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47 Cards in this Set

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Adenohypophysis (Anterior pituitary and intermediate lobes ) is derived from?
Oral Ectoderm (Rathke's Pouch)
Neurohypophysis (Posterior pituitary) is derived from?
Neural Ectoderm ( from diencephalon, specifically the hypothalamus)
The pituitary weighs more in the Male or Female?
The pituitary wieghs 600 mg in the non-pregnant female and ____ in the pregnant female?
1000 mg
What is the primary agent that leads to the increase in pitutary size during pregnancy?
the pituitary resides in the sphenoid bone in a fossa known as the ______
Sella Turcica
Dura mater surrounds the pituitary, but what is the dura called that stretches over the dorsal aspect of the pituitary to cover the Sella Turcica?
diaphragma sella
adenohypophysis is made up of what parts?
pars distalis and pars tuberalis
the adenophypophysis is surrounded by ______ capillaries.
sinusoidal (fenestrated)
the adenophypophysis will normally contain cysts (in the intermediate pituitary) filled with ______
Somatotrophs are cells in the anterior pituitary that secrete
growth hormone
somatotrophs are cells that stain (basophilic or acidophilic)
mammotrophs (or lactotrophs) are cells that secrete ?
mammotrophs stain (basophilic or acidophilic)?
thyrotrophs are cells that secrete?
thyrotrophs are cells that stain (basophilic or acidophilic) ?
gonadotrophs are cells that secrete ?
gonadotrophs are cells that stain (basophilic or acidophilic)?
coritcotrophs are cells that secrete ?
corticotrophin (ACTH)
coritcotrophs are cells that stain (basophilic or acidophilic)?
chromophobes includewhat three types of cells?
degranulated secretory cells, follicular cells, and stem cells for secretory cells
Blood supply to the adenohypophysis is a portal system (has capillaries in two spots before entering final venous blood), why is it important for the anterior pituitary to share a portal system with the hypothalamus?
releasing or inhibiting hormones are secreted from the hypothalamus from nerve endings in the infundibulum, this blood is then carried to the ant. Pituitary
growth hormone (somatotrophin) stimulates the production of
prolactin initiates and maintains ____
milk production
TSH does what?
stimulates release of thyroid hormone, and cell growth and proliferation of the thyroid
FSH is important in ____
ovarian follicle maturation (in females), initiation and maintainence of sperm production (in males)
LH (or ICSH - Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone) - does what?
in females, needed for ovarian follicle maturation and ovulation, ICSH - in males stimulates androgen production from leydig cells of the testes
(true or false) - One gonadotroph cell can make LH and TSH
False - One cell will only make LH OR FSH (only one) - however, gonadotrophs as a class will create both, just in different cells
ACTH does ?
stimulates synthesis and release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex
Pars intermedia (which is limited in humans) produces what hormone?
MSH - melanocyte stimulating hormone
Pars Nervosa (post. Pituitary) contains axons and nerve endings of neurosecretory neurons, the cells bodies of these neurons are in (two regions of the hypothalamus)
Supra optic and Paraventricular Nuclei
Carrier proteins of hormones of the posterior pituiatary are called
Herring bodies are
axonal swellings where vesicles that contain hormones and their neurophysins (carriers)
support cells in the pituitary are called
Oxytocin does what?
stimulates uterine contractions and contractions of the myoepithelium of lactating breast
Oxytocin is released from?
the Posterior Pituitary
ADH (vasopressin) does what?
stimulates water reabsorption by collecting ducts of te kidney, which increases BP
Deficiency of ADH can lead to
diabetes insipidus (enormous quantities of urine (hypotonic))
ACTH and MSH are both part of what protein precursor?
POMC - pro-opiomelanocortin
proteolytic processing of POMC will produce ACTH and MSH as well as _____ which has an opiod effect
what makes sure that Post. Pituitary hormones and their neurophysins are in a 1:1 ratio?
they are initially produced from a SINGLE large precursor protein
Pineal Body (epiphysis) receives what information from the eyes?
info about day/night
Pineal body has two cell types in the parenchyma, they are?
Pinealocytes and Glial cells
Brain sand can be found in the
Pineal Body
The Pineal body mainly produce what hormone?
secretion of melatonin is in a circadian rhythm and is sensitive to light, secretion of melatonin is high at what time (day or night)?
night (high)
light will (stimulate or inhibit) the production of melatonin by the pineal body