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20 Cards in this Set

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What is a slut

someone who has a lot of sex with a lot of different partners


usually not paid

social construct

not natural does not exist in nature

someone who has a fluid sexuality?

super flirty ect

uncommitted sex

typically referring to a woman, not a man

sex outside of wedlock

when a man is a slut that term has a qualifier "man slut".

Hegemonic Masculinity

dominant ideas of what it means to be a man which informs how men behave in certain cultural contexts

they favor white, middle and upper class, heterosexual men. Hegemonic masculinity allows you go gain more the more of these qualities you have.

involve tough and manly behaviors "i'm a man and you can't keep me down". meant to give people the impression that you are masculine.

men are supposed to be stoic (emotionless, drone)

HM kept in check?

fag discourse "omg... you're such a [refer to slides]"
it has nothing to do with sexual orientation or sexual behavior

equitted with a lesser form of masculinity.

social othering

sexual double standard

it is okay for men, but not women, to have multiple sexual partners

idea of virility

women known to have engaged in sex with multiple partners will experience status loss and discrimination (slut discourse).

slut discourse

what is its purpose

feminists argue that this is a way to keep women in check

in evolutionary theory possible questions about paternities if women are premiscous.

the vast majority of heterosexual women are either on brithcontrol in one form but this means a lot of the responsibility for sexual encounters falls to women. if it doesn't you're a slut.

urban dictionary: a woman with the morals of a man: whore, bitch, ****, tramp, prostitute etc.

partially defined by how women dress

this has implications for rape: did you see what she was wearing?

not surprising that men resort to shut shaming, what is surprising is that women resort to this behavior as well.

Why do women slutshame other women?


armstrong in 2014 is unconvinced women participate is lsut shaming with nothing to gain

papp and colegues have two thories:

self esteme hypothesis women slutshame other women to boost their own self convidence or thier own self esteem

competition hypothesis: may view other women as competition for the most desirable mates (women have innate desire to have a partner who can provide the resources that they would need to excell and their offspring to excell). you have to try and position yourself as the most adequate partner for the person at the top.

armstrong and collegues experiment

classified women in two categories

high status

part of greek system

from affluent families, upperclass

achieving high status through alternative means

fit, blonde, tan, fashionable look (high fashion)

out of state; partiers

low status

less affluent, middle or working class

not in greek system

some more affluent families but identify as something more "undesirable: lesbian, feminist ect" so the low status is imposed.

lack economic means to enter party scene

high status

hooking up viewed as anything bUT vaginal sex: oral sex, mutual masterbation, heavy petting etc

this is viewed as acceptable but casual sex is not: however, some stated sex is okay as long as it's not often, "that much".

looking trashy marks a slut, prefer to be classy, good girls. are classy, more affluent.

there are rules for what is acceptable to wear (halloween is a holiday, anything goes)

it's only okay to wear short skirts in the summer

Low status

did not share same ideals about hooking up

sexual activity is reserved for relationships (has to be somebody you consider to be in a relationship with before sexual activity is okay) any sexual contact is reserved for a relationship.

confusion regarding what hooking up means. sorostitutes.

viewed any sorority girl as a slut. people who flaunt their affluence, the way they interract with people.

unfriendly, rude, bitchy, cliquey=slut. these elements by themselves will make you a slut.

Slut discourse

high status afforded more sexual privlage

low status rebel against this inequity by using sexual stigma

employing sexual stigma does not work.

doesn't do anything except maintainging the status que.

reverse sexual double standard?

the idea that men are judged more harshly than women for promiscuity

papp examined how sluts and slutshamers are viewed in facebook conversations.

participants shown screenshots of facebook onversations status: going out gonna get some tonight.

commentL saw you last night, you're such as slut.

on facebook male sluts were judged more harsly than female.

the shamer was negatively evaluated but more so when shaming a woman.

female sluts were seen as being sluts for lesser behaviours such as types of clothing, behavior

people who were under cognitive load (distracted) so that they can't focus with cognitive resources that are not at their disposal to provide more socially responsible responses. in this they found more reverse sexual double standards.

is this a thing? more research should be done.

Gay men

gay men may use the slut discourse to promote sexual health

sex ed programs rarely if ever provide sexual minority information

how is this info found? peers, porn, internet, ect.

when sometimes used in a humourous way is also used in a very serious way because these behaviors are dangerous (gay men have a higher chance to contract sti's, perticularily hiv)

safer sex, fewer partners, knowing partners sexual history.

imposes the slut label on a form of masculinity. there is a lack within society of an understanding that gay male masculinity is not any different than straight male masculinity. (chk in slides)


men seeking women who are considered overweight or unattractive to satisfy sexual urges.

also known as dogfight, hogging for sport amongst marines or american military.

the objective of a dogfighgt is to get the most unappealing date and the date is judged durring the period you dance with them. the one who brings the most unappealing date wins a jackpot of money from the other players.

heterosexual practice

many neutralizing techniques used to justify behavior:

denial of victim

denial of responsibility

appeal to higher loyalty

denial of injury

condemming condemmers

denial of victim

overweight women deserve to be the objects of jokes and bets. if they would take better care of themselves it's their choice to be that way. because they don't take an idea of esthetic seriously they deserve ridicule.



not normal


women who deviate from the stereotypical beauty and thin ideas are not Truely women as well.

used to reinforce masculinity and bolster selfconfidence.

if you yourself are undesirable, you can either be an *******, have an sti ect, you'll bolster the confidence by reinforcing hegemonic masculinity.

denial of responsibility/Appeal to higher loyalty

not their fault because they were drinking or in a dry spell and haven't had sex in a while "lowering expectations".

ALWAYS due to being drunk-- not a single case in which alcohol didn't have a place in the story.

done to save face or look better with their friends

jumping on a grenade

one friend will pick up undesirable friend so his friend can have the better looking one (wingman)

Denial of inury

it's all just a game. games are fun, aren't they?

i don't do it but it's hilarious

no concern that the women involved might be hurt or humiliated

claim that these women that are targeted are getting attention and recieving sexual grattification and that they should be thankful for that and it's alleviating any harm that's done.

condemnation of condemers

kept in check by the sexual conquest, those who criticize the practice ---" I got a blow job, what did you get?"

attempting to immasculate people who might criticize or claim foul by using the sex acts.

what is the class' preceptions of hogging


family guy episode with alien

not a lot of research on this

resisting hegemonic masculinity

middleclass men more often claim to respect women and desire an egalitarian or equal relationship

lamonte describes how this may be a smoke screen to maintain gender inequality

desired partners who are accomplished ambitious and independant (not finantially reliant)

secure in masculinity-- not concerned by having an equal partner.

the few men who sought a more traditional breadwinner relationship did not seek more "power". (they just wanted someone to stay home and be reliant on them)

don't have a problem if they make more money.

took great pains to distance themselves from the promiscuous, disrespectful, dominating and superficial male

respectful of women's boundries, not being sexually forceful (no substence to their responses)

I'm not like other men. (great, how so? no real substance)

I find in a relationship it's more rewarding.

these are hollow answers.

resisting hegemonic masculinity

accepting of undesirable traits : not most beautiful woman i could have (but that doesn't matter) if that doesn't matter why is it brought up? what's so special about you?

being sole earner is a BURDEN (laziness?)

paying for first date is "something they wanted to do" chivalry

biggest point of contention was last names. men wanted wives to take last name.