laws, wage laws• Demonstrated possibility of adjusting industrial capitalism to accommodate social protest

Russian Revolution of 1905

Europe (Russia), 1905• Spontaneous revolution against absolute authority of the tsar• Workers' unrest in 1905 set a foundation for the communist revolution of 1917• Tsar's oppressive response did not stop radicalism• Demonstrates pervasive problems caused by transition to industrialization


Latin America, 19th century• Military strongmen who took advantage of conflict between conservatives and liberals to seize power• Shows importance of class relationships and social order in post-revolutionary societies• Demonstrates political instability in post-independence Latin America

Mexican Revolution

Latin America (Mexico), 1910-1920• Political revolution that overthrew a dictatorship and replaced it with a democratic constitution• Transformed Mexican social and economic systems• Regional character of this revolution meant it was not as influential globally as the Russian or Chinese revolutions

United Fruit Company

Latin America, 20th century• American-owned company that profited from beneficial trade conditions in Latin America• Example of economic imperialism; powerful countries exerting influence in Latin America for economic benefit• This form of influence replaced colonies after waveof revolutions in the Americas• Created resentment that affected international relations throughout the century