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51 Cards in this Set

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How does external evil attack the meridians
1. tai yang
2. tai yin direct attack
3. follows the meridians
4. follow six meridians but skip on or two, ex:shao yang to jue yin
Line 1: Basic symptoms of tai yang
1. floating pulse
2. headache, stiffneck, neck pain: blockage of channel
3. aversion to cold
Line 2: Basic symptoms of tai yang wind strike
1. floating, moderate pulse
2. stiff neck
3.aversion to cold
plus fever, sweating, aversion to wind
Line 3: Basic symptoms of cold damage
2+3+general body pain, tight pulse, vomit
Line 6: Signs of warm disease
fever and thirst with no aversion to cold
Line 12: Gui Zhi pattern main signs
1+2+3+sweating (caused by xu)
aversion to wind, low grade fever, stuffy nose, sometimes vomit
Ingedients of Gui Zhi Tang
Gui Zhi
shao yao
gan cao
sheng jiang
da zao
Function of shao yao
Harmonize ying and wei
How to administer Gui Zhi Tang
Take with rice soup: nourishes ST Qi and help reduce sweat
Cover patient with light blanket
When there is stiff neck and nape with sweating and aversion to wind
Gui zhi jia ge gen tang
If have Gui Zhi Pattern and asthma
Add huo po and xing ren
Gui Zhi Pattern with cold limbs or body
Add fu zi
Gui Zhi Pattern with distention and fullness in chest
remove shao yao
Patient over sweating, vomitting and diarrhea?
Xu of xue and qi: disperse and tonify
Gui Zhi Xin Ja Tang
For spontaneous sweat due to xu and with no neck stiffness
Yu Ping Feng Sang
Ingredients of Yu Ping Feng Sang
Huang Qi
Bai Zhu
Fang Feng
Ma Huang Tang Signs
No Sweat, asthma, wheezing, fever, pain more severe
Function of Xing Ren
Discend LU Qi
Function of Ma Huang Tang
Tranquilize asthma, induce sweating, disperse exterior
Containdications for Ma Huang Tang
excessive heat, bleeding, yin or xue xu
Good result of Ma Huang tx
floating and thin pulse, patient feels sleepy
Disease maybe transfered to shao yang:bitter taste, fullness in chest, rib-side pain
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Fever still there, floating pulse
Ma Huang Tang
Ge Gen Tang
Modified Gui Zhi Tang + ma huang - xing ren + ge gen
without sweat
Ma Huang Tang
Ma Huang
Gui Zhi
Gan Cao
Xing Ren
Gui Zhi + Ge Gen
with sweat and stiffness
Formula for exterior cold and interior heat
Da Qing Long Tang
Da Qing Long Tang ingredients
ma huang
gui zhi
gan cao
xing ren
sheng jiang
da zao
shi gao
Containdications for Da Qing Long Tang
Xu fluids, weak slow pulse, thin pulse
Indications for Xiao Qing Long Tang
Exterior wind cold, dry vomit, water retention, fever and cough, thirst, diarrhea
Indications for Ma Huang Gui Zhi Gen Ban Tang
Exterior and interior xu, thin pulse, aversion to cold
Indications for Gui Zhi Er Yue Bi Yi Tang
Fever, aversion to cold, faint pulse (one should not promote sweating because yang is absent)
TX: Promote mild sweating, clear interior heat
Indications for Wu Ling San
Thirst caused by yu, floating pulse, inhibited urination, slight heat
Bai Zhu?
Indications for Tao He Cheng Qi Tang?
Heat yu and xue yu. Mania and tense lower abdomen.
Must first resolve exterior.
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang ingredients
Tao Ren
Da Huang
Gui Zhi
Gan Cao
Mang Xiao
Indications for Zhi Zi Tang
restlessness, insomnia
With lack of Qi or SOB
Add Gan Cao
With vomit
Add Sheng Jiang
With fullness distention in abdomen
Add Huo Po move the yu of qi
Cold pain or feeling of cold
gan jiang zhi zi tang
Indications for Ge Gen Huang Lian Tang
Gui Zhi pattern but too much purging or sweating therapy then diarrhea symptoms, pulse rapid, sweating
Ge Gen functions
relieve exterior and harmonize ST
Indications for Gui Zhi Gan Cao Tang
HT Yang Xu, palpitations below the heart
Tx for running piggy qi (counter flow of water)
Gui Zhi plus Gui Zhi Tang
Serious Cough or asthma
Xin Ren Gui Zhi:
Harmonize, warm
Fu Ling Gui Zhi Bai Zhu Gan Cao Tang
Lower chest yu, dizzy.
Xu SP can't nourish head
Water retention, deep tight pulse, maybe forceful
Fu Ling Chief: Bu SP, move water
Ingredients of Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
Gui Zhi - half
Shao Yao - double
Sheng Jiang
Gan Cao
Da Zao
Jiao Yi - Chief
With serious vomit?
Add Sheng Jiang or Ban Xia
Indications Zhen Wu Tang
water flooding with SP and KI yang vacuity
2.trembling of body d/t water yu in meridian
treats edema all over body, SP yang Xu, yu in BL
Ingredients Zhen Wu Tang
Fu Ling
Shao Yao
Sheng Jiang
Bai Zhu
Fu Zi - chief