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32 Cards in this Set

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What is identity confirmation?

Identity confirmation validates users loggin in from an unverified source, for example, a new IP address.

What type of identity confirmation does Salesforce offer?

SF offers email and sms-based identity verification.

How does Salesforce verify that the user is who they say they are?

Users are given an identity confirmation challenge to retrieve a verification code before they can log into their account.

What methods does Salesforce use to verify an authorized source?

Cookies, which are cycled on each login
Org-approved networks

IP-restricted profiles

User-verified IP Address

Why is SMS the default and recommended method of verification?

There is less potential for a third party to compromise multiple user devices simultaneously. If your email address is compromised, the unauthorized person may use your email to access Salesforce. SMS confirmation sends a verification code to the user's device before logging in. If the unauthorized user doesn't have the phone, they can't log in, and the data is secure!

What happens to email identity confirmation?

If a user has a verified phone number, SMS will be enabled as the default option and email will be turned off.

Users without verified phone numbers will be prompted to enter a mobile number on login.

System admins have the option to re-enable email and may choose to do so if all their users do not have mobile devices. This will then give users the option to choose either SMS or email verification.

What is a verified vs unverified mobile number?

Verified number: the mobile field is populated in the User detail screen.

Unverified number: the mobile field is not populated in the User detail screen.

Process to verify a mobile number?

When a user logs in, they will be prompted to submit a mobile number.

What if a user does not enter a mobile number?

They will continue to see email identity confirmation.

Criteria for Activation Process:

1. Is the org using IP login restrictions on profiles?
2. Is the user logging in from an IP on the trusted network list?
3. Have we seen this activated user from this op address before? If Activated once before, we add the IP to their personal list and never challenge them from that IP again.
4. Does the user have a cookie placed from salesforce in this browser? We set a cookie on any browser that doesn't have a cookie once a user has logged in. If they log in from a trusted network ip a cookie will be set in the browser.

Yes on any of these = pass on acitvation process

No on all of these = initiate activation process

Describe the differences between logging in through teh API vs the UI?

UI - web browser to https://xxx.salesforce.com

API - Connect for Outlook, Salesforce Offline, SSIS Salesforce Source -- any external application/website that references data in Salesforce using API Calls

Explain the concept of Login Hours and Login IP ranges

Login hours are configured on a per-profile basis

Login IP Ranges - restricts the IP's which a user can use to connect

Trusted Networks - if you are logging in from a trusted netwok you will not have to activate that IP or use a security token for API calls, just a password.

How to add Trusted networks?

Setup>Security Controls>Network Access

How do you apply log in IP restrictions?

Enterpise and up via profiles, Professional and lower via company wide session settings

How do you set Log in hours restrictions?

(Enterprise and up only) by navigating to Manager Users > Profiles

Required when login identity not confirmed:

*Login from Trusted IP range

*User previous login from Browser (Cookie)

*User previous login from Current IP Address

When designing the user interface, what are collapsible sections and how are they useful?

Collapsible sections gives the users the option to collapse or expand sections on their record detail pages. This allows users to choose what is important to them and move items not as essential to their job function, uncluttering their home screen.

When designing the user interface, what is Quick Create and how is it useful?

The Quick Create area on a tab home page allows users to create a new record quickly with minimal information. This is fewer clicks for the user and allows them to put in only the most important information and then come back later to fill in the rest.

What tabs show Quick Create by default?

Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Forecasts, Opportunities.

True or False: Users must have Create permissions to use Quick Create.


True or False: Quick Create settings effect whether or not users can create new records from within the lookup dialogue.


When designing the user interface, what is Enable Hover Details and how is it useful?

Hover Detail allows users to hover over a record and see more detailed information in an interactive overlaying window. This gives users a 'summary' before they click 'view' or 'edit' on a record. The fields displayed are determined by the record's mini page layout.

True or False: Users do not need to have sharing permissions to view the Hover Details for a record.

False: A user needs sharing level permissions on that record in order to view the hover details.

When designing the user interface, what are Related List Hover Links and how are they useful?

Hovering over a related list hover link will show the related list and its number of records in an interactive window overlaying the record. This allows users to quickly view and mange the related list items. Clicking the related list hover link jumps to the content of the related list without having to scroll down the page.

When designing the user interface, what is Separate Loading of Related Lists and how is it useful?

Users see primary record details immediately. As related list data loads, users see a progress indicator. This improves performance if there are a large number of related lists.

When designing the user interface, what is inline editing and how is it helpful?

Inline editing allows users to quickly edit field values on a record detail page.

True or False: Inline editing allows editing of profiles.

False: Inline editing is not enabled for profiles. That requires you to go to setup>Enable Enhanced Profile List Views

When designing the user interface, what is Enable Enhanced Lists and how is it useful?

Enhanced lists allow you to quickly view, customize, and edit list data to speed up your daily productivity. Combined with the Enable Inline Editing settings, users can edit records directly from the list, without navigating away from the page.

When designing the user interface, what is Enable Tab Bar Organizer?

The Tab Bar Organizer automatically arranges tabs in the main tab bar to prevent horizontal scrolling of the page. It dynamically determines how many tabs can display based on the width of the browser window and puts tabs that extend beyond that into a drop-down list.

It is not available with the partner portal or customer portal.

When designing the user interface, what is Enable Printable List Views?

Printable list views allows users to easily print list views. Allows users to click the Printable View link from any list view which opens a printable formatted page in a new window.

When designing the user interface, what is Enable Spell Checker?

The Check Spelling button appears in certain areas of the application where text is entered, such as sending an email or creating a record.

When designing the user interface, what is Enable Collapsible sidebar?

The collapsible sidebar gives users the ability to show or hide the sidebar on every page that normally includes the sidebar.