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94 Cards in this Set

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when is pregnancy established ?
pregnancy is established when the conceptus implants into the uterine wall and secretes hCG
hCG/human chrionic gonadotropin
and what does it mean?
gonadotropin secreted by the conceptus and placenta; its presence in a woman's blood or urine is a sign of pregnancy
list some signs of pregnancy
missed periods, breast tenderness, fatigue, morning sickness, and maintaining a higher temperature instead of it falling at the luteal phase
name the 3 types of pregnancy tests
1) radiommunoassay
2) usual lab tests
3) home pregnancy kit
how does radiommunoassay work
it is a technique for measuring low concentrations of a compound by determining its ability to compete with a radioactively labeled version of the same compound for binding to an antibody. it can detect hCG almost immediately after implantation.
very pricey.
how do usual lab test for pregnancy work?
they use enzyme linked antibodies. 98% detection rate at time of missed period.
how do home pregnancy tests work?
also use enzyme linked antibodies, like the usual lab tests. they have a high rate of false positives.
imagining procedure that depends on the reflection of ultra sonic waves from density boundaries within the body. it can give definitive pregnancy confirmation at 5-6 weeks.
typic healthy young couple fucking unprotected regularly has __% chance of conceiving in first mos.
difficulty establishing pregnancy after 12 mos. of unprotected sex. w/0 pregnancy, couple is subfertile
____ of coitus is the most important variable for getting pregnant.
how long is the ovum viable for becoming a conceptus?
about 24 hours
there is a __% success rate of pregnancy on the day of ovulation.
T or F
Pregnancy can also result from coitus up to 6 days prior to ovulation b/c sperm can live in the F reproductive track
F, only 5 days
list 4 ways to track your ovulation time:
1) total cycle length-14 days
2) bbt-basal body temp.
3) consistency of cervical mucus
4) leutenizing hormone
basal body temp and how to track it/what its variances mean
basal body temp--body temp measured in morning before getting out of bed--woman's BBT is low during follicular phase, dips for ovulation, then rises for the luteal phase. So she has to track for several cycles to know exactly when to fuck. the temp. peaking for the luteal phase is the most apparent change, but that is once the ovum is not legit.
total cycle length - ___ days= interval from beginning of menstruation to next ovulation
how can the consistency of the cervical mucus tell you when to fuck?
and define cervical mucus.
cervical mucus--mucus secreted by glands in cervix whose consistency varies around the menstrual cycle.--when it is slippery and clear, for about 2 days, it is the best time for conceiving coitus
lutenizing hormones and their relationship to pregnancy
lutenizing hormone--1 of 2 major gonadotropins, secreted by the pituaitary gland, LH regulates the fucntion of the gonads in both sexes--it surges 36 hours prior to ovulation. there are home test kits to detect LH that allow for 90% correct ovulation detection/LH relationship.
list some ways to facilitate pregnancy w/o worrying about timing.
24-48 hours btwn man's ejaculations, man on top position, not douching before sex, and woman laying on her back with knees raised for 1/2 hour after coitus. all improve chances of conception.
total inability to achieve prgnancy
__% of couples seek medical help with concpetion
most common group of conditions affecting fertility concern is ______________________________
insufficient/low quality sperm
T or F
women are more likely to be the cause of infertility
F, men and women are equally likely to be the cause of infertility
what is the most common test done on sperm and what is the best indicator of fertility?
most common and easiest is sperm counts, but sperm morphology is the best indicator of infertility
3 sperm qualities assoc. with fertility:
morphology, motility, and sperm count
what can cause permanent infertility in men?
undescended testicles, sex chromosome anomalies, infections, chemotherapy
environmental toxins ___ sperm counts temporarily
artificial insemination
assisted reproduction technique in which man stores sperm over several ejaculations which are frozen then all are inserted into vag at once
artifical insemination by the husband
in vitro fertilization (IVF)
in petri dish--any of a variety of assisted reproduction techniques in which fertilization takes place outside the body
what is the standard IVF procedure?
when a batch of follicles is mature, up to 24 oocytes are harvested and inseminated with sperm in petri dish, incubated, and re-implanted in uterus
T or F
sperm counts are significantly declining due to pesticides
zonal drilling
hole drilled through the zona pellucida of an ovum to facilitate ferilization
subzonal insemination
sperm are injected into the space btwn zona pellucida and plasma membrane of an ovum to facilitate fertilization
ICSI or intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
an assisted reproduction technique in which a single sperm is injected into the cytoplasm of an ovum. very successful and wide spread
preimplantation genetic screening
testing of IVF embryos for genetic defects prior to implantation
generally _ (number) embroys are inserted at once
_/_ (fraction) of IVF attempts fail
what happens to surplus embryos ?
they are frozen and can be used later on or for stem cell research
embryonic stem cell
a pluripotent cell found in the inner cell mass of the blastocyst
gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
assited reproduction technique (ART) in which oocytes and sperm are placed together in a woman's oviducts without prior in vitro fertilization
risk of ART babies:
2-3x more likelyto be premature, have low birth weights, and infant mortality
artifical insemination-AID-
sperm from 3rd party are placedi n a woman's vag
second most common group of conditions affection fertility is __________________
abnormalities of the F reproductive tract
pelvic inflamatory disease
an infection of the F reproductive tract, often caused by sexually transmitted organisms. interferes with fertilization
endometriosis and how does it affect fertility/how can someone with it have babies
growth of endometrial tissue in abnormal locations. IVF can place embryos directly into uterus, avoiding the oviducts
primary amenorrhea
failure to commence menstruation at puberty
secondary amenorrhea
absence of menstruation in a woman who previously did normally
an estrogen receptor antagonist used to treat infertility caused by failure to ovulate
used to treat women with infertility caused by failure to ovulate
oocyte donors can be used through ____
gestational surrogacy
assisted reproduction techniuqe in which a surrogate mother is implanted with another woman's oocytes
what is downs caused by?
an absence of chromosome 21
chances of downs is more likely to occur with older _____ (mom/dad)
_____ (maternal/paternal) age increases risk of dwarfism, prostate cancer, schitzo. but still these are unlikely.
transition to infertility for women which lasts to up to 10 ten years and climaxes with menopause
__% of all human embryos are genetically abnormal and don't end in successful child. majority of these are lost in development
Rh (rhesus factor)
an antigen on the surface of red blood cells that when present in a fetus but not in the mother may trigger an immune response by the mother resulting in fetal erythroblastosis (anemia)
ectopci pregnancy
implantation and pregnancy of any site other than uterus. cannot survive.
pregnancy like symptoms in male partners of pregnant women
vaguely delineated period of psychosexual and social maturation that accompanies and follows puberty.
sexual activities start earlier among children of ___________ and later among _____ or ___________ youths
lower socioeconomic levels
religious or high intelligence
serial monogamy
engagement in series of monogamous relationships
list some factors that have greatly increased and diversified sexual activities in youth
intro of birth control
legalization of abortion
effective treatments for some STDs
change of social norms
list some factors that limit the trend of promiscuity
Christian abstinence groups, pregnancy, and STDs
teen pregnancy rates have been steadily ______ (increasing or decreasing) over the past 15 years
T or F
companionate marriage makes the availability of a divorce a necessity. it goes from a status symbol to a contractual agreement
prenuptial agreements
contract signed before marriage spelling out the disproportion of wealth in the event of a divorce
postnuptial agreement
financial agreement made btwn spouses about distribution of wealth in event of a divorce
covenant marriage
marriage that requires stronger vow of commitment and makes a divorce harder to obtain
colloquial term for $ compensation to one parner of a terminated cohabitation
mut'a or siqeh
temporary marriage for shi'ite muslims
cohabitiation implies _____ (existence or lack) of financial obligations upon break up
married women have less sex, fewer orgasms, and fewer adventuresome experiences and are ____ (more, less, or equally) emotionally and physically satisfied
btwn ages of 45 and 59 men become ____ emotionally satisfied with partners and women _____ satisfied
__% percent of marriages end in divorce
T or F
early years of marriage are more likely to have break ups
T or F
marrying at an older age makes marriage more likely to result in divorce
Asian American couples are the _____ (most or least) likely to divorce
African American couples are ____ (most likely to divorce or equal with other ethnicities excluding asians)
college edu. ____ (increases or decreases) marital stability
partners having a different race or religion or a significant age difference greatly ____ (increases or decreases) chance of break up
virgins upon marriage have ____ (shorter or longer) marriages
transition to infertility at the end of a woman's reproductive life which constitutes several years culminating in menopaus
list some of menopause's sexual effects
thinning of vaginal walls, causing dyspareunia
vaginitus (inflammation of vagina)
reduction of breast size
reduction of lubrication
decrease of sexual desire
painful coitus
nonsexual effects of menopause
hot flashes
night sweats
head aches
heart palpitations
reduction of estrogen levels
change in blood lipid chemistry
MHT menopausal hormone therapy
use of hormones to treat symptoms of menopause. use estrogens and progestins
postmenopausal hormone therapy and the results
hormone treatment extending for a long period after menopause
using only estrogen therapy it protects against osteoporosis and breast cancer but increases risk of stroke and dimensia
when using estrogen and androgen therapy there was protection from osteoporosis but increased risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and dementia
estrogen like compounds of plant origins that decrease hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms
gradual decline of fertility and sexual interest/capability in men
physiological changes in old men
slow erection response time to tactile and mental stimulation
erectile dysfunction
less ejaculation in volume and force
refractory period increases
erection more rapidly lost
physiological changes in old women
smaller vagina with thinner walls
decreased lube
fewer contractions during orgasm
rapid decrease in arousal post-orgasm