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44 Cards in this Set

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Kinsey Continuum
Sexual orientation is at opposite poles of a continuum
Two dimensional model of sexual orientation may hold only for which gender?
Women are more likely to be aroused by both male and female stimuli regardless of orientation according to
Chivers and Bailey
Bisexuals make up
1-4% of the population
A life threatening condition characterized by high blood pressure that may afflict women late during the 2nd stage of pregnancy
What are Toxemia's two stages?
Preeclempsia, Eclampsia can lead to maternal or fetal death, often premature births.
When the fertilized ovum implants itself someplace other than the uterus (often the fallopian tube). Common among older women.
Ectopic Pregnancy
This occurs when a woman who is Rh negative is carrying an Rh positive fetus.
Rh incompatibility
A powerful estrogen given to women from the 40-50s who were at risk for miscarriage.Supected of causing cervical and testicular caner in some children
High doses of vitamins consumed while pregnant
can lead to birth defects
40% of children whose mothers drank heavily develop
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Postpartum Depression
Begins wi/in 4 weeks after delivery for 1 in 5-10 women. Caused by both biological and psychological factors.
It is recommended that women breast feed for at least
One Year
Hormone that stimulates production of milk
Reddish vaginal discharge experienced for close to a month after delivery
Key advocate for birth control was
Margaret Sanger
Another name for the "withdrawal" method
Coitus Interruptus
A powerful opponent of contraception who passed a federal law that prohibited the dissemination of birth control info through the mail
Anthony Comstock
Case that legalized abortion in 1973
Roe v. Wade
Morning after pills are most effective
72 hours after ovulation
Failure rate of spermicide
Basal Body Temperature Method
Method of Contraception where a woman tracks her body temp upon awakening to detect small changes before and after ovulation.
Cervical Mucus Ovulation Method
Tracks changes in the viscosity of the cervical mucus. Coitus should be avoided in first sight of any mucus
What year was homosexuality no longer considered abnormal or mental illness.
How much of the US do not consider themselves “completely heterosexual.”
Same Sex Activity= Death until the
US said that all homosexual acts were illegal until
How many states prohibit gay marriage?
Which two states don't allow homosexual couples to adopt children
Florida and Arkansas
Most information on paraphilias come from
Clinical and Incarcerated samples
What is the character profile for paraphiliacs?
There is none, although most seem to be men.
Theory that paraphilia is due to a crises at one of the developmental stages
Psychoanalytic/Developmental Theory
When an object/body part is needed for arousal and is primary focus of sexual activity
Find opposite sex dress arousing,
Transvestism is most common among
heterosexual men
These seek each other out; one gets pleasure from hurting, the other from being hurt
Sadism and Masochism
What does BDSM stand for?
Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism
Deriving sexual pleasure from obscene phone calls, same psychology as exhibitionists and voyeurs
Study that found that sexual abuse had little if any effect
Meta Analysis of 59 studies, Rind, Tromovitch, Bauserman (1998). Eventually condemned as "poor science" despite actually being very well put together.
The practice of men rubbing their genitals against women in crowded places against their wishes
Another term for Bestiality
Likes to pretend to be a baby
Like enemas
masturbation, oral sex and sex outside of marriage was considered "perversion" until
Sexual Revolution of the 1960's