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122 Cards in this Set

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In the ruminant, the tunica albugenia surrounds what structure of the penis?
Corpus carvernosum penis (CCP)
The CCP is composed of what structures?
-crus penis and cavernosus space extending along the shaft or body of the penis
The 2 crus peni are attached where?
To the ventral ischium
What is the function of the ischiocarvernosus muscles?
At the time of erection, contract repeatedly to force blood into the CCP (pressure reaches 1500 pounds/sq inch)
from where do the retractor penis muscles originate?
the 1st and 2nd coccygeal vertebrae
The artery of the penis is a continuation of what other artery?
Internal pudendal
(first branch of artery of the enis is the artery of the bulb of the penis)
All veins draining the penis are located where?
In the crus
The artery of the bulb of the penis supplies what structure?
Corpus spongiosum penis (CSP)
The CSP surrounds what structure?
The urethra
Which nerve ois the source of sensory and motor nerves to the penis?
Pundendal nerve
What is important about the function of the dorsal penile nerves?
Play an important role in searching and locating the female vestibule
Catheterization of the penis of ruminants can be difficult due to what anatomic structure?
Dosal diverticulum
What is the difference between the sheath and the prepuce?
Sheath is haired skin
Prepuce is non-haired
What is a persistane frenulum?
Interdigitation of the skin of the prepuce at birth, prevents extension of the penis
Persistant frenulum casues the penis to bend in which direction?
What are hair rings?
Hair encircles the penis just proximal to the preputial rings
-young bulls masterbate, hair mats and encircle the penis
Penile papillomas are most commonly seen in bulls of what age?
1-3 year old housed together
What is the possible etiology of penila papilloma?
Papilloma virus- young bulls ride each other, spread virus
How do you dx penile papilloma?
-small amount of blood at preputial opening
-visually see a papilloma on the glans
What tx is available ofr penile papilloma?
-commercial or autogenous vaccin
What is the best approach for tx penile papilloma?
Surgical removal
What is the usual tx for superficial or small penile hematomas?
Sexual rest
What actually is a broken or fractured penis?
Rupture of the tunica alubugenia
Hematoma or fx of the penis is almost exclusively a problem in which species?
The bull
What is the usual etiology of hematoma or fx of the bull penis?
Agreesive bull- violent breeding
-penis is kinked during breeding
What are the dx signs of fractured penis?
-swelling just anterior to the scrotum
-symmetrical and palpable at the distal end of the sigmoid flexure
-may see preputial prolapse
In the case of a fx penis, the decision to salvage by slaughter is based on what 2 factors?
-value of the animal
Sexual rest will allow what % of injured bulls to return to breeding soundness?
50% (consider abx and protection if the prepuce is prolapsed)
Sx management will allow for what % of injured bulls to return to breeding soundness?
Following the penile injury, when should the sx be performed?
3-7 days following
-prior to 3 days still hemorrhaging
-after 7 clot is organized
How is the bull positioned for repair of a penile hematoma/fx, and why?
Right lateral recumbency with left leg flexed and abducted up to rear

-to deal with gad build up of the rumen
What suture pattern is used to oppose the margins tears of the TA?
Boot lace
If a post op seroma develops, why isn't it drained?
Risk of introducing bacteria
A preputial laceration is actually a what?
A rupture of the prepuce
In which breed of bull is this more common?
Bos indicus- pendulous prepuce
What is the usual cause of a ruptured prepuce?
Preputial tissue trapped between the abdomen of the bull and bony pelvis of the female during breeding
In the Bos indicus breed, what is the typical tissue reaction of the rupture?
Develop preputial prolapse
What is the tissue reaction in Bos tarus?
Retract the penis and develop phimosis
In all bulls with swelling and retraction of the prepuce, what is the appearance of the injury?
Appears to be a transverse teas as compared to the initial longitudinal tear
What is the medical management of Preputial rupture?
-stockinet applied to prolapse
-latex tube in lumen of prepuce
-tape to haired skin
-dorsal support
What other approach to sx management of a ruptured prepuce can be considered?
Circumcision- sx or sx with a ring
Phimosis usually responds well to what tx?
-Scar revision and reconstruction
Paraphimosis usually responds best to what tx?
Why isn't urolithiasis a problem in females?
They occur but females have a larger and more distensible urethra to pass them
Why do diets of concentrates lead to calculi?
Increase in mucoproteins and peptides in the urine
Phosphate calculi will have what type of surface?
What types of pastures can induce calculi formation?
-grasses with high oxalate levels
-grasses grown on sandy soil
Why does cold weather induce the formation of urtehral calculi?
Water sources freeze, animals have limited access to water
What effect can early castration have on dealing with uroliths?
Can make the urethra a smaller diameter
In the male, where are most urethral calculi found?
Distal bend of the sigmoid flexure
What are the clinical findings in a bull with urethral calculi?
-unsuccessful attempts to urinate
-tail pumps up and donw
-bulbospongious muscle contracts
-animal stretches frequently
-tread with the rea feet
-kick at abdomen
-rectal exam reveals distended bladder
Surgical removal of calculi is usually only performed on which animals?
Yearlings still on grass (not food lot animals)
What is the primary objective in tx a feed lot animal who has urolithiasis?
Short term recovery so they can go to market
What sx procedure is used on feedlot animals with calculi?
What other procedures have been used to tx urethral calculi?
-transection of the penis
-amputation of the penis
What technique is used when the urethra has ruptured?
-use a foley cath, penis transection of amputation technique
-make skin incisions in the ventral abdomen so urine can drian from sub cu tissue
How is a ruptured bladder handle?
If easy egress for urine is provided, te bladder may heal without intervention
How can the urine be drained?
-rumen trocar into the lower right abdomen
-stomach tube through small incision in the paralumbar fossa
What steps are taking if the animal does not urinate normally?
Sx closure of the bladder
Urethral calculi in small ruminants have the appearance of what?
When does blockage of the urethra tend to occur in small ruminants?
After amputation of the urethral process
True or False, salvage procedures in pet goats are not acceptable.
What options are available, ie for pet goats?
-temporary tube cystotomy
-maruspialisation of the bladder
What are the 2 stages needed to make a bull ready for estrus detection?
-bull must be made infertile
-bull must be modified to prevent intromission
What techniques are used to make the bull infertile?
-epididymectomy (remove of the tail of the epididymis)
-vasectomy-resect setcion of vas deferens
Preventing intromission technqiues can include production of an artifical thrombus in the CCP using what?
soft acrylic
What other procedures are done to prevent intromission by the marker bull?
-penis tie down
-preputial pocuh (not in pendulous pouch animals) (closes preputial opening and produces an alternate outlet for urine
-penile translocation (sidewinder)
In the femlae ruminant, why qould you perform an episiotomy?
-minimize damage to the perineal body and vulva during delivery
-gain additional exposure for sx procedures
Where is the episiotomy incision made?
At the mucocutaneous edge of the vulve at the 2 or 10 oclock position
In the cow, how is perivaginal fat from 1ts degree lacerations removed?
With an emasculater
True or false, when reparing perineal lacerations in the cow, the same dietary restrictions as in the mare are followed?
false, not needed
When is the usual time to see a vaginal and cervical prolapse in ruminants?
-multi-parous cow and ewes
-last trimester of gestation
What conditions can predispose a cow to veginal or cervical prolapse?
-previous injury to vaginal tissues
-eating large volumes of poor quality forage
-cold weather (frostbite)
-riding activity during estrus
-advanced pregnancy
-excessive perivaginal fat
In ewes, prolapse is predisposed by what?
-forage high in estrogen
-docking tails too short
What is the definition of a 1st degree vaginal prolapse in a ruminant?
-slight intermittent protrusion of the vaginal floor when the animal is lying down
How would you define a 2nd degree vaginal prolapse?
-floor of the vaginal protrudes the lips of the vulva continuously
-bladder may also be present eith the urethra kinked
What is a 3rd degree prolapse?
Continuous prolapse of a majority of the vaginal floor and cervix with the urinary bladder included in the prolapse
-sometimes referred to as a cervical prolapse
How is prolapse different in Bos indicus?
Cervical prolapse-the cervix is initially prolapsed not as a result of constant straining, minial involvement of the vaginal floor
How would you define a 4th degree vaginal prolapse?
A 2nd or 3rd degree proplapse in which the tissues are fibrotic or necrotic usually because of prolonged exposure
What complication can occur due to the loss of the cervical plur due to a prolapse?
-fetal septicemia
What are the tx goals of managing an animal with a prolapsed vagina?
-replace prolapse
-retain tissues until term
-deliver a live calf, lamb, kid
-maintain the dam until offspring is weaned
-salvage by slaughter
Once replaced, how do you retain the prolapsed tissus?
Buhner suture
Bootlace technique
Horizontal mattress sutures
Winkler cervicopexy
What are the indications for a ceasarean in a ruminant?
-relieve dystocia
-fetal oversize
-poor cervical dilation
-abnormal pelvis
-rupture of uterus
-uterine torsion
What are the fetal indications for a cesarean?
-uncorrectable fetal malposition
-fetal oversize
-emphysematous fetus
-fetal monster
Which anesthetic drug should not be given in ruminants for a c-section?
Xylazine- is an ecbolic
Where are the sites for local anesthesia for a c-section?
-ventral midline and paramedian
-invtered L, paravertebral
The c-section sx approach is based on what factors?
-pts. temperament
-presentation, size, viability of fetus
-surgeon preference
Which sx approaches to c-section are most used in ruminants?
-ventral midline
-left flank
The ventral midline approach to c-section works best for what cases?
-fractious cow
-emphysematous fetus
-small surgeon
How is the cow positioned for the ventral midline approach?
obliqely on the right (45 degrees from true dorsal recumbency), allows uterus to be pulled well into the incision, reduces abdominal contamination
When incising the gravid horn, what structures should you take care not to cut?
The cotyledons
If the fetus is emphysematous, what should you try to do?
Minimize soiling of the abdomen with uterine contents
What do you do with the fetal membranes during a c-section?
-if calf is emphysematous, rempove them
-if calf is alive, difficult to remove, many give tetracycline
How is the uterus closed after a c-section?
Inverting pattern...do not include the placenta!
How is the body wall closed after a c-section?
mayo mattress- vest over pants
Where is the incision made in the paramdian approach to c-section?
Several inches to the left of midline
How is the cow restrained for a standing flank approach c-section?
-beef cow: chute
-dairy cow: stanchion
Which site is preferred in the standing flank approach?
The left- better retention of the intestines
When would the right side be preferred?
Hydrops cases
In the right flank approach, which structure should you be cautious of?
The duodenum
What are the drawbacks to the recumbent flank approach?
-awkward position for surgeon
-fetus must be lifted directly upwards
-rumen is on top of uterus in left flank approach
-intestines are on top of uterus in right flank approach
When does uterine torsion occur un ruminants?
At the time of parturition (different than the mare)
How do you dx uterine torsion?
-asymmetrical vulva
-fetus isn't in the pelvis, cow doesn't strain
-vaginal and rectal exam abnormalities
How do you medically correct a torsion?
Cast cow and roll in same direction as the torsion
How do you sx tx a torsion?
Ventral midline cesarean
If the fetus is alive, what approach to you take handling a uterine torsion?
-ventral midline, perform c-section
-flank: usually possible to deliver fetus vaginally in a short time or correct torsion and do c-section
True or false, uterine prolapse is a life threatening emegency.
True- possibility of uterine artery rupture
What conditions predispose a cow to uterine prolapse?
-post delivery straining
-calving paresis
-uterine inertia
Are females that have uterine prolapse more likely to prolapse again?
Which uterine horn typically prolapses?
The gravid horn
What are the problems associated with uterine prolapse?
-tissue becomes edematous and friable
-uterine artery may rupture-->fatal
-rupture of prolapse and evisceration
-strangulation of abdominal organs in the prolapse
-transportation is a problem
What position should the cow be place if recumbent?
-legs pulled back (tips pelvis)
-or head downhill
What caution should you take when giving oxytocin to assist in replacing a prolapsed uterus?
-too much given and the cervix will constrict
When should uterine amputation be considered?
-if there is extensive uterine damage
-the cervix has constricted so replacement is not possible
What is the prognosis for uterine amputation?
When amputating the uterus, what must you be sure of in regards to the other abdominal structures?
That no other structures are in the prolapse...and animal is protected against tetanus
Bilateral overiectomy is sometimes performed on which cows?
Heifers- guaranteed not to get pregnant
The flank approach to ovariectomy is through which paralumbar fossa?
The left
What is the name for the technique of performing an ovariectomy through the vagina?
The use of which tool leaves the removed ovary in the abdomen?
Willis instrument

the other type is the Kimberling-Rupp
After removal of the ovaries with either tool, how does the wound in the vagina heal?
as an open wound
What are the indications for removing a unilateral overiectomy?
-remove a granulosa cell tumor
-remove an abscessed ovary
-remove a chronic refractory unilateral cystic ovary