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105 Cards in this Set

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True false. Bacterial rhinitis is a common primary condition
False. Bacterial rhinitis is almost always secondary to something
What are two viruses and two bacteria that like to cause feline URIs
Herpes, calici
Chlamydophila, bordetella
Where does myclasma like to cause infection?
Usually more lower resp tract
Transmission of resp infections can be aerosol and what 2 other ways
Direct contact or fomites (kissing someone who is sick. Touching the vsl door handles)
Who are shedding viruses?
Those that are clinically infected (look sick)

Those that are subclinical carriers (look fine)

What does calici like to cause?
Oral and nasal ulcers
What does feline herpes like to cause?
Eye and nose stuff

Conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers
Whats a more common cause of pneumonia, calici or herpes?
A cat comes in because he has a cold. Hes got runny eyes and a runny nose. The right conjunctiva looks a lot more inflamed so you do a stain to see whats going on and detect a corneal ulcer. What medications do you definitely send this cat home with?
Oral antibiotics
Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment

+/- antivirals (po or ophtho)
This cat has a bunch of ulcers on its nose and tongue. Whats she have
He shows a picture of viral pneumonia. Which virus do you think is causing it?
Dendritic ulcers are located where?
The eyes
What causes dendritic ulcers?
What virus causes feline viral rhinotracheitis

(the FVR of the fvrcp vaccine)
Fel herpes
If we suspect herpes or calicivirus as causing a respiratory infection, would you send out a nasal cytology or do a transtracheal wash to determine which bacterial agent is involved?
Neither. You really dont have to go crazy with diagnostic workups when it comes to simple feline URIs
If herpes or calici are causing a respiratory infection, why are we sending the cat home with antibiotics?!
Because bacterial rhinitis often occurs secondary to a weakened immune system.
Whats dr greens first choice drug for feline herpes?
How does lysine work?
It competes with arginine so the herpes cant replicate
When you see mucopurulent nasal discharge that means __________ is incolved.
Bacteria, so a secondary rhinitis
Do we vaccinate against herpes and calici?
Yes they are part of their core vaccines
Would you nasopharyngeal polyps to cause stertorous breathing in young or older cats?
Kittens, young cats
Where can polyps extend into?
Ear canal
Middle ear
Nasal cavity
There are two presentations that NP polyps can have
Respiratory or neuro
If a cat has a polyp extending into its middle or inner ear, how might it present?
Head tilt
Horners syndrome
What structures do you want to radiograph when you suspect NP polyp?
The osseous bullae
Whats the osseous bullaes job?
They house the middle ear
True or false. Rads are the imaging mmodality of choice for viewing bullae
Actually they are kinda sucky and annoying. CT is def the way to go
How do we definitively diagnose a polyp?
Histopath itll be inflammatory and fibrous
True or false. If you have a kitten with a polyp that doesnt involve the bullae, you can sedate it, reach into the back of its throat with a pair pf forceps and pull it out til it snaps
What are the four signs of Horners Syndrome?
Proplapsed third eyelid
True or false. Polyps do not recur
False. If you leave some of the stalk brhind they can grow back
Why do we do CT on NP cats?
To see where it is extending to
If on CT we see the polyp is extending into the middle ear/osseous bulla, what surgery are we going to do?
Ventral bullae osteotomy
Whats the most common nasal tumor in dogs vs cats?
Dogs get carcinomas and sarcomas (adenocarcinoma*)

Cats get lymphoma lymphoma lymphomaaaaaa and a little more lymphoma up their nose. They may also get adenocarcinoma or SCC
True or false. Like Aspergillosis, nasal tumors can cause facial deformity.
False. Aspergillosis doesnt cause facial deformity
True or false. Polyps do not recur
False. If you leave some of the stalk brhind they can grow back
How do we definitively diagnose nasal tumors?
Why do we do CT on NP cats?
To see where it is extending to
Before we go cutting a piece of something out of a dog or cats nose, what blood test are we going to run?
Coag panel. Noses bleed a lot.
If on CT we see the polyp is extending into the middle ear/osseous bulla, what surgery are we going to do?
Ventral bullae osteotomy
When doing a knasal biopsy what might you like to avoid?
Biopsying the brain. That dog is dumb enough aready
Whats the most common nasal tumor in dogs vs cats?
Dogs get carcinomas and sarcomas (adenocarcinoma*)

Cats get lymphoma lymphoma lymphomaaaaaa and a little more lymphoma up their nose. They may also get adenocarcinoma or SCC
Lets go ahead and measure our instruments before we stick them up the nose. What structure dont you want to go past?
Medial canthus of the eye
True or false. Like Aspergillosis, nasal tumors can cause facial deformity.
False. Aspergillosis doesnt cause facial deformity
What regional lymph node does a nasal cancer like to mets to?
True or false. Polyps do not recur
False. If you leave some of the stalk brhind they can grow back
True or false. Polyps do not recur
False. If you leave some of the stalk brhind they can grow back
How do we definitively diagnose nasal tumors?
Why do we do CT on NP cats?
To see where it is extending to
Why do we do CT on NP cats?
To see where it is extending to
If on CT we see the polyp is extending into the middle ear/osseous bulla, what surgery are we going to do?
Ventral bullae osteotomy
If on CT we see the polyp is extending into the middle ear/osseous bulla, what surgery are we going to do?
Ventral bullae osteotomy
Before we go cutting a piece of something out of a dog or cats nose, what blood test are we going to run?
Coag panel. Noses bleed a lot.
When doing a knasal biopsy what might you like to avoid?
Biopsying the brain. That dog is dumb enough aready
Whats the most common nasal tumor in dogs vs cats?
Dogs get carcinomas and sarcomas (adenocarcinoma*)

Cats get lymphoma lymphoma lymphomaaaaaa and a little more lymphoma up their nose. They may also get adenocarcinoma or SCC
Whats the most common nasal tumor in dogs vs cats?
Dogs get carcinomas and sarcomas (adenocarcinoma*)

Cats get lymphoma lymphoma lymphomaaaaaa and a little more lymphoma up their nose. They may also get adenocarcinoma or SCC
True or false. Like Aspergillosis, nasal tumors can cause facial deformity.
False. Aspergillosis doesnt cause facial deformity
True or false. Like Aspergillosis, nasal tumors can cause facial deformity.
False. Aspergillosis doesnt cause facial deformity
Lets go ahead and measure our instruments before we stick them up the nose. What structure dont you want to go past?
Medial canthus of the eye
How do we definitively diagnose nasal tumors?
How do we definitively diagnose nasal tumors?
What regional lymph node does a nasal cancer like to mets to?
Before we go cutting a piece of something out of a dog or cats nose, what blood test are we going to run?
Coag panel. Noses bleed a lot.
Before we go cutting a piece of something out of a dog or cats nose, what blood test are we going to run?
Coag panel. Noses bleed a lot.
When doing a knasal biopsy what might you like to avoid?
Biopsying the brain. That dog is dumb enough aready
When doing a knasal biopsy what might you like to avoid?
Biopsying the brain. That dog is dumb enough aready
Lets go ahead and measure our instruments before we stick them up the nose. What structure dont you want to go past?
Medial canthus of the eye
Lets go ahead and measure our instruments before we stick them up the nose. What structure dont you want to go past?
Medial canthus of the eye
What regional lymph node does a nasal cancer like to mets to?
What regional lymph node does a nasal cancer like to mets to?
Are nasal radiographs helpful?
Whats a great way to see into a nose
Rhinoscopy but CT is better
Before doing a nasal biopsy we....
Run a coag panel
What treatment is amazing for nasal tumors?
Radiation therapy. Dogs do great with this
Cats usually get lymphoma nasal tumors. What do we know about lymphoma?
Chemo Is good at killing lymphoma
So what are we going to recommend for treatment of canine adenocarcinoma vs feline lymphoma?
Radiation for canine adenocarcinoma

Chemo for feline lymphoma
Most common nasal mycoses in dog vs cat?
Aspergillosis vs cryptococcus
Cryptococcus likes to Spread from the resp tract to _______ in cats.
True or false. Ctryptococcus can attack canine and feline lungs
True or false. Aspergillosis is a normal inhabitant of the nasal mucosa in many animals.
Are nasal radiographs helpful?
Whats a great way to see into a nose
Rhinoscopy but CT is better
Before doing a nasal biopsy we....
Run a coag panel
What treatment is amazing for nasal tumors?
Radiation therapy. Dogs do great with this
Cats usually get lymphoma nasal tumors. What do we know about lymphoma?
Chemo Is good at killing lymphoma
So what are we going to recommend for treatment of canine adenocarcinoma vs feline lymphoma?
Radiation for canine adenocarcinoma

Chemo for feline lymphoma
Most common nasal mycoses in dog vs cat?
Aspergillosis vs cryptococcus
Cryptococcus likes to Spread from the resp tract to _______ in cats.
True or false. Ctryptococcus can attack canine and feline lungs
True or false. Aspergillosis is a normal inhabitant of the nasal mucosa in many animals.
If you do rhinoscopy on a young, healthy dog and see gray? White? plaques what might you suspect
What is the number one thing dpgs with aspergillosis will be brought in for?
Chronic nasal discharge
What CS is almost pathognomonic for aspergillosis?
Depigmentation of nares

(and you see ulceration)
What kind of inflammation will you see with aspergillosis biopsy?
We do a CT and see a large focal area of bony lysis by a mass. Do we suspect fungsl rhinitis or intranasal tumor?
Intranasal tumor, fungal rhinitis usually produces multiple patches, or diffuse, bony lysis and the soft tissue mass isnt necessarily close to the bony lysis.
True or false. Aspergillosis tends to get older dogs
False. Intranasal tumors are in older dogs
Nasal fungus gonna give you unilateral or bilater nasal discharge?
Mostly unilateral
If you have a dog with bilateral nasal discharge whats more likely--nasal tumor or fungus?
Intranasal tumpra usually start put unilaterally then progress to bilateral as the tumor infiktrates the bony septum
True or false. Fungus loves the frontal sinus
When will ypu see a dog with facial deformity?
Intranasal tumir
Blah blah blah what must be intact before you turn a dog into a rottisserie chicken with a clotrimazole stuffing?
Cribiform plate
True or false. Nasal foreign bodies happen
A cat comes in with a mucopurulent nasal discharge, looks a bit under the weather. You send it home with some clavamox to cover the bacterial infection going on and dont think much more of it. Three weeks later it comes back with the same symptoms. Owner says he got better with the medicine but a few days after the bottle was finished he started back up again. What are you thinking?
Im thinking he has an underlying condition going on thats causing the bacterial rhinitis
What are four general categories that can cause secondary bacterial rhinitis?
Nasal tumor
Fungal dz
Dental dz
Post-anesthetic reflux can cause what nasopharyngeal disorder?
NP stenosis

(remember for sasx, reflux during surgery can also cause esophageal reflux)