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24 Cards in this Set

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Shakespearean Plot Diagram
Act I: Exposition, Exciting Force, Rising Action
Act II: Rising Action
Act III: Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action
Act IV: Falling Action
Act V: Falling Action, Catastrophe
Explain: "Exposition"
- Shakespearean Plot Diagram
Describes the mood and conditions existing at the beginning of the play

Time and place

Main character and their positions, circumstances, and relationships to one another
Explain: "Exciting Force"
- Shakespearean Plot Diagram
The complication or initial action

What starts the Rising Action
Explain: "Rising Action"
- Shakespearean Plot Diagram
All the actions that lead up to the climax

There is more than one act involved in the R.A.
Explain: "Climax"
- Shakespearean Plot Diagram
The turning point

The hero moves to his/her end
Explain: "Falling Action"
- Shakespearean Plot Diagram
Events from climax to the hero's death...
Explain: "Catastrophe"
- Shakespearean Plot Diagram
The consequences (death) of the hero's previous actions

Simple and brief
Shakespeare was considered to be...
... the greatest dramatist and finest poet the world has ever known
No other writers plays and poetry have been...
... produced so many times or translated into so many languages
Shakespeare uses a...
... wide range of characters from noblemen to drunkards to fools to kings
In his characters are...
... our personality traits and flaws.
The characters are...
... realistic.
Shakespeare was born in (1)______________ in the country of (2)______________ sometime in (3)______________
1. Stratford-on-Avon
2. England
3. early 1564
Shakespeare studied...
... Latin, logic, and rhetoric, and played sports.
At age (1)______________, he married (2)______________ (she was (3)______________ )
1. 18
2. Anne Hathaway
3. 26
Shakespeare's children:
(1)______________, born in (2)______________
(3)______________ and (4)______________, born in (5)______________
1. Susanna
2. 1583
3. Hamnet
4. Judith
5. 1585
Shakespeare's child (1)______________ died of (2)______________ in the year of(3)______________
1. Hamnet
2. The Plague
3. 1596
Shakespeare began writing (1)______________ in the (2)______________ because (3)______________. This was (4)______________.
1. Poetry
2. Early 1590's
3. The Plague kept the theatres closed
4. Published and became popular with the masses
From (1)______________ to (2)______________, Shakespeare belonged to a (3)______________ called (4)______________, later to be called (5)______________
1. 1594
2. his death
3. theatre group
4. Lord Chamberlain's Men
5. King's Company
In (1)______________, he performed for (2)______________
1. 1594
2. Queen Elizabeth
Shakespeare owned (1)______________ and (2)______________ - (3)______________ (located in (4)______________)
1. Property
2. Business
3. New House 1597
4. Stratford
(1)_______ - (2)________ Tragedies: (3)______________, (4)______________, (5)______________, (6)______________, (7)______________
1. 1594
2. 1608
3. Macbeth
4. Hamlet
5. Othello
6. King Lear
7. Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare died on (1)______________, and was buried (2)______________ in (3)______________
1. April 23, 1616
2. Before the altar
3. Stratford Church
Themes and Images in Macbeth
- Darkness: Real and Imagined
- The Unnatural
- Blood
- Animals and Birds
- Disease and Sickness: Mental and Physical
- Weather