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196 Cards in this Set

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What is the treatment for cyanide
sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate
what is the treatment for nitrate
methylene blue
what is the treatment for mycotoxins/grasses
change pasture
what is the treatment for moldy corn toxicosis>
cyanide -sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate
nitrate- methylene blue
treatment for precatory bean
iv fluids, charcoal, demulcents
what is the treatment for locoweed?
thiamine, methylene blue, sedatives (reserpine), laxatives
what is the treatment for lupins
control the plant, clear GI if caught early, control convulsions
what is the old name for lupids
croocked calf dz
what is lathyrism
abn collagen formation, aa's affecty lysyl oxidase
is lathyrism reversible, if so, when?
once flaccid paralysis occurs it is irrversible
what is the tx for senna
nothing, no vit E or selenium -aggravates condition!
sesbania tx?
none, supportive, demulcents, iv fluids
clover tx?
depends on signs, if cyanide= sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate
sweet clover tx?
antidote!! vit K1 or blood transfusion
what plant has an antidote?
sweet clover -vit K
tx for vetches?
cyanide! -sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate
is there an antidote for false hellesbores
no -tx is something else
tx for veratum californicum and it's other name
false hellebores, no antidote, tx cardiac/resp stimulants
tx for death camas
atropine --> doxapram
what is doxapram made of and what is it used for?
atropine and picrotoxin -death camas tablets!!! also jimsonweed, larspur, black nightshade, tobacco
what can you give for yellow jessamine?
emetics, gastric lavage, activated cahrcoal, assisted resp, sedatives, GUAFENESIN
Tx for cotton ingestion
high protein diet is protective, add iron, lysine, methionine, fat, solvits!
tx for chinaberry?
none, demulcents, purgatives
tx for buttercups
purgatives demulcents
tx for larkspurs
physostigmine anticholinesterase, folow up w. doxapram, anticonvulsants, osmotic purgatives
prunus tx?
cyanogenic glycsides -sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate
jimsonweed tx?
doxapram, tannic acid, cahrcoal, laxatives, demulcents, anticholinesterase
black nightshade tx?
none, doxapram =-parasymp agonists but beware of GI ulcersation
potato tox tx?
tobacco tox tx/
tx for wild jasmin
tx for yew
purgatives -rapid poison so try to push it thorugh, atropine in subacute cases
tx for liliaceae
decontam, fluids before anuric phase, purgation -lily of valley cardiac signs**
what plants cause vomiting/GI irritation?
black locust, precatory bean, death camas, false hellbores/veratrum c., pokeweed (gastroenteritis)
which plants cause death from resp paralysis
lupins, scotch broom
which plants have cardio effets and any sp in particular?
false hellesborre/verratum c and avocado pear in horses
what plants cause blistering
buttercups, clover
what plant causes walkabout dz
what plans cause delayed onset of signs
locoweed-latent period, crotalaria -delayed onset of signs
what plants cause posterior paralysis
sudan grass, black locust
what plants cause acute resp distress
alfalfa/lucerne and perilla mint
what plants cause vomiting in ruminants
veratum californicum, death camas, pokeweed, liliaceae
what plants cause photosensitization
sudan grass, clover, alfalfa-lucerne, vetches, buckwheat
what plants are mycotoxins/fungal
rye grass, rye, ergotism
what plants cause myoglobinuria
what plants causes hemoglobinuria
rye, senna, alfalfa/lucerne
what plant causes methb
what plant causes heinz bodies
what plannts affect horses and how
sudan grass (hind limb para.), moly corn toxicosis, fusarium moniliform (leukoenceph), walnut (laminitis), avocado pear (cardiac), perilla mint (resp distress), clover (slobbering, dew poisoning)
what plants cause tremors
ryegrass, moldy corn toxicosis (paspaline), paspalum spp. locoweed, lupins, larkspur
what plants cause staggers
ryegrass staggers, moldy corn toxicosis (aspergillus flavus infection) larkspur
plants that involve blood
rye-anemia, hburia, heinz bodies, senna, hburia , myoglobinuria, pokeweed, hemolytic risis, hemorhagic gastroenteritis, prunus has red blood as a sign,
johnson grass
cyanide, nitrate
sudan grass
-horses posterior end paralysis, urinary incontinence *edematous walls of bladder
s.grass agent
cyanide nitrate
resp syndrome, neuro syndrome *periods of recovery and perm damage unlikely
ryegrass staggers
ryegrass agent
hburia, hinz bodies, RENAL damage
rye agent
blind/deaf, convulsions, paralysis, Gangrene! sloughing extremities*gangrenous changes
ergotism agent
fungal parasite
moldy corn toxicosis
horses-leukoenceophalomalacia (fusarium moniliform)
staggers, tremorgenic syndrome
3 syndromes of moldy corn
agent of moldy corn fungal toxin
fusarium roseum -tricothecene vomitotoxin, zearalenone txoin (estrogenism)
paspalum spp
tremors that spread down trunk, stiff legged
*exercise=head nodding, uncooridnated, behavioral excitement =fall and show opisthotonus
paspalum c.s. similar to which other plant
summer slump caused by what
fescue summer toxicosis
what is summer fescue toxicosis known for
repro decrease in horses -deforms fetus, cow decreases p4
what is the component in fescue toxicosis that causes a prob and why
amines -vasoconstriction =affects temp reg and extremities
what is seen in fescue int he foot
sloughign of foot =tail and ears may be affected like in ergotism (ergotism doesn't cause tail and ear symptoms in winter liek fescue does)
gangrene -necrosis of foot and extremities following vasoconstriction
what is in arrow grass
horsechestnuts known for?
spiky fruit, affets grazers (cows), peculiar forelimb gait (like walking on hot pavement), tremors, saw horse stance)
how do you tx arrow grass
sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate -cyanide
what two main signs are characteristic for spiky fruit -their name?
Horsechestnuts, peculiar forelimb gait, sawhorse stance
what plants cause syndromes in front vs hind limbs
ryegrass -hind paralysis
horsechestnuts-forelimb gait is odd,
waht two plants cause sloughing of extremities
ergotism, fescue toxicosis (foot toxicosis)
what aspects of the horsechestnut are toxic
saponin glycoside and honey
what do walnut plants do to dogs? horses?
dogs -gastroenteritis (green), horse laminitis (bark as shavings)
avocado pear effects in horses, mice, goats
horses -cardiac, goats -mammary, mice -dsypnea
describe the condition in goats w. avocado pear
sterile mastitis -non infectious, coagulative necrosis of mammary acinar epi
what occurs w. avocado pear in non lactating goats
neck edema and cardiac edema
what is the toxic principle in avocado pear
perilla mint known for?
damage type 1 and 2 pneumocytes then proliferates to excess =resp signs, edema around neck adn shoulders
what is seen in dogs an dpigs w. perilla mint tox
liver signs (not lungs)
what is seen w. precatory bean?
gastroenteritis, ulcerative sotmatitis
latent period, aggression when startled, 3 factors
what are the 3 agents of locoweed and tx
selenium,swainsonine alkaloid -mannosidase inhib miserotoxin (methb =resp signs) =sedative reserpine, laxatives, give thiamine (neuro!), methylene blue
liver dz, latent period before signs, cattle unthrifty, horses: chronic, death in days/mnths, uncoordinated, head pressing -liver cripples
former name for crotalaria
bottom dz
why remember L, L, L for crotalaria
lungs, liver, laminitis!!
agent for crotalaria
pyrrolizidine alkaloids -venous vessel constriction
scotch broom
death from resp failure
teratogenic plants:
scotch broom, lupins, jimsonweed, potato, false hellebores
secondary photosensitization in which plant
lantana -lantadene a and b
scotch broom agent
quinolizidien alkaloids, cysine
epistaxis, hemorrages SQ
colic, pyrexia
2 plants that take awhile to show signs
crotalaria -takes awhile, locoweed -latent period
black locust
tree -toxic shoots/bark/leaves, laminitis in horses, belligerant cattle, POSTERIOR paralysis, dsypnea, tachy PM GI irritation
agent for black locust
nervous system, osteolathryism -CNS signs in horses -laryngeal paralysis, skeletal changes, m. degen
agent for lathyrism
aa's inhibit lysyl oxidase -collagen formation
lupins former name
crooked calf
acute: twitching covulsions, hyper excitability
DEATH from RESP paralysis
chronic-hepatic damage, teratogenicity
pm signs for tertaogenic lupins/liver lupins
jaundice, yellow liver, pulmonary edema (no blood albumin?)
hburia, myoglobinuria, pericaridal fluid and myocardial damage
senna agent
glycoside -cardiac signs
yellow flower, cattle caravings, bladderpod, rattlebox, stiff gait, hyperkalemic@
grazinganimals, horses slobbering
trioliosis/dew poisoning in horses -feet/muzzles
cytogenic glycoside
senna agent
glycoside -cardiac signs
clover principle
safonins: photosensitization!
yellow flower, cattle caravings, bladderpod, rattlebox, stiff gait, hyperkalemic@
sweet clover
warvafin story -inhibit vit k , coumarins
grazinganimals, horses slobbering
trioliosis/dew poisoning in horses -feet/muzzles
cytogenic glycoside
sweet cover inhibits what?
vit K epoxide reductase
clover principle
safonins: photosensitization!
sweet clover
warvafin story -inhibit vit k , coumarins
normal vs sweet clover c.s.
normal -slobbery, photosens., sweet bleeding disorder vit K
sweet cover inhibits what?
vit K epoxide reductase
alfalfa lucerne
bloat! ARDS -acute resp distress syndrome
talkign about green plant not hay
normal vs sweet clover c.s.
normal -slobbery, photosens., sweet bleeding disorder vit K
alfalfa morb/mortal
morbitidy low, high mortality
alfalfa lucerne
bloat! ARDS -acute resp distress syndrome
talkign about green plant not hay
vetches 2 syndromes
neruod dz (seeds), cutanouvsiceral dz (leaves)
alfalfa morb/mortal
morbitidy low, high mortality
vetches 2 syndromes
neruod dz (seeds), cutanouvsiceral dz (leaves)
bladderpod, rattlebox, sudden death, hemorrahgic diarrhea, hyperkalemia
*cattle have cravings
what are the weird names for sesbania
bladderpod, rattlebox
cattle crave which 2 plants
sesbania, locoweed
false hellebores -veratum californicum
vomiting in ruminants, salivation, uuper GI irritant, cario effects -carioglycosides
death camas
vomiting in ruminants
affets sheep, steroid alkaloids
how to tx false hellebores
cardia/resp stimulant
tx death camas
yellow jessamine
evergreen vine, death from resp failure, staggering*uncommon
myocarditis, necrosis,
GI irritation, tachy, ataxioconvulsions
vomiting monogastrics, hemolytic crisiss hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
*punched out fruits
ponderosa pine
ponderosa pine agent
isocupressic acids
resins; m and kindey necrosis
buckwheat agent
vomigint, rapid onset, gi irritant
blistering of muzzle, hematuria
tremors, bloat, dath from resp paralysis
red blood
bladderpod, rattlebox, sudden death, hemorrahgic diarrhea, hyperkalemia
*cattle have cravings
what are the weird names for sesbania
bladderpod, rattlebox
cattle crave which 2 plants
sesbania, locoweed
false hellebores -veratum californicum
vomiting in ruminants, salivation, uuper GI irritant, cario effects -carioglycosides
death camas
vomiting in ruminants
affets sheep, steroid alkaloids
how to tx false hellebores
cardia/resp stimulant
tx death camas
yellow jessamine
evergreen vine, death from resp failure, staggering*uncommon
myocarditis, necrosis,
GI irritation, tachy, ataxioconvulsions
4 syndromes of potato
cns, gastric, exanthematous -ulcerative stomatits/conjunctivitis/scruffy eczema, teratogenicity
limb skeletal defects, cns derangement, resp arrest before cardiac
cachexia, stiff gait, lame pm lesions in carpal jts, hypercalcemia
tx for jasmin
heart stops floppy heart, bracycardia leading to asystole
yew agents
taxine -non irritant alkaloid
cyanogenic glycoside
tx yew
give purgatives
secondary photosensitization due to liver lesions
cats =polyuric failure need to cathc before they go oliguirc -need to keep fluids flushing w. aggressive tx tx pain, inflamm gastroenteritis but mostly anterior prob -cecontamination and ggressive fluids before anuric phase
leaves are red -not flowers
px of cats w. liliaceae
poor if anuric (must diurese before they get there)
tongues swelling elevated pulse?
oxalates -diefenbachia
steer losses w. borwn nasal discharge
cyanide blood
nitrate symptoms and antidote
methb former -brown /dark organs, methylene blue
who is more susceptible to nitrate
cause hemorrhagic ruminitis antidote is calcium
likes warm, moisture, multiple c.s due to immunosuppression, hmorrhagic, arhrythmias
red maple
percue syndrome death, methb former (like oxalate)
hemolysis, heinz bodies like rye
methb anemia, perirenal edema, alert w. no coma
*amaranthus retrofleuxs
no antidote
oleander -heart gi
cardiac irreg hr, salivation, sonstipation, gstroenteritis, convulsions, hepatitis, npehristis give b blocker -propanolol, no antidote, agent is cardenolides!!!!
hmep dogbane in ruminants
milk weed
narow leave dn whorled =neurotoxic, broad leaved =cardiotoxic and less toxic
yellowstart thistle
chewing dz, nigropallidal encephalomalacia
whtie snake root
no presence of pyrrolizidine
broom weed
diff from sneezeweed because has nasal discharge (mkucopurulent)sneezeweed had green discharge
bitterweed in ruminants
vomiting like hemp dogbane
tansy ragwort
hepatic encephalopahty
4 signs; centrilobular necrosis, protal fibrosis and prolif, maglaosytosis/ikeryomegaly, venous and perivenous fibrosis
secondary photosensittization
big head in sheep
spiny fruit (like horsechestnut), usually when introducing new stock to new envirn't, inhibits ox phos
hounds tongue
hepatotoxic, icterus, hepati encephalopathy, PHOTOSENSITIZATION
brassic mustard
heinz bodies like onion and rye
brassic mustard
hemolyti anemia, PEM photosensitization
tansy mustard
tongue paralysis
cns disorientation -daze/head pressing
oxalate poisoning
st johng's wart
constipation then bloody diarrhea, straining, brown nasla discharge8888 colic tenesmus, renal failure
antidotes for cyanide, nitrate, bracknfern, tansy mustard, slaframine, oxalate, pigweed
cyanide thiosulfate, nitrate methylene blue, bracken fern, thiamien antidote, tansy mustard ethanol/alcohol, slaframine-atropine slud, oxalate calcium borgluconate, pigweed methylene blue