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69 Cards in this Set

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ad infinitum (v)

Your one year membership may be renewed ad infinitum.

Definition: again and again in the same way
Synonyms: forever, endlessly

Antonyms: ceasing, ending

Definition: again and again in the same way

Synonyms: forever, endlessly

Antonyms: ceasing, ending

concede (v)

He conceded that he was, in fact, wrong.

Definition: to acknowledge as true, just, or proper
Synonyms: admit, accept

Antonyms: contest, deny

Definition: to acknowledge as true, just, or proper

Synonyms: admit, accept

Antonyms: contest, deny

perverse (adj)

The perverse man lead a rather strange life, never adhering to the rules of society.

Definition: willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired
Synonyms: contradictory, wicked
Antonyms: agreeable, normal

Definition: willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired

Synonyms: contradictory, wicked

Antonyms: agreeable, normal

sordid (adj)

The sordid Hitler brutally ended the lives of millions of Jews in the world's most awful genocide.

Definition: morally ignoble or base

Synonyms: vile, evil

Antonyms: reputable, clean

Definition: morally ignoble or base

Synonyms: vile, evil

Antonyms: reputable, clean

apportion (v)

The U.S. government apportions the power in the House of Representatives according to the population of each state.

Definition: to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional  distribution
Synonyms: allocate, allot

Antonyms: withhold, monopolize

Definition: to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution

Synonyms: allocate, allot

Antonyms: withhold, monopolize

congenial (adj)

As the evening continued and the wine took hold, once intense, hostile conversation relaxed to a more congenial level.

Definition: agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character

Synonyms: pleasing, harmonious
Antonyms: unpleasant, unhappy

Definition: agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character

Synonyms: pleasing, harmonious

Antonyms: unpleasant, unhappy

prelude (n)

The teacher's remark was simply a prelude to a lecture.

Definition: a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and  higher importance.
Synonyms: introduction, foreword
Antonyms: epilogue, conclusion

Definition: a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance.

Synonyms: introduction, foreword

Antonyms: epilogue, conclusion

untenable (adj)

The assertion that murder is necessary is good is simply untenable.

Definition: incapable of being defended, as an argument,thesis, etc.
Synonyms: indefensible, unsupported
Antonyms: defensible, justifiable

Definition: incapable of being defended, as an argument,thesis, etc.

Synonyms: indefensible, unsupported

Antonyms: defensible, justifiable

bona fide (adj)

The bona fide statement is sure to put the criminal behind bars.

Definition: made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud
Synonyms: honest, genuine
Antonyms: false, unauthentic

Definition: made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud

Synonyms: honest, genuine

Antonyms: false, unauthentic

lofty (n)

The lofty mountains extended well into the clouds.

Definition: extending high in the air; of imposing height
Synonyms: towering, tall
Antonyms: short, modest

Definition: extending high in the air; of imposing height

Synonyms: towering, tall

Antonyms: short, modest

rancid (adj)

The rancid boys' locker room assaulted the nostrils of everyone within a fifty mile radius.

Definition:having a rank, unpleasant, stale smell or taste, as through decomposition, especially of fats or oils
Synonyms: musty, putrid
Antonyms: fresh, perfumed

Definition:having a rank, unpleasant, stale smell or taste, as through decomposition, especially of fats or oils

Synonyms: musty, putrid

Antonyms: fresh, perfumed

versatile (adj)

The versatile athlete could play any position in any sport.

Definition: capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to anotherof various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.
Synonyms: multipurpose, multi talented
Antonyms: incapable, untalented

Definition: capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to anotherof various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.

Synonyms: multipurpose, multi talented

Antonyms: incapable, untalented

buoyant (adj)

Life jackets are composed of very buoyant materials and therefore allow their wearers to float in water.

Definition: tending to float in a fluid
Synonyms: unsinkable, airy
Antonyms: heavy, dense

Definition: tending to float in a fluid

Synonyms: unsinkable, airy

Antonyms: heavy, dense

migration (n)

The migration of several bird species occurs twice a year as they fly south for the winter and north for the summer.

Definition: the act of going from one country, region, or placeto another.
Synonyms: travel, exodus
Antonyms: idleness, inaction

Definition: the act of going from one country, region, or placeto another.

Synonyms: travel, exodus

Antonyms: idleness, inaction

rustic (adj)

The log cabin had a very rustic feel.

Definition: of, relating to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities
Synonyms: rural, countrified
Antonyms: urban, suburban

Definition: of, relating to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities

Synonyms: rural, countrified

Antonyms: urban, suburban

vindicate (v)

The judge vindicated the criminal's actions.

Definition: to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like
Synonyms: absolve, acquit
Antonyms: convict, charge

Definition: to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like

Synonyms: absolve, acquit

Antonyms: convict, charge

clique (n)

Each member of the clique shared an eternal, unbreakable bond with one another.

Definition: a small, exclusive group of people
Synonyms: clan, posse
Antonyms: individuals, enemies

Definition: a small, exclusive group of people

Synonyms: clan, posse

Antonyms: individuals, enemies

perceive (v)

Upon first glance he perceived the young men as delinquents.

Definition: to become aware of, know, or identify by means of thesenses
Synonyms: discern, identify
Antonyms: disregard, ignore

Definition: to become aware of, know, or identify by means of thesenses

Synonyms: discern, identify

Antonyms: disregard, ignore

sever (v)

He severed the rope into multiple strands of twine.

Definition: to separate (a part) from the whole, as by cutting or the like.
Synonyms: split, seperate

Antonyms: attach, mend

Definition: to separate (a part) from the whole, as by cutting or the like.

Synonyms: split, seperate

Antonyms: attach, mend

wane (v)

The dying man's strength exponentially waned in his last month of life.

Definition: to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.
Synonyms: dim, dwindle
Antonyms: brighten, grow

Definition: to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.

Synonyms: dim, dwindle

Antonyms: brighten, grow


An adipocyte is a cell specialized in the synthesis and storage of fat.

Definition: fat

Definition: fat


Aeronautics focuses on the science and practice of travelling through the air.

Definition: air, atmosphere

Definition: air, atmosphere


Coffered ceilings are only present for aesthetic purposes.

Definition: feeling, sensation

Definition: feeling, sensation


Agrarian economies revolve around the practice of agriculture.

Definition: field

Definition: field


Agriculture is the science or practice of farming.

Definition: field

Definition: field


The albino monkey was completely white except for his red eyes.

Definition: dull white

Definition: dull white

amor-am-, amat-

She smartly rejected his amorous advances.

Definition: love, loved

Definition: love, loved



annex (v.)

The ruthless dictator annexed all surrounding nations to his.


to attach, append, or add, especially to something larger or more important.

Definition: to attach, append, or add, especially to something larger or more important.

Synonyms: attach, connect

Antonyms: detach, seperate

devitalize (v.)

She was devitalized by the disease.

Definition: to deprive of vitality or vital properties; make lifeless

Definition: to deprive of vitality or vital properties; make lifeless

Synonyms: kill, deaden

Antonyms: animate, energize

improvise (v.)

After forgetting the notes, the musician improvised for the rest of the performance.


to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation

Definition: to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation

Synonyms: ad-lib, devise

Antonyms: design, plan

precipitous (adj.)

The precipitous mountain seemed nontraversable.


extremely or impassably steep

Definition: extremely or impassably steep

Synonyms: arduous, sharp

Antonyms: gradual, level

cleave (v.)

The frightened child cleaved to his father for safety.


to adhere closely

Definition: to adhere closely

Synonyms: connect, cling to

Antonyms: sever, let go

embroil (v.)

The child immediately became embroiled in the nasty divorce.


to bring into discord or conflict; involve in contention or strife

Definition: to bring into discord or conflict; involve in contention or strife

Synonyms: entangle, involve

Antonyms: exclude, remove

incite (v.)

The victim's father incited a riot against police brutality.


to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action

Definition: to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action

Synonyms: agitate, arouse

Antonyms: calm, deter

profuse (adj.)

Beyond nervous, the speaker began to profusely sweat.


spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess

Definition: spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess

Synonyms: excessive, abounding

Antonyms: sparse, lacking

cordial (adj.)

Upon his arrival, the leader was greeted with a cordial reception.


courteous and gracious

Definition: courteous and gracious

Synonyms: congenial, cheerful

Antonyms: disagreeable, insincere

exonerate (v.)

The judge exonerated the innocent man of all accusations.


to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame

Definition: to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame

Synonyms: absolve, acquit

Antonyms: blame, condemn

influx (n.)

The recent influx of immigrants in Europe has lead to exponential population increase in certain countries.


act of flowing in

Definition: act of flowing in

Synonyms: inflow, incursion

Antonyms: retreat, departure

reconcile (v.)

The couple was reconciled after three years of separation.


Definition: restore friendly relations between

Synonyms: rectify, reunite

Antonyms: agitate, fight

cornerstone (n.)

Freedom was the cornerstone of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Definition: an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based

Synonyms: foundation, mainstay

Antonyms: interior, insignificant aspect

glib (adj.)

The glib speaker, contrary to what he caused the audience to believe, knew absolutely nothing about global warming.

Definition: fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow

Synonyms: loquacious, smooth-talking

Antonyms: inarticulate, sincere

pallor (n.)

The pallor of the girl was a clear indicator of her illness.

Definition: unusual or extreme paleness, as from fear, ill health, or death

Synonyms: colorlessness, wanness

Antonyms: color, liveliness

shackle (n.)

The shackles kept the captive from moving at all.

Definition: a ring or other fastening, as of iron, for securing the wrist, ankle, etc.

Synonyms: handcuff, chains

Antonyms: key, bracelet

debacle (n.)

The war resulted in the debacle of the USSR.

Definition: a sudden and ignominious failure

Synonyms: failure, downfall

Antonyms: success, accomplishment

haphazard (adj.)

The haphazard wires were tangled beyond repair.

Definition: lacking any obvious principle of organization

Synonyms: unorganized, arbitrary

Antonyms: Organized, neat

pedigree (n.)

The pedigree revealed that the girl, much to her surprise, was a descendant of Shakesphere.

Definition: the recorded ancestry, especially upper-class ancestry, of a person or family

Synonyms: family tree, ancestry

Antonyms: something that doesn't show ancestry

threadbare (adj.)

The threadbare sock was ridden with numerous holes and was simply unwearable.

Definition: becoming thin and tattered with age

Synonyms: ratty, shabby

Antonyms: unworn, new

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abase (v.)

The employees abased themselves in front of the company's entire board.

Definition: behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade 
Synonyms: humiliate, belittle
Antonyms: complement, elevate

Definition: behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade

Synonyms: humiliate, belittle

Antonyms: complement, elevate

combatant (n.)

The faithful combatant did all he could throughout the war to ensure a victory for his nation.

Definition: a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war
Synonyms: fighter, soldier
Antonyms: ally, friend

Definition: a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war

Synonyms: fighter, soldier

Antonyms: ally, friend

impenitent (adj.)

The impertinent driver never hesitated to cut others off.

Definition: not showing proper respect
Synonyms: insolent, impolite
Antonyms: kind, mannered

Definition: not showing proper respect

Synonyms: insolent, impolite

Antonyms: kind, mannered

probe (v.)

Definition: physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument
Synonyms: exam, explore
Antonyms: ignore, overlook

Definition: physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument

Synonyms: exam, explore

Antonyms: ignore, overlook

actuate (v.)

The crowd was actuated by years of oppression.

Definition: cause (someone) to act in a particular way
Synonyms: motivate, arouse
Antonyms: calm, deaden

Definition: cause (someone) to act in a particular way

Synonyms: motivate, arouse

Antonyms: calm, deaden

dormant (adj.)

The dormant volcano has not erupted for centuries.

Definition: having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time
Synonyms: comatose, inoperative
Antonyms: active, alert

Definition: having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time

Synonyms: comatose, inoperative

Antonyms: active, alert

knave (n.)

The knave could never be trusted to tell the truth.

Definition: a dishonest or unscrupulous man
Synonyms: fraud, miscreant
Antonyms: honest person, moral person

Definition: a dishonest or unscrupulous man

Synonyms: fraud, miscreant

Antonyms: honest person, moral person

protract (v.)

The passionate student, much to his classmates' dismay, protracted the presentation for as long as possible.

Definition: to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of
Synonyms: prolong, lengthen
Antonyms: advance, complete

Definition: to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of

Synonyms: prolong, lengthen

Antonyms: advance, complete

avert (v.)

The child immediately averted his eyes from the site of the violent accident.

Definition: turn away (one's eyes or thoughts)
Synonyms: avoid, deter
Antonyms: aid, look at

Definition: turn away (one's eyes or thoughts)

Synonyms: avoid, deter

Antonyms: aid, look at

dubious (adj.)

The dubious man was reluctant to try home remedies.

Definition: hesitating or doubting  
Synonyms: hesitant, reluctant
Antonyms: certain, indubious

Definition: hesitating or doubting

Synonyms: hesitant, reluctant

Antonyms: certain, indubious

legion (n.)

A legion of Muslims filled the city of Mecca.

Definition: a vast host, multitude, or number of people or things
Synonyms: host, mass
Antonyms: few, small group

Definition: a vast host, multitude, or number of people or things

Synonyms: host, mass

Antonyms: few, small group

quarry (n.)

The police tirelessly pursued their quarry.

Definition: a thing or person that is chased or sought
Synonyms: aim, objective
Antonyms: unimportant person, person of little interest

Definition: a thing or person that is chased or sought

Synonyms: aim, objective

Antonyms: unimportant person, person of little interest

boorish (adj.)

The boorish Kanye West did not hesitate to walk on stage and steal the microphone from Taylor Swift to speak his mind.

Definition: rough and bad-mannered
Synonyms: barbaric, churlish
Antonyms: delicate, kind

Definition: rough and bad-mannered

Synonyms: barbaric, churlish

Antonyms: delicate, kind

harangue (n.)

The harangue kept members of the Senate in their seats for hours as the speaker went on and on, criticizing their political philosophies.

Definition: a lengthy and aggressive speech
Synonyms: diatribe, discourse
Antonyms: brief speech, comment

Definition: a lengthy and aggressive speech

Synonyms: diatribe, discourse

Antonyms: brief speech, comment

liberality (n.)

Many people have developed a liberality towards LGBT rights over the past decade.

Definition: the quality of being open to new ideas and free from prejudice
Synonyms: open-mindedness, benevolence
Antonyms: malevolence, close-mindedness

Definition: the quality of being open to new ideas and free from prejudice

Synonyms: open-mindedness, benevolence

Antonyms: malevolence, close-mindedness

spurn (v.)

The proud father quickly spurned his son's offer to assist him financially.

Definition: reject with disdain or contempt
Synonyms: reject, scorn
Antonyms: accept, allow

Definition: reject with disdain or contempt

Synonyms: reject, scorn

Antonyms: accept, allow

brunt (n.)

According to the pie chart, the music education department would bear the brunt of budget cuts.

Definition: the worst part or chief impact of a specified thing
Synonyms: burden, impact
Antonyms: ease, peace

Definition: the worst part or chief impact of a specified thing

Synonyms: burden, impact

Antonyms: ease, peace

harry (v.)

The United States and its allies harry Syria with innumerous airstrikes.

Definition: persistently carry out attacks on
Synonyms: attack, assault
Antonyms: aid, appease

Definition: persistently carry out attacks on

Synonyms: attack, assault

Antonyms: aid, appease

plaintiff (n.)

The plaintiff accused the defendant of vandalism.

Definition: a person who brings a case against another in a court of law
Synonyms: accuser, claimant
Antonyms: defendant, offender

Definition: a person who brings a case against another in a court of law

Synonyms: accuser, claimant

Antonyms: defendant, offender

subterfuge (n.)

The propagandist Nazis recruited millions of followers through subterfuge and fear.

Definition: deceit used in order to achieve one's goal
Synonyms: trickery, deception
Antonyms: fairness, honesty

Definition: deceit used in order to achieve one's goal

Synonyms: trickery, deception

Antonyms: fairness, honesty